Thousands at Movie Auditions
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The first of the open auditions for Lyra was held today, at Cambridge. Thousands of young hopefuls turned up and queuing started very early, with CBBC putting an estimate of some 1200 girls there. The auditions at Kendal have also taken place, this Thursday (the 6th).

From reports from those girls who contacted us, it seems as though the casting directors simply dismissed those girls that they felt did not look the part – which is disappointing as this rather ignores any acting talents they may have.

Those girls left were asked simple questions such as “what would your daemon look like?” Those further selected from the group were sent to have their photograph taken, to potentially be called back after all the auditions have taken place. Remember there are still two seperate days of auditions left: see here for all the details.

There's a good gallery of images on the CBBC website now, but to read full experiences of girls who were there, head here. This will expand as more people get back to us. If you went, please do email us with how it went – or simply comment here.

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490 Responses to Thousands at Movie Auditions

  1. KK says:

    Well, that's what she said…
    KKx 🙂

  2. H says:

    Hey, sorry, I'm just interested. I got to have my picture taken but not screen tests. So, I'm glad I got in, but I don't have a great chance of getting called back!
    Thanks, Hx

  3. says:

    I GOT THROUGH!!! i went to the oxford auditions adn i was the first one to be pulled out of my group of about 50/60 of us. i went with my friend and i didnt think i was going to get in at first because lyra was blond and so is my friend but i was suprised because i am dark haired and i got through and my friend didnt i even got a screen test i hope they contact me!

  4. H says:

    Hey, cool, I didn't get a screen test, I was sad about that, but I did get through, so I have some chance…
    Thanks, Hx

  5. KittyKat says:

    it's ok, it is kinda hard to believe :wassat: but she's my friend so i'm happy!! 🙂 but i'm still depressed that i didn't get more of a chance.
    Wo i'm happy AND depressed – that's weirder than sheep eating newspaper soup
    ….*KK dies*
    KKx 🙂

  6. chel says:

    :laughing:hi i got through today and had a screen test as well as photo taken yippeee it was gr8 i hope i get through to the next round they measured me aswell has anyone else been measured? :wassat:

  7. kendal says:

    :smile:hi everyone i went to auditions and was filmed twice . does anyone know when they let ya no about a recall cos im going on hols this sunday an dont want t miss the letter ps i loved the experience hope everyone enjoys it luv kendal x

  8. kendal says:

    :smile:hi everyone i went to auditions and was filmed twice . does anyone know when they let ya no about a recall cos im going on hols this sunday an dont want t miss the letter ps i loved the experience hope everyone enjoys it from kendal good look to them them who still have to go to the auditions it great!!!! 🙂

  9. H says:

    Hey, I'm really glad that you guys did the screen tests, but I'm guessing you can understand slightly, I feel slightly sad. I mean, I'm really glad that I got picked to go on, and even though I've got a chance to get a recall, that telephone probably wont ring, and I would have got a better chance to get a recall if I'd done some filming, but ah well, all all of us can do is hope…
    Thanks, Hx

  10. J says:

    OMG! I got through and had a screen test I'm so excited

  11. H says:

    Hey, cool for you. I bet all of you will get to the next round, but I probably wont get called. I hate waiting, because I didn't get as far as I could and so I'm hanging in the middle, and probably wont get called.

  12. Lou says:

    I am soooo scared about it, do i have a chance if i have lite brown curly hair and blue/green eyes, i dunno wot my daempon wud be, the peeps who got throoo wot did u guys say, PLEASE SAY B4 THURSDAY 13th!!!! do they actually let u act??? i hope so wot time shall i get there??? how long do u have to queue??? write bak soon some1 please!!!
    lou xxxxxxxxxx

  13. the grey lady says:

    no u dont get to act unless they pik u out and soumtimes they dont even give u a screen test if u get thru anyway but they take ur foto if u get thru personally i fink its a publicity stunt to hype ppl up bout the film i mean its bin o the tv and the radio so i think they want as much publicity as possible i fink there lookin for really short ppl cos the ppl they piked out of my group were tiny and they had dark hair and dark eyes so yeh every1 has a shot

  14. arcy says:

    im going to the 1 on thursday all my family says i have a good chance exacpt my older bro i have brown hair with streaks of blonde (natural) blue eyes rosy cheeks good voice brave adventerous bright good imagination a very unstandable family because right now my little bro is twittering on in my ear for no apperant reason but please tell me what you think before thursday when i go and ps i come from cornwall

