WBN Giveaway Winners
Posted on by Jaya

Congratulations to the two winners of our World Book Night Giveaway, Klaris and Sherry! Klaris wins a copy of Northern Lights and Sherry wins a copy of The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time. The books will be winging their way to you as soon as possible.

If you entered but didn’t win, then please accept our heartfelt commiserations. Hopefully, we’ll be having more giveaways and contests soon so watch this space.

Posted in Contests, World Book Night | 2 Comments

Giveaway – One Day Left!
Posted on by Jaya

Just a reminder that our World Book Night giveaway ends tomorrow at 11:59pm GMT. If you haven’t entered it yet, there’s still time! We have one copy of Northern Lights and one copy of The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time to give away. For more details and to find out how to enter, see our earlier World Book Night Giveaway newspost. Winners will be announced on Monday.

Posted in Contests, Northern Lights/The Golden Compass | 1 Comment

John Blake film script being written
Posted on by Bethan

Philip Pullman is hard at work adapting his comic The Adventures of John Blake into a film script. The comic, illustrated by John Aggs, was only half-published when the comic anthology it appeared in, the David Fickling Comic (The DFC), fell victim to the recession and had to cease publication.

He told BridgeToTheStars.net, “I’ve been busy turning that into a film script, and I’m now in the middle of the second draft of that. I’m very pleased with John Blake; I hope that Sraffies and others will enjoy it too.”

Posted in Adaptions, David Fickling Comic | 4 Comments

World Book Night Giveaway
Posted on by Jaya

In honour of the first World Book Night (see our previous newspost on it), BridgeToTheStars.net are having a DOUBLE GIVEAWAY.

For His Dark Materials fans
In the spirit of World Book Night, we’re requesting that you take this opportunity to read a book you might not otherwise read. So for sraffies, we’re giving away a World Book Night copy of The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time, by Mark Haddon.

For others
If you’ve not read His Dark Materials, we’d love to introduce you to it! We have a World Book Night copy of Northern Lights to give away.

World Book Night is to promote reading and to spread some literary love. If you win one of these books, please read it and then pass it on to somebody else so they too can be introduced to these two great works of fiction. Every World Book Night book has a unique ID number, so that it can be tracked via BookCrossing, so we hope to follow the books as they are passed from reader to reader.

This giveaway is open to everyone. To enter, simply send an e-mail to contest@bridgetothestars.net with the subject line “World Book Night Giveaway” and your name and the title of the book that you’d like in the e-mail. Good luck!

(Please note: one entry per person, the deadline for entries is 11:59pm GMT on the 12th of March)

WBN Northern Lights WBN Curious Incident
Start these books on their journey!

Posted in Contests, Northern Lights/The Golden Compass, World Book Night | 7 Comments

World Book Night Update
Posted on by Bethan

Tonight is World Book Night, and last night’s even in Trafalgar Square was a rousing success. Philip Pullman was one of many authors, actors and musicians who attended the event. He read out a passage from Northern Lights/The Golden Compass, which co-webmistress Jaya recorded.

In an interview he gave to the BBC, he described the event as a “wonderful idea.”

And good news for Canadian Sraffies! At the event, Margaret Atwood said that she hoped a similar event would be held in Toronto next year, providing there’s enough interest in it.

Posted in Philip Pullman, World Book Night | 2 Comments

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Images from The Golden Compass movie are © New Line Cinema.