New illustrated editions of a chapter from ‘Northern Lights’
Posted on by Aletheia Dolorosa

Philip Pullman writes that one of the chapters from Northern Lights, ‘A Outrance’ (‘Mortal Combat’ in US editions) has been released as an illustrated letterpress book by small publisher Oaktree Fine Press. This is the chapter in which Iorek Byrnison fights Iofur Raknisson for kingship of the armoured bears.

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Posted in Book Editions, The Book Trilogy | 15 Comments

Chris Weitz expresses disappointment with The Golden Compass film
Posted on by Aletheia Dolorosa

In a recent interview in The Telegraph about the upcoming New Moon film, The Golden Compass director Chris Weitz speaks out about studio interference in his adaptation of Philip Pullman’s book.

“All I can say is that with The Golden Compass, I didn’t get to make the movie I had planned to make. When I look at the film, at the casting and certain scenes, I’m very happy. As for the final product, I can’t vouch for that.”

So does he regret making the film? “I wouldn’t have made it had I known how it would pan out, but I learned a lot.” Such as? “For a start, I learned that you have to be in complete agreement about what kind of film you are going to make at the beginning of the process with the studio!” [Source]

Thanks to Skye for this information.

Posted in The Golden Compass movie | 23 Comments

Philip Pullman retells the fairytale ‘Mossycoat’
Posted on by Aletheia Dolorosa

Philip Pullman retold the English Traveller folk tale ‘Mossycoat’.  The retelling was published in The Observer on Sunday, 11 October and can be found here. Thanks to BlackSatinDancer for the tip.

Posted in Philip Pullman | 4 Comments

Pullman: legalise drugs
Posted on by Kinders

Philip Pullman commented in an opinion piece on the legalisation of drugs in The Observer today, saying “Should drugs be legalised? Of course, and as soon as possible. … Legalising drugs would have three huge and immediate benefits: it would cut the link between drugs and crime, and empty the prisons; it would ensure that supplies were pure and reliable and not cut with chalk or worse; and it would provide a vast new source of tax for the Treasury.”

Posted in Interviews, Philip Pullman | 41 Comments

Q and A for ‘The Butterfly Tattoo’ in Cambridge
Posted on by Aletheia Dolorosa

Cambridge film-lovers were the first in Britain to see the film adaptation of Philip Pullman’s novel The Butterfly Tattoo. The screening, which was part of the Cambridge Film Festival, was followed by a question and answer session with director Phil Hawkins and stars Jessica Blake (Jenny), Duncan Stuart (Chris) and Christopher Dane (Fletcher).

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Posted in The Butterfly Tattoo | 1 Comment

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