Studio Shots
Posted on by Will

The UK Paymaster General paid a visit to the set of The Golden Compass earlier this month and Pinewood Studios have put some shots of the visit up on their site. They show the PG, Dawn Primarolo, meeting Dakota Blue Richards and director Chris Weitz. Primarolo was there on occassion of the tax reductions for films the British government made last year, which she says makes the UK “amongst the most attractive regimes in the world and I�m confident it will ensure that films like �The Golden Compass� continue to be produced in the UK.�” View the images.

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14 Responses to Studio Shots

  1. Alewyn says:

    eh, not terribly exciting i must admit

    ooh, i saw The Queen last night, it was amazing, i love Helen Mirren

  2. silvertongue says:

    pffffffffft they shuld film it acually in snow !!! :angry:

  3. Anita says:

    Dakota looks different…
    Real snow would be heaps better but it will look like the real thing in the movie – I hope

  4. Tarantinoand says:

    I do think they'll film in real snow. Or at least something that looks like snow… I'm allmost sure they will. Non the less where Lyra is.

  5. rosebud says:

    they won't use real snow if they did then there be accidents and such and such in other films they used shredded up thing or just computer editing…..

  6. Annabel says:

    Dakota looks good in what she's wearing 😀 but YAY FOR GREEN SCREENS! Means there'll be some nice special effects methinks.

  7. mysterygal says:

    it seems that they're doing more filming in the green screens other than a real place…i rekon thats a tad bit boring…

  8. Larissa says:

    I want more pictures of Serafina. I'm tired of that single one they have on the movie's official website where Eva is posing. I want pictures of movie scenes like Nicole, Dakota and Daniel have!!! Or Eva on set! Please give us more pictures!!!

  9. Rin says:

    YES!!!!!!! MORE PICTURES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!! NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and the green backround….that was a bit strange….. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

  10. bball_brilliant says:

    Special effects r cool but i'd rather they did it in snow. i'm sure they will have more Serafina pictures…. eventually

  11. silvertongue says:

    this is reeeeeeli random but in my Multi Media class at skool therz a chick called Serafina :laughing:

  12. Will Parry says:

    what year is the second movie coming out? :wassat: :wassat: 😉 :wassat: :wassat:

  13. Will Parry says:

    I just got done reading the series I hope I wont be. disipointed. :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying:

  14. gin and tonic bombay please says:

    you lot should go and find a new book to read as you have no faith sort your heads out this is going to be the best movie ever and ever this is only the first. you all love the books then stop commenting on something you don't know yet wait and see…..