Thousands at Movie Auditions
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The first of the open auditions for Lyra was held today, at Cambridge. Thousands of young hopefuls turned up and queuing started very early, with CBBC putting an estimate of some 1200 girls there. The auditions at Kendal have also taken place, this Thursday (the 6th).

From reports from those girls who contacted us, it seems as though the casting directors simply dismissed those girls that they felt did not look the part – which is disappointing as this rather ignores any acting talents they may have.

Those girls left were asked simple questions such as “what would your daemon look like?” Those further selected from the group were sent to have their photograph taken, to potentially be called back after all the auditions have taken place. Remember there are still two seperate days of auditions left: see here for all the details.

There's a good gallery of images on the CBBC website now, but to read full experiences of girls who were there, head here. This will expand as more people get back to us. If you went, please do email us with how it went – or simply comment here.

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490 Responses to Thousands at Movie Auditions

  1. KittyKat says:

    ? *blank*
    KKx :laughing:

  2. moiself says:

    did yuo go to the oxford ones with your friend

  3. KittyKat says:

    nope. but i dunno if i'd have gotten through anyway, so it's ok. 🙂 did you go to one?
    KKx 🙂

  4. moiself says:

    yes i went to the oxford ones *snifs* i obviously didnt get a call back though :crying:

  5. KittyKat says:

    join the (vast) club. 🙁 but there are other parts!…right?
    this is an awesome forum where people are very random:
    KKx 🙂

  6. moiself says:

    i wander how they choose the extras

  7. i wish i was lyra says:

    they take extras from schools in the areas their filmin in i went to the oxford auditions but i dint get thru :crying:

  8. moiself says:

    dont warry i got through but i didnt get a second call back

  9. KittyKat says:

    i wanna be an extra too! on second thoughts i wanna be Lyra. *sigh* 🙁 oh well

  10. moiself says:

    well i spose that there is only gonna be one lyra. . . and to be honest it probs wont be your friend. . . but on second thoughts if she is aend me her autograph!!!

  11. H says:

    Yeah, me too! But I wish that like, we would have got a message sent to those who got through, just so they could know where they stand. Ah well, suppose I've got to get over it….:) still smiling!

  12. moiself says:

    *wwwwwwwaaaaaaaaa* speak 2 me!

  13. myself says:

    ITS NOT FAIR! *sniffs* wwwwwwaaaaaaa

  14. KittyKat says:

    are myself and moiself the same person?

    well we'll fing out on Mon/Tue how far she gets in tha final 20…
    KKx 🙂

  15. succi says:

    :smile:guys dont feel down :sad:my aunt nos fiona weir nd they havnt rung any1 yet so smile 🙂

  16. wanabe lyra says:

    u have made me sooo happy :laughing:

  17. succi says:

    do u all think the film will b fab? i dont think it will b as gud as the book 😉

  18. myself says:

    YES I AM

  19. smartgirl says:

    Dont you think Monday is a strange day to have the next round. its bank holiday. my mum says it will cost em a fortune in staff pay for that.

  20. myself says:

    yeah thats what my dad said

  21. myself says:

    succi: did u say that they havent rang any 1 yet?

  22. H says:

    Really! No one has been rung? Yeah, it is a strange day, no one works then so….they wouldn't have it then, but I'm just guessing. Yay…….
    Hx :laughing:

  23. myself says:

    well. . . thats what succi said. scrol down

  24. myself says:

    what if one of the producers or someone running the casting, was freakishly religios? then they wouldnt work wouild they? 😉

  25. H says:

    Yeah, that's also true…..hmmmmm, I gues we just have to wait for a call, or just let everything happen. If it is on Monday, good luck, if not, well, I don't know, have fun anyways!
    Hx 😉

  26. myself says:

    wel maybe we r trying to convince ourselfes that nobody has been called, just because we havent.

  27. H says:

    Yes, that's also true. I just don't see the point of putting it straight down to the final twenty, because more than twenty people got screen tests, and they wouldn't put just photos in the final twenty, so what was the point in taking them? That's my point, hope you understand it!
    Hx 🙂

  28. myself says:

    well on the other hand kittykats friend might be lying. . .

  29. KittyKat says:

    maybe. it is a possibility but I trust her 'cos she's my friend. anyway, we'll find out soon
    KKx 🙂

  30. myself says:

    yea . . . . .. . has she lyed to you before?

  31. H says:

    Well, has she? Is she like, your best best friend or one of your closest friends?

  32. myself says:

    hello please talk to me!!

  33. succi says:

    :smile:so every 1 has a chance and kk yr friend is a big lier kk so tell her she is takin da mik out of ya oky :smile:wich isnt nice 🙁

  34. H says:

    Well, that's a bit harsh, but I like the bit about th chance that we hopefully still have! How do you know that we have a chance? You said something, I can't remember….

  35. myself says:

    wel did u ask ya aunty to ask fiona? and do you know when they will call people?

  36. H says:

    Are you sure they haven't called anyone/

  37. myself says:

    i dunno. . . . . succi?

  38. succi says:

    yes i am sure they havent called any1 my aunt went out 4 a meal wth fiona last night and ahe told her all aboot it and she said they need more time befor making phone calls :smile:so every 1 has a chance 🙂

  39. myself says:

    YIPPIE! but why would her friend (kk) lie bout that?

  40. H says:

    Yeah, I don't see the point of lying. Succi, do you swear you're telling the truth?
    Hx :wassat:

  41. myself says:

    one of them is lying. . . but whitch one?

  42. myself says:

    wel i got to go now i wil see you if your on later lol

  43. H says:

    Yup, I'll probably be here, I don't have anything to do today!

  44. myself says:

    and one two three. . .im back in the room

  45. myself says:


  46. H says:

    Heya, so what do you think about this whole situation, do you believe succi?

  47. myself says:

    wel. . .who do you believe. im cling on to the hope that kk friend is lying!!

  48. moi! (myself) says:

    how far did u get in the auditions?

  49. H says:

    Yeah, I do have to say, I hope she isn't telling the truth, because then we could still have a chance….. :wassat:

  50. H says:

    I did get through, but didn't get a call back…….yet….I don't know……… :wassat: