Philip Pullman has been elected as President of the trade union the Society of Authors and will take up his position on August 3rd, succeeding current president P.D. James on her 93rd birthday.

P.D. James © The Society of Authors
James said ‘[N]o one could be better qualified for the task […] the Society of Authors could not be in better hands.’
Pullman said ‘P. D. James has been a magnificent President, whose knowledge and wit and wisdom will be very hard to follow. The Society of Authors has been representing and supporting the work of
writers for a hundred and thirty years, and now that we’re in the middle of one of the greatest
revolutions in printing and publishing and reading there has ever been, the Society’s experience will be needed more than ever. I am both honoured and excited to be taking on the role of President.’

Philip Pullman © The Society of Authors
The Society of Authors was founded in 1884 and represents over 9000 members. The position of President is the Society’s ultimate honour and is currently a lifetime position.