Thousands at Movie Auditions
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The first of the open auditions for Lyra was held today, at Cambridge. Thousands of young hopefuls turned up and queuing started very early, with CBBC putting an estimate of some 1200 girls there. The auditions at Kendal have also taken place, this Thursday (the 6th).

From reports from those girls who contacted us, it seems as though the casting directors simply dismissed those girls that they felt did not look the part – which is disappointing as this rather ignores any acting talents they may have.

Those girls left were asked simple questions such as “what would your daemon look like?” Those further selected from the group were sent to have their photograph taken, to potentially be called back after all the auditions have taken place. Remember there are still two seperate days of auditions left: see here for all the details.

There's a good gallery of images on the CBBC website now, but to read full experiences of girls who were there, head here. This will expand as more people get back to us. If you went, please do email us with how it went – or simply comment here.

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490 Responses to Thousands at Movie Auditions

  1. hi says:

    o my god i cant blev it wen did she get the call ? my mom has missed privat cals was it aprivate numb dat called er? so i dunno reply plz

  2. KK says:

    H- no, she didnt – not that i know of 🙂
    hi- im not sure but i'll ask her.
    KKx 🙂

  3. H says:

    Please say everything you know KK, I'm reli interested!

  4. chel says:

    i rote hi insted of chel lol so its chel

  5. KKx says:

    hi Chel!
    hey, H, i know it's an actors' workshop if that helps – i think they're gonna test her on her characters' temperament but ill update ya all when we get more info 😉
    KKx 🙂

  6. chel says:

    wen is the workshop ?
    wot time did she get the call ?

  7. H says:

    Hey, kl, but im sad now. :crying: coz i didn't get thru, but ah well, there'll be other times, for other parts.

  8. KK says:

    dats da spirit H!
    together, we could conquer the world…
    she got the call while us mere mortals were at school having a science test on tha 1st day back…actually she was one of those mortals :tongue:lol

  9. chel says:

    woz dat 2day (wednesday) and wot time was ya lesson (bbbbbboooooorrriiiiing haha were not at skwl ) reply plz xx

  10. H says:

    So, she got the call on Tuesday? Because it was a bank holiday monday….as you know!
    Hx please reply.

  11. KittyKat says:

    no today, wednesday.
    the science test was 1st period but i dunno wot time dey called.
    KKx 🙂

  12. chel says:

    wot color eys az she got ?
    how old is she ?

  13. KK says:

    12, hazel.

  14. Emi says:

    Hi i'm emi nd i ave bin 2 the auditions and got 2 a screen test. It was really nerve rakkin. I went 2 the 1's in Exeter. Now I'm rwally excited cause they ave asked me 2 go 2 London!!! Any1 else going 2????:smile: :wassat:

  15. KK says:

    when are you goin?

  16. chel says:

    hi emi, when did you get the call inviting you to london and when are you going???????? plz rply

  17. H says:

    Hey, well done…so wot time and when were u called and when are the next auditions?

  18. KittyKat says:

    plz go to the forum near the bottom of the page: mock teaser trailer where a girl who calls herself LYRA (insulting the name) is being mean about me, plz tell her that if she didn't get through ther's no point stropping to us, :crying: and that if she thinks i'm a liar just ask my friend. i am so incandescent and apopletic at her :angry: 🙁 :crying:
    luv KK

  19. H says:

    Hey, where? Meanie. :angry: I'm really upset now, I find it annoying that they took my photo, but didn't call, because I thought they would probably call the people with photos and screen tests back!
    :crying: (literally!…)

  20. H says:

    Hey, where? I can't see it, but I guess she's a MEANIE. I'm really sad that I didn't get a recall, do you think there's still any chance? … :crying:
    :crying: (literally)

  21. KittyKat says:

    oh sorry, i meant 'open auditions' forum just down. yes, she is
    🙁 you should see what she said…
    poor you. at least i knew i wasn't going through. but in effect they were stringing you along…sorta :tongue:
    Soz again KKx 🙂
    ps She said my name was spelt Kitty-Cat!