  15. H says:

    Hey, yeah. People were saying that only the blondes get picked, but they don't. In my group, I was picked (I'm blonde) and then two mousey haired people and one dark brown, so everyone has a chance. Oh, and I have a tip for you guys. If they ask you a question, or even when they look at you to say what your name and stuff is, keep EYE CONTACT. That is the MOST IMPORTANT THING. They are looking for confident girls, and I kept eye contct when they asked me a question, and immediately after, the women whispered and told me to go talk to Charlie (a woma helping) and give my form in. I hope I helped!
    Bye, Hx

  16. KittyKat says:

    but i look old for my age, too. THAT does NOT help. I an attempt to stay cheerful does anyone know of other open auditions in this area??? they seem to pop up alot recently so… :wassat:
    KKx 🙂

  17. Lou says:

    thank you very much for the tips, um what did you all wear and wot wer most people wearing??? please say if u read this and have been. x

  18. Lorna says:

    Hey everyone.
    Sorry, who was it that saw me at the Oxford audition…?
    Someone mentioned it earlier on here…
    I went to both Cambridge and Oxford, it was seriously bugging me, I thought I'd be able to put my hand up this time round, I thought that was what I'd done wrong.
    But it wasn't, because they PIN-POINT people. And ask them, and them only.
    It's a shame, really. But in the end, like I'd said, I'm just too old, and you can tell, even if I'm not wearing loads of make-up.
    Alas. Good luck to the rest of you though, and for the love of all things Lyra, do her character justice.

  19. arcy says:

    well hardly any girls will be chosen the people with the most likly chance are the ones with lite hair because in the other auditions thats what theyve been choosing

  20. H says:

    Hey, it wasme who saw you Lorna. I had light blonde hai and was wearing a pink t-shirt. I got my photo taken. For Lou, I wore plain clothes, not something really over the top and blindingly bright.
    Hope I helped, Hx

  21. Lorna says:

    Oooh, righty.
    I can't remember you, I was neither here nor there really.
    I was too busy concentrating on making eye contact with Fiona. It was her, right?
    Meh, still, best of luck to you all.

  22. H says:

    Hey, yeah. But the thing is, I'm doubting that I will get called back because I got through, but got my photo taken, not filming as well, and the photo came out REALLY bad. But ah well. All of the people who get through to the second round, good luck, and I hope the girl who gets the part has a great time. The thing is, I'm not so keen on it now, because even though I don't like school, I found out that even if I did get the part, and went to do filming, I wouldn't be let back in school, Id have to go to another one. The reason fr this is because it's like, a grammar school so it's strict.
    See you, good luck!
    (P.S. Oh yeah, Lorna you came into the cafe across the road from the auditions afterwards, mwahahahahaha, I know where, well, you went??? Ignore me now :wink:!)

  23. Laura-not-Lyra-sob says:

    i went 2 the exeter auditions 2day!
    i felt abit dumb cos i wz the oldest 1 in my group (im 14)
    an i didnt get calld back
    i wz abit disappointed
    But i got a lollipop at the door!
    lol, L xxx

  24. H says:

    Hey, poor you. But we're on the same level, because I probably wont get through to geting a recall so ah well. We all tried. Were you asked any questions?

  25. elly says:

    i went to the oxford ones and wasnt picked the peeps that were were all really short as im 5,5 and 13 i guess i would of looked a bit weird as lyra

  26. Laura-not-Lyra-sob says:

    No, i wasnt asked any Qs, i did my best to try and get eye contact with trhe casters, but they only asked the little ppl!
    (im not trying to discriminate against little ppl, ther great)

  27. H says:

    Hey. Hehehe. I'm quite short! Don't know how tall I am in feet, but I'm short for my age. I'm twelve. I keep hearing abut all these people who got screen tests, and I'm like, yay for you!….but I shouldn't be complaining, because I got in, but just with a photo. GOOD LUCK EVERYONE. If someone here gets the part, that would be so cool!
    Hehe, Hx

  28. Allegra says:

    hey all the lyra wannabes!
    the auditions were fun weren't they?
    but if you were unlucky and you didn't get through DO NOT LET IT RUIN YOUR SELF CONFIDENCE!because you didn't get achance to shine!well done to everyone who got through good luck in the next rounds,and well done to everyone else for going! it was a good experience!
    love and luck

  29. Allegra says:

    hey all the lyra wannabes!
    the auditions were fun weren't they?
    but if you were unlucky and you didn't get through DO NOT LET IT RUIN YOUR SELF CONFIDENCE! because you didn't get a chance to shine! well done to everyone who got through good luck in the next rounds,and well done to everyone else for going! it was a good experience! i can't wait to find out the end resaults!
    love and luck

  30. Laura-not-lyra-sob says:

    Hear hear i agree!
    ther will always be other chances 4 u ppl 2 shine! i feel muchos better now..
    i still wanna no WHO WILL BE LYRA?
    dun dun dun!

