Pullman joins National Theatre
Posted on by Will

The UK’s National Theatre has appointed Philip Pullman to its board. The two-part adaptation of Philip’s His Dark Materials was a great success for the NT and Pullman remarked, “I am very happy to have been invited to join the Board of the National Theatre, a place where I have had some of the most profound and the most enjoyable experiences of my theatre-going life. It�s a great privilege to be able to contribute to the working of one of the great national cultural treasures, and I look forward very much to learning more about it.” Read more.

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2 Responses to Pullman joins National Theatre

  1. Alewyn says:

    awww that's so sweet of National Theatre!!

    (2nd first comment of the day bwahaha)

  2. jesssia says:

    does that entail a creative position?