In a recent interview with the Guardian, Philip Pullman comments on the use of CGI as a possible reason for the failures of many film adaptions of fantasy books.
“We don’t believe it any more.” He said. “Or we know that it’s only computers.”
He also addressed the ever present question: Will there ever be a Subtle Knife movie?
“They would have to recast [Lyra]. It’s lost really. It’s gone.”
Maybe one day a movie executive will stumble upon His Dark Materials again and they might have the chance to re-imagine it in a way that will please the sraffies worldwide, as well as Pullman himself. However, Pullman said that it would have to be an antirely different film.
“I would rather it was made in someone’s shed with tin cans and bits of rope. I think it would be more involving – to be made for about 10 quid, rather than $200m.”
So, anyone have any tin cans or rope lying about?
He’s *still* coming up with new explanations for the film’s failure!
Not sure about a garden shed, I still hold out hope that Miyazaki will pick up the trilogy.
Maybe Philip Pullman should contact him!
I still can;t belieive that they cut such z great movie! It had a wonderful reviews in Europe and Dakota, Daniel, Nicole and Eva were so good!
Dumbledad: there’s a thread about just that on our forum here.
Just read the article, and I take back my previous comment – I don’t see Pullman “blaming the use of CGI for The Golden Compass’ less than stellar profits.”
I can appreciate PP’s sentiment…New Line was clearly obsessed with production values on TGC…but I think the issue is somewhat more fundamental. The movie lacked emotional resonance, and that comes straight out of the script. There’s a saying: garbage in garbage out. If you don’t start out with something strong, you’ll be crippled no matter what you do with it.
TGC’s problems were compounded by further dilution and weakening in the editing process. Surprisingly, people are interested in interesting things. Something Bob Shaye didn’t learn in time to save his job.
I still maintain it should have been made as a BBC series on a Doctor Who scale budget.
Perhaps PP wanted Oliver Postgate to make it. Too late, Philip, too late!
I think it’s kinda funny cause if you look back, Pullman has giving it his full backing and support and every turn durring the making. I mean of course he’s not gonna say BAD things about it… but ya know…It’ll get redone, but probably not till like, an anniversary or something lol
Pullman knows better than that. The CGI didn’t kill the project. The ideology did. The general public just wasn’t prepared to take the content of full trilogy, and the boicot was imminent. Bear in mind that the literary public is just a small subset of the cinema public.
On the other hand, although I acknowledge that Weitz did a very decent work, he didn’t have the caliber of Stoppard, and The Golden Compass was nothing extraordinary as compared to other contemporary fantasy movies. Except for the HDM fans,I doubt many people remember it by now.
I know many people blame the failure of The Golden Compass to the editing of the ending, but that was obviously done because the movie had to stand as a single one. The decision of not completing the trilogy was practically decided by then, not because of financial, but because of ideology reasons.
Grumman, I don’t believe for a moment it failed or others weren’t commissioned because of its ideology. Hollywood makes any given film because it thinks it’ll make money.
I like Peter’s idea about the Doctor Who style BBC series.
Kinders: When ideology upsets a significant fraction of the public or the shareholders, it does become an issue.
Grumman – I’m not convinced. The Da Vinci Code and its sequel were adapted and the second sequel is on its way. These, alongside the Harry Potter films, are arguably the films most loudly decried by the Catholic Church as blasphemous and dangerous. The difference between these films and The Golden Compass is that they made money.
The only reason Hollywood decision makers care whether their films upset anyone is if it’s likely to hurt their income. In this case they made the mistake of thinking their audience was more likely to be upset by including potentially controversial elements than by omitting them.
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The reason the film was “not a success” and why they will not make another one is not due to the CGI or the ideology, it was due to the poor execution of the film. Despite this being a book for young adults they made it a movie for children, it is not called His Dark Materials for nothing. With a much more adult and darker setting the film could have been alot more interesting and sucessful. It is a pity that they havent made a sequel but to be honest it needs a complete reimagining.
I still don’t think that they should give up on the Trilogy. I thought that The Golden Compass was great. My family and I were watching it and were getting really into it and looking foward to see what happens next. I was extremely disappointed to find out they were most likely not finishing it because of, so called, “Lack of Popularity”. First of all, When did that ever make a difference in Hollywood. Secondly, I didn’t do that well in theaters, because nobody wants to pay an arm and a leg to go see movies, nowadays. Thirdly, just because u have to recast a role doesn’t mean that all is lost. And, lastly, What about the large amount of people who really liked it and wanna see more? Does our opinion mean anything? At all?
Peter Jackson, would be my pick! Anyone who can translate Tolkien into film the way he has, would get my vote for the Dark Materials trilogy. Are you listening Peter?
