Congratulations to Alice, winner of our BttS December Contest! She correctly answered our contest question…
What name did Iorek Byrnison give Lyra?
The answer was, of course, Silvertongue. We had lots of correct answers but unfortunately only one person can win this prize! Alice wins this delightful print of one of the most memorable covers of The Golden Compass, kindly provided to us by cover artist Eric Rohmann.

Eric Rohmann is an author and illustrator of books for young readers. You can check out more of his work on his website. And if you didn’t win the contest, you can buy this limited edition print for $275.00, plus shipping and handling.
A while ago, we told you about the play adaptation of The Firework Maker’s Daughter on at the Theatre by the Lake in Keswick, Cumbria (UK). The play is on until the 7th of the January so there’s still a while left to go and see it! Let our reviewer, Rosie, help you decide…
“It’s hard to think of a more dramatic setting for drama than the Theatre by
the Lake, surrounded as it is by snow-clad fells reflected in the tranquil
Derwent Water. On a chilly December evening it’s also good to come inside to
find some seasonal warmth, and Stephen Russell’s dramatisation of The Firework-
Maker’s Daughter provides warmth in abundance.
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