Interactive Alethiometer
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Wendell has coded a fantastic computer program that allows interactive engagement with the alethiometer. It uses the beautiful alethiometer image drawn by David Scutt to produce a working version of the instrument – you can set questions by turning the three dials and the needle will flick to those symbols which form the answer. It's up to the alethiometrist's skill to interprete these of course. You can download the program from us on the alethiometer page.

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16 Responses to Interactive Alethiometer

  1. Holly says:

    Hey, I think the windows download may actually be for macs instead. At least, that's what the file says and my windows laptop can't open it! Maybe I'm just pressing the wrong buttons 🙂 Great idea!

  2. Willl says:

    Whoops, just didn't link to the right place. Thankee Holly; 'tis fixed now.

  3. MrAnderson says:

    genius 🙂

  4. Natalia says:

    WHeee! That's snazz. I'm going to download it! 😀

  5. Salvete says:

    That is just unbelievable!!!! :laughing:

  6. JParry says:

    This is amazing! It's ambiguous enough that it almost seems to work!

  7. Wendell says:

    Thanks, guys. 🙂

    I've found "oracles" like the alethiometer useful for the reasons that JParry mentions. As you try to make the vague answer somehow connect to the question/issue that you have in mind, you usually end up discovering new aspects about that question/issue that you never considered before. It may not really tell you the truth, but it can help you discover more about it for yourself.

  8. Surge says:

    Absoluetly brilliant 🙂
    If i had a virtual medal i'd give it to you. But i don't so umm… bye

  9. jasmine says:

    :laughing:hiya do we ever get to no about who is in?

  10. Wendell says:

    Version 1.1 is now available at – it has lower CPU usage and symbol popups, and it can be enlarged.

  11. somaBID says:

    Hi ~

    I was trying to find out more regarding how the 36 images were identified with their associated meanings. As I posted on the section about "Religion Is In", I found it interesting that the movie version of the alethiometer (on the movie website) has the images in a different sequence and is missing some interesting interpretations for some of the images.

    Sin (from Apple), Soul (from Bird, as well as Spring and Marriage ~ all three were rewritten for the movie version), Christ (from Bread) and The Church (from Sword).

    Is the movie messing with canon? Or has the canon not been written yet on the Alethiometer? Sorry for my lack of knowing ~ hence the post!

    And THANX Wendell for the program ~ it is amazing. The ability to adjust to interpretations will be a useful to tool.

  12. dmqpidxcpg says:

    Hello! Good Site! Thanks you! rytgniyuolxcjd

  13. Dominic says:

    Neither link working for me. Is it just my macbook being silly or have the links been severed?

  14. Eric says:

    The link to the page doesnt work 🙁

  15. Orkidos says:

    Hello! I’m trying to download it and I can’t. The link takes me to an error page. Is it still available? Thank you.

  16. Ian says:

    I suspect Wendell has taken it down – it’s been 7 years since this was posted 🙁