An article about nursing homes on Australian site Eureka Street references The Amber Spyglass and the time that Lyra and Will spend in the Land of the Dead.
Life before death
June 1, 2009

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Interviewing Pullman
June 1, 2009
Nick Ahad writes in the Yorkshire Post about his experience interviewing Pullman for the same paper, including a few more comments from Pullman on storytelling: “There are three steps: think of some interesting events, put them in the best order to bring out the connections between them and relate them as clearly as you can.”

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Archbishop of Canterbury: Pullman helps people understand theology
June 1, 2009
Citing Philip Pullman as one of his favourite modern writers, Archbishop of Canterbury Dr Rowan Williams said he liked his work because it took the church “seriously” at a time when theology was “drifting out” of mainstream thought. “[Pullman] takes the Christian myth, or a version of it, seriously enough to want to disagree passionately with it. It’s not just dull or remote, it’s dangerous. You’ve got to tussle with it. It’s still alive.” Dr Williams made the comments after telling the Hay Festival audience that he thought theology had become less relevant to the “intellectual mainstream” since the 19th century. Thanks to Skye.

Pullman interview and comments on a new book in Yorkshire Post
June 1, 2009
The Yorkshire Post features an interview with Philip Pullman, in which he discusses writing His Dark Materials, religious controversy, and his latest work, a retelling of the story of Jesus:
“I’m fascinated by theology. The book I’m writing at the minute is about Jesus. I did a talk at the National Theatre with the Archbishop of Canter-bury, we were talking about the theology in the books and he said: ‘You don’t mention Jesus at all’, so I put him in the next book, The Scarecrow and his Servant. Nobody noticed, so I thought I better make it clearer. … I’m writing about this very interesting character called Jesus, who is very different from the character Paul calls Christ. I’ve been reading the gospels and reading around them. It’s fascinating – and I’ve also realised it can’t all be true.”
Pullman also talks about the stage plays and the movies. “In the fullness of time, if the rights revert to me I shall go over there (he points into his library) and cut out some cardboard figures and make it myself.” Thanks to Skye.

Pullman campaigns for a referendum on proportional representation
May 25, 2009
In a letter to the Observer today, a powerful alliance of public figures including Philip Pullman launched a campaign for a referendum on proportional representation on the same day as the next general election in the UK. They argue that the expenses crisis “reveals a nation governed by a political elite that has stopped listening and who are accountable to no one but their party machines”.

Posted in Philip Pullman
Images from The Golden Compass movie are © New Line Cinema.