Yearly Archives: 2007

Kate Bush pens end credits song: “Lyra”
Posted on by jessia

The official film blog reports that British singer/songwriter Kate Bush will provide the song “Lyra,” for the Golden Compass soundtrack. Perhaps known best for her debut song “Wuthering Heights” (1978), Kate Bush has been a chart-topping success throughout her career, … Continue reading

Posted in The Golden Compass movie | 42 Comments

FAO Golden Compass Range
Posted on by Will

New York specialty toy retailer FAO Schwarz are producing a range of items for The Golden Compass movie. Here’s what they have to say on the line-up, with images below: “We worked closely with New Line Cinemas to recreate the … Continue reading

Posted in Merchandise, The Golden Compass movie | 19 Comments

A Response from Chris Weitz to Atlantic Monthly
Posted on by Will

The director of The Golden Compass, Chris Weitz, has forwarded us his written response to the Atlantic Monthly regarding their article we reported on last week. Dear sir or madam: Hana Rosin’s hatchet-job on my film of Philip Pullman’s novel … Continue reading

Posted in The Golden Compass movie | 39 Comments

Concept Art & Storyboards
Posted on by Will

IGN have posted numerous storyboards and concept art from The Golden Compass. The storyboards go through several scenes, including Lyra and Mrs Coulter in her apartment, Lyra meeting Serafina onboard the Nooderlicht and the Silver Guillotine at Bolvangar. Go to … Continue reading

Posted in The Golden Compass movie | 4 Comments

Donna Freitas interviews Philip Pullman
Posted on by jessia

An interview of Philip Pullman by Donna Freitas, co-author of “Killing the Imposter God: Philip Pullman’s Spiritual Imagination in His Dark Materials”, has been uploaded to YouTube. In it, he discusses the almost-divinity of Dust and its manifestation in the … Continue reading

Posted in Books on HDM, Philip Pullman | 7 Comments

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Images from The Golden Compass movie are © New Line Cinema.