  31. H says:

    Hey, did you get in Allegra? I've put it that the dealine for being called back is like, next sunday. So I'm just waiting and hoping. It's wierd though, someone just like you could be wishing and hoping and they could be Lyra! And they never knew it. I mean, it could even be you! It's wierd….. :wassat: hehehe…….. 😉 :laughing:
    Thanks, Hx

  32. chel says:

    :laughing:Hi H, where did you hear next sunday is the deadline for call backs?

  33. H says:

    Hey, I don't actually know, it's just that I was thinking, the Luna auditions wen on for about 2 weeks before they chose the actress, so as it started last tuesday and ended this week, I'm going for the end of this week. I might be wrong. Imagine if it was past Sunday, my hopes were down and I thought it was over, then I got called! I would be like :crying: 🙁 :wassat: 🙂 :laughing: lol. But I probably wont be called back. So, I don't know, just guessing!
    Reply! Hx

  34. chel says:

    hey H, i didn't think it would be that soon, but omg!!!! i'm so excited, i wonder who will get a cal, i hope i do :laughing:

  35. KittyKat says:

    it was 3 wks actually 🙂
    hiya! i hope my mate gets it. I CANT WAIT TO FIND OUT!!!
    KKx 🙂

  36. chel says:

    :smile:anyone know how the exeter auditions went? i haven't seen any postings about them

  37. H says:

    Hey, yeah, I haven't heard anything!
    (P.S. I hope someone I know gets it!)

  38. chel says:

    i dont know anyone who went to audition but me so ill keep my fingers crossed for everyone who has a chance of being called back. i guess we all have as much chance as each other 🙂 😉 :laughing: if anyone finds out first let us all know…. and put us out of our misery. i read they want Nicole Kidman for lyra's mum. wow hw cooooool

  39. H says:

    Hey, yeah I saw that too. I don't know anyone else personally that went. I guess we all have as good a chance, but the people who got screen tests, I think they've got a bit of a better chance because they were seen acting, but if the test didn't go well, less of a chance. Getting a photo still gives hope, but not as much as a good screen test. Good luck everyone!
    Hehe, Hx

  40. Laura (aka Laura-not-Lyra-sob) says:

    i went to the ex. auditions, my story is at the bottom of the audition experiences page. i signed meself off as L xxx
    good luck H an ppl hu got thru

  41. chel says:

    hi how did yur audition go did uget a photo n screen test was it gd ? :tongue:

  42. H says:

    Hey, I've slowly got less excited because I haven't been called, though it's only been two days since the last audition. But I'm glad, because my hopes are being lessened slowly…if that makes sense. :laughing:
    See ya, Hx

  43. chel says:

    i no wot u mean bout gettin less excited i dont fink il get in so im not to bovad if i did 🙂 but if not :tongue: so lol

  44. Seraxi says:

    I no wot u mean bout gettin less excited. I suppose its probs quite a good thing cos ur not getting ur hopes up only to b disappointed. I decided not to go to the auditions after all b-cos i don't think i'm young looking enough. But i sent my details in…do u think theyll look at them?

  45. Elsie says:

    hi there,

    Don't worry if you havn't been called yet, they wont have called anyone yet.
    This is totally different from the Luna auditions, that really was just a publicity stunt and happened very quickly because they had already started shooting on HP5.
    Lyra casting will go on for months and months.
    I don't think they will call anyone who wasn't filmed though, but I could be wrong.
    Anyway they'll need lots of kids for other parts so you might get called for something else!!

  46. Chel says:

    Hi There, I jsust read on a news website that any one they want to see will be called back in the next two weeks for second interviews,so I guess we can all relax for a bit :wassat: Also, when I had read my script they measured my height, has anyone else been measured cause I haven't read that anywhere?????

  47. lauren says:

    hi, I did the audition too and had a screen test and my height measured. I was really pleased but then I saw this girl that read 2 scripts and I know other people that did as well. Do you still think I stand a chance? :wassat:

  48. chel says:

    Hi, yeah I think you stand as much chance as anyone else, I only read one script aswell. I think maybe we did it right first time and didn't need to do it again??? why doyou think they read 2 scripts??

  49. lauren says:

    :laughing:thanks chel and well done to you too I hope you get in, so tell me as soon as you get a reply. I was excited but earlier someone else on here said that only the people that read 2 scripts have a chance but I do agree with u and maybe they read 2 was
    because they were sutible for other parts . I dont really know thogh I just cant wait to get back the results .Do you know how and when we get them back and what website you were
    on .Anyway well and done and talk to me soon :laughing: 🙂 :wink:please reply bi

  50. chel says:

    Hi Lauren,
    I was on a bbc news site and the casting crew said in an interview that they would call people back in two weeks if they wanted to see them. Good luck to yoy too :laughing: :laughing: