Thousands at Movie Auditions
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The first of the open auditions for Lyra was held today, at Cambridge. Thousands of young hopefuls turned up and queuing started very early, with CBBC putting an estimate of some 1200 girls there. The auditions at Kendal have also taken place, this Thursday (the 6th).

From reports from those girls who contacted us, it seems as though the casting directors simply dismissed those girls that they felt did not look the part – which is disappointing as this rather ignores any acting talents they may have.

Those girls left were asked simple questions such as “what would your daemon look like?” Those further selected from the group were sent to have their photograph taken, to potentially be called back after all the auditions have taken place. Remember there are still two seperate days of auditions left: see here for all the details.

There's a good gallery of images on the CBBC website now, but to read full experiences of girls who were there, head here. This will expand as more people get back to us. If you went, please do email us with how it went – or simply comment here.

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490 Responses to Thousands at Movie Auditions

  1. H says:

    Hey, everyone who got through, whether they got a photo taken, or read a script, or two scripts has a chance, the same except mebbe the people with filming will be considered more. If you think about it, it's silly tot think only the people who did two screen tests have a chance, because otherwise, why would they take your photo and do filming in the first place. So, we all have hope.

  2. Wytchbabi says:

    any news on who got the part yet? when will they release that information? gods, am i anxious! 🙁

  3. H says:

    Hey, people haven't been called for the second round, I'm estimating more than a month until the decision is made. I hope someone who is kind, and helpful and deserves the part gets it. I've got to accept it wont be me, but it's hard , because I got my hopes so high. Ah well, I can start feeling sad when they actually announce the actress!
    Good luck, Hx

  4. L says:

    I really want 2 know who got the part…and i reallllyyy want to watch the film..i wish things went faster!! 🙂 Anway i hope they don't choose someone who wants to be Lyra just for the fame because that's not the point..if you getthe part then you have to pretty much devote all your time to this film! Good luck everyone who has a chance of getting in and if you don't well done for trying!! 🙂

  5. H says:

    Hey, thanks. Yeah, I heard about the film before I found out that the girl would get 10 million pounds and I didn't want it for the fame. I've always wanted the part since I first read the books. She's always been my favourite character and she's a lot like me. The chance to act in front of cameras, with famous actors and actresses, to be on sets and everything like that, I would love it! Oh, look at me, going on. I bet all of you feel the same. The lucky girl who is Lyra, I wish her luck and happiness and I hope she loves every last little moment of filming.
    :wink:, Hx

  6. lauren says:

    🙂 :laughing:yeh me too !i JUST WISH THINGS WOULD GO FASTER ! Do you think that you will only get a letter or a phone call if you get through to the next round or either way .(get through or not)

  7. H says:

    Hey, I'm guessing they only call the people who got through, because it would take to long to call everyone and say no or yes. I didn't even know that you could get a letter, I thought it would just be a call, because letters would take longer and would get there later. I just heard that they would phone, or never phone….we just have to wait and see! Mmm, toast….tastes lovely. Sorry, just a bit random! :laughing:
    Reply! Hx

  8. lauren says:

    Are you are so sweet . Here here on you H . We should all be happy for whoever gets the part just like you say. I know I dont stand a chance, but it is just so exciting and I really hope that maybe they might send the letters out early. Are they definetly sending them out in 2 weeks (next Sunday or is that just a guideline ? )

  9. Lauren says:

    :tongue: :laughing: :tongue: 🙂 :laughing:heehee yum yum I love toast aswell !I just had some cheese on toast !

  10. Lauren says:

    did you hear that Nicole Kidman *sorry I think I just spelt that wrong. Is going to be in it . WOW! 😉 🙂 :tongue: :laughing:

  11. H says:

    I KNOW! But, the thing is, they may not cast her because she doesn't look like the actress who is Lyra, and they say they want Lord Asriel and Mrs Coulter to look like her. Mmmm, cheese on toast. Lol. I just ate a whole cucumber. Mmmm, cucumber. :laughing:
    Hehehe, Hx

  12. lauren says:

    well see you l8er guys probally 2morrow. And tell us if you get any news see ya bibi

  13. Wytchbabi says:

    i just hope that whoever is chosen does Lyra and HDM justice. i care sooooooooo much about these books and it would ruin my life if the movies suck in any way, especially if the girl cast is a terrible actress. :angry: :crying:

  14. H says:

    Yeah, I agree. In the first harry potter movie, his acting wasn't great and so it was never on my good list of films. So, the new found Lyra- You Better Be Good!!!!! :laughing:

  15. KittyKat says:

    mmmmmmmm chocolate eggs…. NOT as random as cucumbers @ least. yeah, the first two movies D. Radcliffe wasn't excactly amazing, then Bosh! well, not bosh, but…anyway please cast a god Lyra!!!!!!!!!! :wassat: :tongue:
    KKxx 🙂

  16. Lauren says:

    :laughing:same here ! Lets just hope they pick someone really talented and someone who deserves the part . I just wish they would get on with it and let us no who is into the nexy round

    Does anyone know who is playing Lord Asriel or what he looks like because I know I dont look anything like Nicole, well I dont think I do !

