You can't live without a dæmon, so can you live without a mobile phone?
Posted on by Ian

It seems that the link between human and dæmon is so strong that it has been used in simile in last Thursday’s episode of “The Archers” on BBC Radio 4. In conversation, we hear the words; “Tom being without his mobile, it’s like being separated from his dæmon.” There ensues a short discussion about the books. You can listen to the relevant 30 second clip [link=]here[/link]. You can also listen to the full episode [link=]here[/link], by selecting Thursday's episode.

About Ian

A keen fan of His Dark Materials and Philip Pullman. Assistant to Paul Temple and Sir Graham Forbes.
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13 Responses to You can't live without a dæmon, so can you live without a mobile phone?

  1. Ian says:

    All credit to my father who noticed whilst he was listening to the radio this morning 🙂

  2. Peter says:

    Beat me to it!!!

    LOved Lilian's comments…

  3. JV says:

    "Is there much sex in them?"
    "Well there is one bit where they… not really, no."

    Haha. LOL. :laughing:

  4. Alewyn says:

    I couldn't listen to the clip, but still, awwwwww my little HDM is getting more popular 🙂

  5. Skye says:


    This just made my day… Very funny.

    Alewyn: 'My little HDM'? I suppose I feel rather posessive about the books, too. 😉

  6. Alewyn says:

    Skye- I was the first person I knew to read HDM (well…besides my big sister…) so…yeah…that gives me full possesion of them 😉

  7. Skye says:

    So when -did- you read the books? I started them in late 2002 and finished them in about April or May 2003.

  8. Alewyn says:

    I read it late August 2003-early September 03

    so you beat me 🙁

  9. Skye says:

    So did anyone read the books before 2002? Let me go check the copyright dates…
    -runs off, runs back-
    TGC '95/TSN '97/TAS '00.
    So I was 5, 7, and 10 when the books came out. Not quite old enough to read them yet. I read them when I was 12, almost 13. Looking back, that seems quite young to me… They were immediately my absolute favorite books, although I don't think I understood all of the issues.
    I believe one of my friends was reading TGC when we were nine or ten, but for whatever reason, it didn't interest me then.
    What I really want to know is if anyone here read the books as they came out. Personally, I'm very glad I didn't have to wait! Two or three years between each book… And I read them all within five or six months!

  10. Maya says:

    I did!!! 🙂 :tongue:

  11. Alewyn says:

    I read the first 4 page of TGC/NL when I was in 3rd grade, 8/9 years old…does that count? But what's weird is that within those 4 pages, I claimed Lyra as my all time favorite character and even drew a picture of her and put it on the display board for my class's favorite characters.

    And (not countin third grade) I read the series within 1.5 weeks…

  12. Muaethia says:

    I was the first person I know to read them… I read them when I was 13, so that must have been about 2003. Yeah, because I got NL for christmas 02.

  13. Tally says:

    I read the books April '06, so you've all beaten me. I read them within two weeks and reread the Amber Spyglass a billion times afterwards… I'm twelve and… Uhum, yeah. =)
    Oh, HDM is one of my favorite series… but Will is my favorite character. Yup. -huggles Will plushie-