  22. KK says:

    :crying: :crying:i am also literally crying now
    you should see what she's been saying, she's so mean :crying: :crying: a-and she called me a silly liar, and Missy_me from the Netherlands a weirdo. i think we should report her somehow
    :crying: :crying: KK
    ps even though Missy_me TOLD her my name is spelt KittyKat she refuses to call me that blatantly ignoring our feelings it feels like being called a nasty name cos she isn't just making a mistake now ; shes written it 3 times
    :crying: :crying: :crying:

  23. H says:

    Sorry, I am being really stupid, how do you get to it from here? Like, this page, can u give me exact instructions, because I am being VERY slow.

  24. DiggyDog says:

    I am so excited my friend got the call today aswell 😉 your friend MUST be SO EXCITED TOO 😉

  25. chel says:

    kittykat r u messin round wid ppl n pretendin 2 b ppl bcuz random ppl r cumin n sayin like "my frends thruw" im not byin it ???

  26. KK says:

    i know we are both SO excited!!!
    H- click the blue bit at the top of this page, then scroll down until you find it.
    KKx 🙂

  27. chel says:

    well ….

  28. KittyKat says:

    WHAT!? no way am i pretending to be someone else!… are you lyra from other forum?

  29. chel says:

    no way im just wonderin y ppl that aven signed b4 just cum on n say IV GOT THRUW wen u dont no y they just cum 2 say dat 2 bost bit stupid n horrible ??

  30. KittyKat says:

    i'm not saying that – i didn't even get through the first round. And they would be happy – wouldn't you?

  31. H says:

    Hey, come on guys, I don't think anyone is lying. Have you seen the other forum, you know where Lyra is being meam, there are all these people making up stuff, and there puting their names as horseyhorse and piggypig, it's hilarious!

  32. KittyK-A-t says:

    yep. if it let me post i'd be KittyKit,
    which i'm not too sure about :wassat: :laughing:

  33. H says:

    So, all they're stuff isn't true, I mean, they can't be down to the final 10, right?
    (P.S. Got no call! Ah well…. :crying:)

  34. KittyKat says:

    No but they MIGHT be down to the final 20! SOOOO many girls won't have the acting skill or will be too modern etc. they might chuck them a.s.a.p as a really quick way. don't forget that they're just as anxious to find out who it will be!
    KKx 🙂

  35. H says:

    Hey, yeah, I just wish they'd give those who got a photo taken a chance to act, because then they think they look the part, and they might be a good actress. Well, whoever Lyra is, they better be good. :angry:. Hehe. :laughing:

  36. KittyKat says:

    if they are not we really should protest! :laughing:hehe
    H click the BttS link @ the top and near the bottom come on the forum
    'mock teaser trailer'. thanx
    KKx 🙂

  37. H says:

    Yup, I have. This is weird, everyone is getting so het up about all of this, it's really strange. I mean, in the end, only one person if going to get it!

  38. KittyKat says:

    that's why it's so huge!
    KKx 🙂

  39. H says:

    I'm guessing. People have been getting calls all week, did anyone get one today? Does anyone know?

  40. lyra says:

    :smile:i am acturlly lyra a found out yester day i am amazed over\da moon any 1 want me autograph!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  41. Lyra says:

    how do you know u ant even had a call

  42. KittyKat says:

    yeah, but my friend has. do you not think they'd tell everyone who got the part? seriously, say that in two weeks and everyone will believe you, but it's too soon.
    KKx 🙂
    Ps Just in case, yes, i would like your autograph :laughing:heehee

  43. KittyKat says:

    BTW, Lyra says 'ent'.
    KKxx 🙂

  44. Lyra says:

    yes but they cant tell any1 yet untill i stsrt filming incase ppl come and follow me all over 😉

  45. KittyKat says:

    i'm sorry about that daemon 🙁
    i didn't get through either, join the (very big) club:sad:
    KKx 🙂

  46. KittyKat says:

    what about Evanna Lynch (Luna Lovegood)?
    KKx 🙂

  47. KittyKat says:

    no such luck, i didn't even get through round 1 🙁 my friend went to Oxford though – maybe lots of ppl are being called from there?
    KKx 🙂

  48. bet says:

    Hey did neone go to cambridge audition and recieved ne calls etc..?? :wassat:

  49. bet says:

    did u have a screen test or photo?

  50. H says:

    So, the people who went to Oxford still have a chance? Because I haven't heard of anyone who went to Oxford who has got a call either…
    Hx :laughing:
    Please reply!