HDM Video-Game Sought
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BridgeToTheStars.net has obtained information that Scholastic Media (publishers and right-holders of His Dark Materials) are actively seeking a licensing deal with a video-game publisher to, “produce console and computer games based on the [HDM] movie and the books.” A representative said they are in the process of finalising a deal with a specific video game publisher, but are unable to divulge their identity at this time. We will continue trying to find out more.

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15 Responses to HDM Video-Game Sought

  1. Alewyn says:

    What do you guys think we would do in the game?

  2. Wytchbabi says:

    I personally am against video games, so i think that this is wrong. but still…i'd play it. :wassat:

  3. Alewyn says:


  4. B says:

    I will kill myself if EA gets the rights…

  5. Energy says:

    Being a game nut, (currently doing games computing at uni) I feel this is a very bad idea. As soon as I read the title I cringed.

    Whichever company takes this over needs to be prepared to put a lot of time into the game to get something at least half descent. I suppose it was just a matter of time after the film rights were sold.

    B your comment made me laugh, and I fully agree. I'd love a solid japanease team to get their hands on this title. I'd love a Panzer Dragoon Saga-esque title to be produced. Maybe one that you can slightly bend the storyline.

    Either way, this is on;y likely to go in one direction. Good luck to which ever team gets this.

  6. kyrabelacqua says:

    Could be good if they do it right.
    Hope it's not like the Harry Potter games, though! And seeing as I'm auditioning for Lyra, it'd be kinda scary to see an animated version of myself! Well, here's hoping…

  7. Ian says:

    Was talking to Gabe about it, and was saying I wanted Lucas Arts to get it, but apparently all the people who worked on Escape From Monkey Island have gone somewhere else…

    C'est la vie.

  8. The Bard says:

    "I personally am against video games, so i think that this is wrong. but still…i'd play it."

    Why in the world would anyone be against an entire form of media? Why are you against Video games and not against television, movies, radio or books for that matter? Video are at the moment a widely misunderstood (and mostly misused) art form, although with potential that no other form of media has. Its prettu rediculous saying you're "against" video games without giving any
    reason for doing so.

  9. The Bard says:

    Also, i hope Ubisoft get it, since they seem to be doing a pretty good job with King Kong.

  10. Alewyn says:

    oh, i'm not against video games, i love them. i'm just wary of an HDM video game

  11. Gabrobot says:

    As Ian said, Lucasarts doesn't have any adventure game devs any more…they're all at Telltale now, so I say give it to them. Not completely impossible either…they were just contracted to do some CSI game for Ubisoft.

  12. Energy says:

    If the team still exsitsed, I'd go for Team Andromeda. I was told a lot of Team Andromeda was reunited for Panzer Dragoon Orta, so dare I say if SEGA & Microsoft can do that, maybe go there way?

  13. Sionnachliath says:

    I've been out of the video game loop for some time, but I'd like to see something Vagrant Story-esque. But that's pretty unlikely, though, I'd settle for the Monkey Island idea.

    Something that can capture the feel of all the parts of the series, from the initial journeys' of Lyra and Will, to their descent into the Land of the Dead.

    Bard, call me jaded, but I think being against video games is pretty okay. It's just that video games, more than any other form of art, take huge amounts of money to produce, and so have to be economically viable. This, in my mind, makes them products over pieces of art.

    Then again, the works of Kyle Gabler would most definately be art.

  14. video games master says:

    as long as its on xbox then cool i trying to become will parry no luck but i shall try hope phillip pullman visits this sight cos i wantpullmanarts to do lucas did it why cant pullman get his own game company right i off ta kill me some lawyers :angry:

  15. Joss says:

    As we all know, most film-games suck (with the exception of Goldeneye and King Kong of course). But if they were to make a HDM game it would have to be damn good.

    The books were fantastic, the film looks like it will be cool, but the game is going to have to be pretty decent if it will last.

    B, i agree with you. If EA get the gaming rights it would completely ruin everything. Whos bright idea was it to give £"Timesplitters" to them?
    I rest my case 🙂