A follow-up on the story the Daily Mail reported a while ago, we can reveal that Claire Higgins will take the role of Ma Costa in The Golden Compass movie. Higgins is an accomplished stage actress, having won the prestigious Olivier Award three times in the decade between 1995 and 2005. On screen, she has performed in a few films, mostly playing television roles and appearing in many British staples such as Midsomer Murders, Heartbeat and Silent Witness.
Claire Higgins is Ma Costa
July 29, 2006
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She is great for the part! Now we're getting some information *.*
Whith a cast rolling in this fast the moive should be out sooner then I expected.

Well… two parts cast right (Iorek And Ma Costa)… next up… John Faa, Farder Coram, Lee Scrosbey, Serafina Pekkala? And maybe some real, offical info on Coulter and Asriel? :laughing:
woooooooo!!!! :laughing:. the movie is finally on a roll. I can't wait till it comes out. As for Clarie Higins being Ma Costa she wouldn't have been my first choice but shr will be fine just the same.
uhmm.. Jeej??
I think she's alright
Meh, I always imagined Ma Costa as kind of fat… but she's got the right face, definately!
Never would have thought of Clare Higgins as Ma Costa…wasn't she in hellraiser and she played a well evil step mother? I'm sure she'll be a good Ma Costa though, I guess its called acting!
Believe me Clare Higgins is some actress – after all she has won 3 Olivier Awards for theatre and they don't give those to anyone without great talent. I am sure that this movie will now allow the wider filmgoing public to see what a superb home grown actress we have in her. :laughing:
She looks great for the part – kinda homely and rougly beautiful. And if she's a theatre actor she'll have stage presence, which I reckon Ma Costa needs, so that's good!
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