Author Archives: Ian
The Chronicles of Atheism
December 4, 2007
Evangelical magazine Christianity Today features an interview with Philip Pullman, which while covering a number of similar issues as many other current publications, does in some ways bring a new twist to light, due to the editorial stance of the … Continue reading

Posted in Philip Pullman, Reviews, The Golden Compass movie
The Golden Compass Board Game
December 4, 2007
Bridgetothestars recently got their hands on a copy of the official The Golden Compass board game, made by Sophisticated Games, and Ian Giles and a couple of other willing volunteers offered to try it out. Find out what they thought … Continue reading

Posted in Merchandise, Reviews
BBC Radio 4’s Front Row Reviews The Golden Compass
December 4, 2007
This evening’s episode of Front Row on BBC Radio 4 reviewed The Golden Compass movie, and on the whole was very positive. The reviewers, A.N Wilson and Mark Lawson discussed a number of issues during the piece, including the reaction … Continue reading

Posted in Reviews
Religious Liberalism towards The Golden Compass
December 3, 2007
The current edition of Big Issue Scotland features an article about the religious aspects and impacts of the upcoming Golden Compass movie. However, the article is something of a rarity, covering not the controversy, nor the opponents of the film … Continue reading

Posted in The Golden Compass movie
Win a part in The Subtle Knife Movie
December 3, 2007
The clothing store GAP is offering the chance to one child in the UK, aged between 7 and 13, to win a day on set in the UK during the shooting of The Subtle Knife movie, including a ‘walk on … Continue reading

Posted in The Subtle Knife movie
Images from The Golden Compass movie are © New Line Cinema.