Golden Compass Cast ‘Pining’ For Director’s Cut
Posted on by Ian report that members of The Golden Compass cast, including Daniel Craig and Eva Green, are ‘pining’ for an extended version of the movie when it is released on DVD. The article suggests that one aspect that might be looked at more in a director’s cut would be the past relationship between Serafina Pekkala and Farder Coram, whilst also quoting director Chris Weitz’s belief that a select moment of the footage from the previously intended finale of the movie could be added as a ‘taster’. You can read the article in full here.

About Ian

A keen fan of His Dark Materials and Philip Pullman. Assistant to Paul Temple and Sir Graham Forbes.
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10 Responses to Golden Compass Cast ‘Pining’ For Director’s Cut

  1. Penguin_Factory says:

    They’re not the only ones pining. Give us a three-hour long cut so the movie can slow the hell down.

    And include the ending!

  2. Ivan Parslovich says:

    See, I knew that the scene with Farder Corma saving Serafina Pekkala should have been in the film instead of that line about a Lecher…

    Even Serafina herself says so.

  3. Kevin says:

    Just came back from the movie and the ending felt short, quick, and not finished. I seriously hope they put the footage in the DVD version or keep it for the beginning of The Subtle Knife. I was hoping to see the basement scene with Lyra/Roger and the remains of the daemons. I was also hoping to see the daemon shed at Bolvangar. Oh well.

  4. melliu says:

    Hope it’s true and they realase a director’s cut when the dvd comes out! We deserve it! Also a sneak preview of the last scenes would be a magnific present for us.

  5. Odette says:

    Serafina/Coram? Yes, please!

  6. Skye says:

    I agree with Kevin about the basement scene… I don’t think that they ever filmed that, though. I don’t see that going over well with certain people.
    I would -definitely- watch a three-hour-long version of the movie, Penguin_Factory. It was very rushed, although still amazing.

  7. Witch-girl says:

    Give us a four-hour director’s cut, and then we’ll all be quie pleased. But yeah, I would really like to see some action between Serafina Pekkala and Farder Coram, because I was always very interested in their relationship…

    I haven’t seen the movie yet. 🙁 It came out yesterday where I live, and so maybe I might get to see it tomorrow…

  8. LizetM says:

    Yes! Do it DVD people! Oh this is good, it the cast is involved we get a better chance of getting it. 😀

  9. 1A2B3C says:

    I’m really looking forward to the directors cut, because I saw alot of the cut-out scenes in some of the earlier trailers. I actually think that the film could be ALOT longer. Some of the scenes were mixed up, and some didn’t make sense.

  10. Salmairion says:

    I agree with Penguin_Factory and Skye in that I think the film was very good and enjoyable, but a three hour long director’s cut would be so GREAT! I would really like to see the scene with the intercised daemons shed and more scenes with Serafina Pekkala, like the witch’s counsel in Trollesund, for example. I ‘d also like to see her daemon Kaisa. 🙂