Pullman on Hawking
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Last February, Philip Pullman attended a lecture given in Oxford by Professor Stephen Hawking on cosmology and our understanding of the origins of the universe. Mr. Pullman was invited to make some remarks after dinner in response, and you can now read his speech online at his website. Read More.

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2 Responses to Pullman on Hawking

  1. Alewyn says:

    Loved the "remarks". Very intriguing.

  2. ... says:

    An excellent speech, and very true, though his line about the "followers of Allah and Yahweh" being too-literal minded and intolerant certainly completely ignores Judaism (worshippers of Yahweh, before it was appropriated by Christianity), as Pullman is wont to do, seeing as Judaism doesn't fit into his model of oppressive religion which doesn't live up to its ideals.