Why Atheism? DVD due for release (updated)
Posted on by Kinders

Update: The National Secular Society has made the educational DVD Why Atheism? (which we reported the release of in December) available to buy exclusively from the NSS shop. The DVD features six films, including an extended interview with Philip Pullman in which “the best-selling novelist and honorary associate of the National Secular Society talks to Michael Rosen about morality, fundamentalism, his atheist heroes and fears for the future of atheism.”

You can find out about the rest of the DVD's contents and buy a copy for yourself here.

About Kinders

Amateur comic strip artist, photographer and musician; wannabe author and film director; actual web 2.0 nerd and social butterfly. I've been visiting Bridge to the Stars and its forum, the Republic of Heaven, on and off since 2003, when I began making a short documentary about the His Dark Materials trilogy.
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16 Responses to Why Atheism? DVD due for release (updated)

  1. Natalia says:

    I'm a little confused… So, what's the DVD actually about?

  2. Kinders says:

    When they took it to schools they blurbed it as "a new education resource aimed at Key Stages 3 – 5, produced to introduce school pupils to 'issues of secular philosophies' … a DVD featuring six films about people who do not believe in God, including an extended interview with Philip Pullman".

  3. Natalia says:

    'Kay, thanks 🙂

  4. The Bard says:

    This ought to be VERY interesting.

  5. tsippie says:

    I'm jewish so i belive in god. i don't belive in god because i'm jewish but because without god, where did the world come from?!

  6. Lauren says:

    yay i'm an atheist so i'm guna luv to see this, we're also in the nss so it shouldn't be a prblem getting it.
    wht actuali happens in the dvd ?

  7. lauren says:

    i don't think the world was made by god
    i think it was scietific particles formed together to create the big bang
    i don't beleive anyone could be so powerful as to create this :wassat:

  8. tsippie says:

    go'd can not be seen, he's better then better, he's not a persone, he's king of kings, without him you can't evem move the top ofyour smallest finger.

  9. martin says:

    Finally, we as a species are beginning to realise that the belief of an all powerful omnipotent presence is not as great as it once was and that allowing our children to question this freely without being condemed for it will only speed up our evolution( it didnt stop at opposable thumbs,people). question everything till u find ur truth! 🙂 :angry: 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

  10. Natalia says:

    Mmmmmmmmm. I'm Catholic; I believe in God, Jesus, and everything else.
    All I can say is, everyone has a right to their own opinion. It's not POSSIBLE for anyone to know for sure, because none of us were alive then. So I like to settle for: The truth is, that there is no real answer.
    This DVD should be good though. ^^

  11. bethan says:

    At last! Something worth spending my money on. I'm an atheist and I find religion very stupid and pointless.
    People become (or are) non-believers for different reasons. It'll be good to listen to different people's reasons and views.

  12. Lauren says:

    Thank you very much bethan. i completely agree. i don't believe some man came from nowhere and created this whatsoever. I am definatley going to buy this dvd.

  13. tsippie says:

    natalia, even if you're cristian and i'm jewish, at least you know that a world can't be made by it's own, and that's good.:wink:
    but bethan and Lauren, the world agsists for 5,676 years, when was the last time you heard a MAN live that long, so that means go'd is not a man.

  14. Kinders says:

    He has to be a piss-take. Please don't anybody respond to him.

  15. The Bard says:

    Well, either a piss take or he/she's 7 years old, and no, I don't think he's joking. Anyway, I'm agnostic, but I don't find the idea of God implausable at all, although I do find the Abrahmic God by way of what "it's" associated with, totally impossible. Although I often find the theory of evolution very unsatisfactory, for example, how did the complexities of the human circulatory system come about? It's impossible that one beneficial mutation could have caused it, because theres so many components and if even one were missing we would not function properly. However, I do think that science offers at least a rudimentary idea of how the world works and is a damn sight better than God, who if he does exist is responsible for everything that is wrong with the world and our lives, so Im going to have to say that even If he did exist, I'd not believe in him just to spite the (insert expletive here)

  16. Tyler says:

    Hello all who have written on this blog. I hope that u will read the next few scentences with care and remember them, because they are the truth, and we all know there is very little truth in this world, and that we must hang on to every piece of the truth that we come across. God was never created or born, he just always was. Hard to believe, but it’t=Truth#1. God sent his son Jesus down to earth to live for a short time with us=Truth#2. Jesus lived as a man and saw our struggles we must endure every day. He knows what it’s like to feel so much pain=Truth#3. God said to Jesus that he must die on the cross for the people he felt sorry for and loved, and for all who resided in the world. So Jesus let the world kill him so that all could be saved=Truth#4. ALL THE EMPTYNESS THAT YOU FEEL IN YOUR LIFE, AND ALL THE UNCERTAINTIES IN YOR LIFE CAN BE MADE CERTAIN…How you might ask. GOD…He’s the only answer. Atheist… yeh this word caught ur eye, simply because u might be atheist, u hate atheist, or you have no idea what an atheist is. For those of you who are atheist, let me ask you a question. Why are u atheist? Is it because ur family is, or some one u look up to is or maybe a group of freakin awesomne people are. Think about that. If any of that is true then that means u didn’t even make the choice to decide for yourself what u believe in. If you want to tlk more I have plenty of time to tell u about my Jesus. I’ll write you back