Thousands at Movie Auditions
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The first of the open auditions for Lyra was held today, at Cambridge. Thousands of young hopefuls turned up and queuing started very early, with CBBC putting an estimate of some 1200 girls there. The auditions at Kendal have also taken place, this Thursday (the 6th).

From reports from those girls who contacted us, it seems as though the casting directors simply dismissed those girls that they felt did not look the part – which is disappointing as this rather ignores any acting talents they may have.

Those girls left were asked simple questions such as “what would your daemon look like?” Those further selected from the group were sent to have their photograph taken, to potentially be called back after all the auditions have taken place. Remember there are still two seperate days of auditions left: see here for all the details.

There's a good gallery of images on the CBBC website now, but to read full experiences of girls who were there, head here. This will expand as more people get back to us. If you went, please do email us with how it went – or simply comment here.

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490 Responses to Thousands at Movie Auditions

  1. moi! says:

    did you get a screen test?

  2. H says:

    No, they told us (four were picked) that there wasn't enough time for us all and so they said they were just going to do two, and I wasn't one of them… 🙁

  3. moi! says:

    aww wel wel done anyway. i got a screen test but . . . i dunno what they thought of me!

  4. H says:

    Well, you have more of a chance than I do, I'm just not that sure I have any chance…

  5. moi! says:

    they wouldnt have taken the photo if they didnt think you had a chance

  6. H says:

    Yeah, you're right….thanks! :laughing:

  7. moi! says:

    oooooooooohhhhhhh. . . . whos lying do you think?

  8. H says:

    No idea, who do you think?

  9. moi! says:

    hhmmmmmmmm. . .there both very convincing! but . . . . . . .. . . aaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrahhhhhhhhhh!

  10. H says:

    Indeed, I agree entirely. lol. :laughing:. Yeah, they both seem really set. What if it's both the same person? Having a laugh. No, that wouldn't be it. I guess we just have to wait until Monday to find out whether KK's friend went to the 2nd auditions and got through, or not and how it went. Or, wait for a call, though we might never get one. Ah well….

  11. moi! says:

    wel they said to me that they would let me know where i stand. . .even if (when) i dont get through. did they say that to you?

  12. moi! says:

    i am so sad *sob* i looked back on the pages and everyone has already called people. if you got called, please tell me what they said on the phone! lol moi 🙁

  13. moi! says:

    speek to me!!

  14. sarah says:

    :smile:hi this is my first time on here :wassat:wot have u been talking about 🙂

  15. moi! says:

    the lyra auditions did u go?

  16. H says:

    Where does it say people have been called? The only people that have said they've been called is KK's friend and there were all these peeps messing around saying they were lyra or were in the top ten, but no one else on here has got a call……..well, no one's said so.

  17. moi! says:

    they did way back. . .i think…! :wassat:

  18. H says:

    0h, I read most of the posts on here, I didn't see them! Oh yeah, I watched Doctor Who, it was cool!
    Hx 😉

  19. moi! says:

    hello ppl wuu2?

  20. H says:

    Not much, just talking on here and watching T.V. What about you?

  21. moi! says:

    i went to a car boot! with my friend

  22. moi! says:


  23. H says:

    Cool, I love doing car boot sales. I'm upset, because we've had this car for like, 7 years, and now its stopped working and has to be sent to the junkyard where it'll get mashed up, and I hate change, so I wont be that happy when we get a new car….. 🙁 . Do you have msn?

  24. moi! says:

    no i got it taken away. hav u heard anything yet?

  25. moi! says:

    about lyra?

  26. H says:

    Nope, you? I'm guessing we wont hea anything *sob* but you never know, there could be hope around the corner……..
    Hx 🙂

  27. Seraxi says:

    Hello!!! :tongue:How ru u all? When will they start filming, do u no???

  28. H says:

    Yup, they start filming in September! I know at least that much! 🙂

  29. moi! says:

    wat i think os gonna happen is they choose people and if they dont rember them as what they did they choose some other people. thats what i got told.

  30. moi! says:

    SPEAK!!!!!!! i need to tlk to someone

  31. H says:

    Ok, so we still have a chance?? :wassat:

  32. moi! says:

    wel i dont know thats just what i got told. . .

  33. H says:

    By who? Sorry for all of the questions, I just wanna know if I have any chance. :wassat:

  34. moi! says:

    there was a lady at the auditions who told me what would happen.

  35. H says:

    Oh, ok, cool. Wish they'd told me that!

  36. moi! says:

    oh did they not say that. . .ive been hoping and wishing that i would get through but it just aint working. . .

  37. H says:

    Same- every day I wish. And, well it seems a bit wierd but I was never really a Christian, but since I found out about the auditions, I preyed about them and other stuff. I wish I could get away from all these complications I have at school and home, there's so much secret stuff and confusing stuff I just wanted something to change and this came along and I loved it and now I just have to go back and wait for the person to be decided……… :crying:

  38. moi! says:

    i know it kills knowing that there was a small chance for my life to change, and now its past. . .

  39. H says:

    Yup, never to be seen again. God….it's all bad…….

  40. moi! says:

    ive been pacing for ages just thinking bout it :crying:

  41. H says:

    Every phonecall- who was it? And whenever I got back from school- did they call? And every day the same response- NO

  42. moi! says:

    its not fair we deserve it more. . .listen to us

  43. H says:

    Yeah. I still can't believe it's over.

  44. moi! says:

    ooooooooohhhhhhhh i wish there was more open auditions. the phone is ringing but i know it wont be them. . .

  45. moi! says:

    some one was lying, hu do you think was?

  46. moi! says:

    speak to me! do you believe kittykat?

  47. here right now says:

    i quote "Some s would be called back for a second round of auditions before the final selection was made." i found this on a website

  48. right here right now says:

    aaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrgggggggggghhhhhh im new please speek to me!