BBC Oxford meets Pullman in the Retiring Room
Posted on by jessia


BBC Oxford‘s Martin Eastaugh has shared with us his extended interview with Philip Pullman, conducted in the senior common room of Exeter College, our world’s equivalent to Jordan College’s Retiring Room. “The interview contains some rather nice stuff about the story behind the books, the boycott of the film and some insights into the Oxford locations in the story. There’s also a nice anecdote about when he met JRR Tolkein.” Pullman also shares some possible content for the Book of Dust.

Eastaugh also catches up with Catholic League president Bill Donahue who describes Pullman as a “master storyteller”. Click here to access both interviews. He also links to his exploration of Oxford-His Dark Materials connections and some response from the first to see the movie in Oxford.

About jessia

Jess is a time and a place.
This entry was posted in Book of Dust, Interviews, Philip Pullman, The Book Trilogy, The Golden Compass movie. Bookmark the permalink.

9 Responses to BBC Oxford meets Pullman in the Retiring Room

  1. jessia says:

    donahue’s surprisingly candid… paranoid yes, and this atheism eek bit blah, but surprisingly candid. and he’d buy pullman a pint, it’s so strange when your villains turn out to be nice guys.

    i think i want to go back to oxford and take one of those tours now.

  2. Bloop says:

    Have you ever seen Donahue screaming ? You’d step between him and your family to protect them….

  3. Amy T. says:

    Bloop: When does he scream? Tell me more.

  4. furbaby says:

    God, I hate it when an American claims he’s an Irishman.

  5. Bloop says:

    Amy – look him up youtube. He’s got a bar fighter’s manner about him.

    furbaby – yea, he gives Ireland a bad name.

  6. Ben/Hoobits says:

    Wow, Donahue really tried to come off as an appealing, sensible fellow… did it work? I don’t know. He seemed a bit smug in his eagerness to be diplomatic and modern. Though what are these things to him or any of us? It all varies.

    I certainly wish PP’s interview was a bit longer. I found it quite good. Funny to hear about these tours. When I was there in 2001, my friends and I went around on our own finding many the places, like Sunderland ave. and the bench, and then later that summer when we met Pullman he gave us a homemade map to even more places we had yet to find. It was a good adventure had by all.

  7. jessia says:

    would you be interested in sharing this map ben?

  8. Hope says:

    Bill Donahue please get a life, yes you are entitle to your opinion, but don`t try to tell people they should boycott the film before you have seen it for yourself. The film is good it does not have any issues with religion it is a fantasy film. You can not take your feeling towards Phillip Pullman out on the film, that is wrong and a so called religous man you should know better

  9. bob says:

    RsX1j5 hi great site thx