I liked the movie. But the ending was terrible. I was like WTF!? Because I read the books. They could have made the movie longer. Secondly, in they second movie they were kinda starting it off at the end of the first book. But overall, the actors were fine and stuff i give it 4/5
The Golden Compass was an enjoyable movie. However, it failed because it left out key elements from the books, changed some things, and the ending was butchered. When this happened, the fans of the books became mad and didn’t return to see it again and again like they would have if it was longer and stuck closer to the book. Unfortunately, it was Disneyfied, and the general public was unable to catch on to the deeper aspects of the story. I hope that one day it is done right.
I sincerely believe the reason the movie flopped is because the message of the books were totally removed. Others have claimed that Harry Potter survived boycotts and attacks by the Catholic Church and other religious groups, but Potter didn’t DIRECTLY attack the church, it’s corruption, and it’s suppression of science. Pullman did all of this in his books. Several times, my jaw hit the floor from surprise and delight when reading His Dark Materials.
No doubt the symbolism in his books was picked up on by the screenplay writers. To avoid the almost sure controversy, they decided to cave. They killed the story and were boycotted anyway. They should have made the movie follow the story and consequences be damned! The safe route not only killed future prospects but didn’t allow Pullman to get his message across.
Well here is my humble opinion. I enjoyed the movie, have purchased the DVD and just bought the two disc Blu Ray. I was very dissapointed that the second and third books have not been made into movies as of yet. I understand the argument about the religious philosphy being attacked and filmmakers did not want to offend the church. However, with the crap movies Hollywood puts out quite often I would think they would at least consider this “best selling trilogy” worth their effort. I just read on another site that this movie only made $70 million domestically and cost $180 to make, yet it has made $300 worldwide with its best showing in, of all places, Italy!
One comment above was “it’s a fantasy”, that is true so treat as such…fantasy and reality, although similar in some aspects, they are still separate. I thought the actors in the movie were very good. For a first time actress Dakota Blue Richards pulled off the part of Lyra very convincingly. As with all books to movie conversions compromises MUST be made. As far as the editing was concerned I think it was done very well.
If consideration is ever made to make the sequels the cast will definitely have to be re-cast. All of the actors who made The Golden Compass will now be too old to play their parts in The Subtle Knife and The Amber Spyglass. Hopefully the powers to be will think about this and make the sequels at the same time or back to back as in TLOTR and HP series. This way they will have the same cast, crew and locations and set pieces saving on the production costs. I do hope they get a stronger director. I watched the special features on the GC blu ray and Wietz, although claiming to be a huge fan of the books, seemed wishy washy. First being the “bottom of the barrel” pick for director, accepting the spot, then dropping out, then coming back in. Just didn’t seem like he was the one to have taken on such a responsibility, and at times in his interviews he wasn’t sure himself! All in all I enjoyed the movie, wish they would have made the sequels earlier. Stick it to the church!! All they want is control and looks like they got it…for now anyway.
the golden compass was a good movie, but the subtle knife would have been fantastic. i like the bbc idea, but a movie would have been much better. i saw a clip on youtube and was wondering wether it was real.
what happened in the clip ‘clockwork’? i might have seen it.
a boy (will) said to lyra “why are you following me?” and she said “to see what you are up to.”
it might be real but I dont know. do you know if is?
it might be. as for CGI, no way was that the reson that the films where not made. it’s not over yet. they could still do another film, even with a difrent lyra, has no one seen james bond? (but i would be much better with the same lyra)
she would br to old.
no, she could have been there for 4 years living on nothing but pans food that he can cach. (and berrys)
thats not a good idea, it would be unrealistic. they cant use a difrent lyra, that would be too werid.
yup, but still IT IS NOT OVER.
YES IT IS!! sad to say but i think it wont be back. sorry
you have given up hope. i have not.
i think the movie should be cnselled because the CGI in the golden compass was rubbish. and i hope they cansell any publishing of further books by pullman he. in the movie they forgot to kill roger and they cannot incorperate will now so they have ruined the storyline
you are mad.
yes,i agree, you have lost it. the movie is the best thing ever
i agreee with compassssamsher he is right about the bad CGI
you cant steel my name, how dare you. look at my pic.
you stole my name and are saying bad things about me. i LOVE the series and you are incredibly rude to say that you are me!
you need to get out more. your fiteing across the net. how sad are you?
do you like cheese? i do.
yes. i love it.
does god exsist? true or false? fact or fiction?
yes, i belive he does as some force had to start evelition.
yes, well are we going to talk about the books?
no, they suck, this is just a cheap chat room.
i do like the books, so you can GO AWAY! this is for the lovers of the compass. not you. if i could block you, i would.
here here. well said.
thank you.