  17. Lauren says:

    :laughing:oops, sorry!!!I meant *next round

  18. KittyKat says:

    a GOOD Lyra not a GOD Lyra sorry
    KKx 🙂

  19. Lauren says:

    :crying:is anyone there ? :crying: 🙁

  20. Lauren says:

    sorry, I was just typing while you were so I didnt know you were there 🙁 :laughing:so hi anyway I know this may sound rude but how far did you get?

  21. KittyKat in suspense says:

    who will be Lyra? who will be Lyra?
    KKx :wassat: 🙂

  22. Lauren says:

    sorry, I was just typing while you were,so I didnt know you were there 🙁 :laughing:so hi ,anyway I know this may sound rude but how far did you getin the audition? :wassat:

  23. KittyKat says:

    oh sorry so was i! i didnt get through 1st stage. you?
    hav you had prev. acting experience if so what?
    KKx 🙂

  24. H says:

    Hey, I got through, but I have had acting experience, I've done something like 10 performances on stage, but I haven't been in films. Sorry if that question wasn't directed to me. YAY! I got a cadbury creme easter egg! Mmmm. Have a Happy Easter!

  25. Wytchbabi says:

    i still say Clive Owen would make a great Lord Asriel. i know most if not all of you disagree, but suck it up. my opinion. anyway, Happy Easter everyone! and to all fellow Wiccans out there, Happy Late Ostara (for those of you who don't know, when Catholocism was being spread throughout countries where Wicca was practiced, i.e. Ireland and the British Isles, the catholics adapted Ostara into Easter to make it easier for Wiccans and Pagans to wanna convert. sensitive issue, i know, but i just thought some of you would find that interesting.) 🙂

  26. KK says:

    interesting but confusing; i can be a little dim :tongue:lol
    i got a cadbury creme egg too!
    my cat scratched me and my finger's bleeding 🙁 (random, i know.)
    KKx 🙂

  27. H says:

    Hey, yeah, I'm interested. Clive Owen, hmm, yeah. I just really think Nicole Kidman should be Mrs Coulter, I think she would be great! I hate waiting for a call, especially because I don't know if I'll ever get one!

  28. Anneli says:

    My sister's a Wiccan.
    Okay tht was random!

  29. Wytchbabi says:

    ya Wicca's cool. i'm not exactly entirely Wiccan yet, but working on it!

    i must say i really don't think Nicole Kidman's quite right. i'm sorry, i just don't think she's that pretty.

  30. H says:

    Hey, hmmm, yeah, because she's supposed to be like stunnily pretty isn't she. But ah well, doesn't matter what we think! :laughing: I guess we'll just have to wait and see!

  31. H says:

    Just to correct myself – stunnigly pretty, not stunnily. :laughing: I have to go back to school tomorrow! :crying:

  32. H says:

    Hey, to correct myself again!!! :angry: stunningly pretty!!!! For, Nicole Kidman. Yes….*cough* I'll be going then! Damnabbit, easter's over No more chocolate!

  33. Ian says:

    Guys! We, like, have message boards for this sort of thing!

  34. Wytchbabi says:

    Waddya mean, "our opinions don't matter"??? That's talking like you don't care! Your mind maketh your reality!!!

  35. H says:

    Hey, sorry, back to the subject. And sorry again, I meant that our opinions wont be taken into account, because the casting directors wil decide, not us. I think opinions do matter, I just said the wrong thing! :wassat: So, has anyone received any calls? Because I've been hearing deadline is next Sunday, and I was wondering if anyone had hears anything since?

  36. chel says:

    :wassat:did sum1say dey got through? i herd dat u if will hea in da next week if u get thruw answr me plzzzz xx

  37. H says:

    I got through first round, but I haven't go any calls. So, still waiting!

  38. chel says:

    :crying:i 4t den dat dey ad chse ppl 2 go fru n i adent so dats gd lol wel not gd cuz wer stil waitin rite k xx

  39. KittyKat says:

    hiya papaya, ppl!
    i cant believe i auditioned more than 3 wks ago. wel at least im not w8in for a cal cos i didnt get through 🙁
    KKx 😉 🙂

  40. H says:

    Hey, sorry to hear that. Ih….i hate waiting, hmm, wierd word, ih…hmm. God, waiting fore call, PLEASE COME!
    Hx :laughing:

  41. KittyKat says:

    if it comes it will come soon.
    ih is not that weird a word, yippy is tho!
    (pronounced like lippy, used in the same way as 'yippeee!')
    ps have you seen Joseph and the amazing technicolour dreamcoat[random!]?

  42. KK says:

    !!!!!!!!! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

  43. KK says:

    MY FRIEND'S IN THE FINAL 20!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂 :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

  44. H says:

    What, does that mean that those people have been called and we don't have a chance….
    Hx please reply

  45. KK says:

    it means that my friend has been called but they might not have got round to calling the other supposed 19.
    KKx 🙂

  46. KittyKat says:

    However this is ostensible – we are both still waiting for more information
    KKx 🙂

  47. H says:

    Well, I didn't get a screen test, so I'm guessing I should give up hope. :crying: Also, I didn't think they'd get down to 20 so quickly!

  48. KK says:

    Me neither – i literally went into shock when she called me. but still good luck! :tongue:

  49. KK says:

    Do i use disconcerting words habitually?
    KKx :laughing:

  50. H says:

    Hey, thanks, but I really doubt I'll get in. Now I feel sad, though I never thought I would get it. Did your friend do any more like auditions…did she meet up with them after the first one, befoe she got the call she was in the last 20?