Thousands at Movie Auditions
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The first of the open auditions for Lyra was held today, at Cambridge. Thousands of young hopefuls turned up and queuing started very early, with CBBC putting an estimate of some 1200 girls there. The auditions at Kendal have also taken place, this Thursday (the 6th).

From reports from those girls who contacted us, it seems as though the casting directors simply dismissed those girls that they felt did not look the part – which is disappointing as this rather ignores any acting talents they may have.

Those girls left were asked simple questions such as “what would your daemon look like?” Those further selected from the group were sent to have their photograph taken, to potentially be called back after all the auditions have taken place. Remember there are still two seperate days of auditions left: see here for all the details.

There's a good gallery of images on the CBBC website now, but to read full experiences of girls who were there, head here. This will expand as more people get back to us. If you went, please do email us with how it went – or simply comment here.

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490 Responses to Thousands at Movie Auditions

  1. H says:

    Hey, yeh, but I think it should be equal to the Luna auditions, if anyone knows about them, because HDM isn't as well known as Harry Potter, but Luna is a smaller part than Lyra. If anyone gets what I mean, comment. If not, just ignore me!!!!!
    Thanks, Hx

  2. Seraxi says:

    :crying: gotta go now. I'm probs using up my mums life savings here and i'd rather not be blamed for making my mum a homeless old lady with nothing in the world but an orange and 2 cow bells. Good luck 2 all who are going to audition and H..keep up the randomness, old chap! :laughing:

  3. H says:

    I will!! No one can dampen my spirits.
    Thanks everyone, Hx

  4. KittyKat says:

    My daemon would be a lion cub 🙂
    they are gorgeous and i love all cats so 😉
    KKx 🙂

  5. Michelle says:

    Okay. so um, who here got through to the next round, apart from me! Sorry, I'm happy about that! Anyone? Bi, Michelle

  6. KittyKat says:

    Nope. Sorry. although i am running away to Exeter…i wish…
    'I Am Random'said the pink pineapple
    KKx 🙂
    P.S soz if i am bizarre/random it's summat in the air 🙂

  7. H says:

    Hey, my daemon would be a wild cat, but not like a lion, just a tough cat thing…..and it would have golden-brown fur, patches if you get what I mean. Yay, everyone is being random, I like randomness. Makes everyone feel happy and free!
    Hehehe, Hx
    Oh yeah, how old are you KK?

  8. H says:

    Hey, if anyone that has been talking on this well, comment page, goes to the audition, could they please say like, whether they did or didn't get in, I'm just really interested. No matter what happens, I'm gonna send an account of the day so it can appear on the experiences page. I hope I get in, but good luck to everyone else. If I ever got it, though I doubt it greatly, I would say that those that helped were people on this website. I'm a bit weird, but ah well. I would say the people I talked to, mostly KK and Seraxi. Oh yeah, and Michelle and Alewyn a bit too. Seriously good luck to all of you, it would be great if someone I know went in for an audition, as I don't know anyone who is going apart from me. I mean, people I've actually seen! So, again, GOOD LUCK!!!!!!
    Thanks a lot everyone, Hx

  9. Michelle says:

    Well, I got in at Cambridge. Does anyone want a step by step talk of what happened? Because I'm glad to help.
    Bi, Michelle

  10. KittyKat says:

    Yes please. Well, mainly the second-stage part actually :tongue:
    I'm 11. You?
    KKx 🙂
    P.S I am not random i just like fluffy see-saws

  11. Michelle says:

    Well, I don't know what happened with the filming, but after the others had left, me and the others were called up to talk to Fiona and Lucy. We were thanked for coming, and then individually, we stood up against a wall and got our photos taken. I was dismissed, I was the only one to get dismissed, and the others got given scripts and stuff. I saw that before leaving. I hope I helped everyone else. I'm 13. Bi, Michelle

  12. H says:

    Hey, cool. I am reaaaaaally nervous. I wont get picked, I know it, not even considered. I think it's unfair how they do it, because someone who looks the part could be really bad at acting, and then all the good actors could have been turned away. So, that's just my opinion!
    Thanks, Hx

  13. KK says:

    I know. It's so unfair. :angry:
    how old are you H? BTW my cat is tabby :laughing:
    KKx 🙂

  14. poppy says:

    Heya. I can't wait till da auditions. How many people do u no who is going to the oxford auditions 🙂

  15. KK says:

    I only know about two. But there were some people from OXFORD at KENDAL on tuesday…are they mental?
    P.S Hiya Poppy

  16. H says:

    Hey, I'm twelve. KK, what do you look like; as in, hair and eyes, because I just wanna know what they are kinda not tihkning of what Lyra would look like. Oh yeah, is Lyra's hair messy, or like, straight and neatly cut? Anyone know?
    Thanks, Hx

  17. poppy says:

    Hiya KK. Some people r so crazy. my mum wasn't even going 2 let me go 2 da auditions at first. But then i pesuaded her 2 lrt me.

    p.s i am going 2 a sleepover tonight. That woz randon but hey 🙂 😉 :wassat: :tongue: :laughing: 🙂

  18. H says:

    Hey! Yeah, so am I! My friends have got tired of my talking about the auditions, because I'm so excited. Hehehe.
    I am crazzzzzzzzzy. Problem is, Lyra's not so crazy, but ah well. I can play a sane person, hehehe.
    Thanks, Hx

  19. poppy says:

    Hiya My family are sick of me talking about the auditions. Wheredid u find out about the auditions? 😉 🙂

  20. H says:

    Hey, I found out about the auditions because I saw it on newsround one day and I was like WOW!!! Then I checked out the website to get all the details. That's when I started getting very excited!

  21. KK says:

    uh, my mum told me. :tongue: after reading about it. Not very glamourous but hey. I have brown hair, brown eyes. I DIDN'T get through i was so disappointed 🙁
    KKx 🙂

  22. Ian says:

    I found out about the auditions here 🙂

  23. H says:

    Cool. I've decided that when I go to the auditions, I'm going to make a documentery. Like, with my dad's video camera and I thoughtg it would be cool. The problem is, I wouldn't know how to send it to the makers of the website so they could somehow put it on. I might just keep it for myself for the memory.
    THanks, Hx

  24. poppy says:

    Hey. i heard about the auditions through a friend and then i asked my friend if i could go with her and she said yes so now we have been v excited 2gether.xxxxxx :laughing: 🙂 :wink:xxxxx

  25. Seraxi says:

    Boo! I'm not sure whether to go to the auditions because i would really, really like to but at the same time i don't know if i look anywhere near young enough!!!Aargh! 🙁 :angry: :wassat:

  26. H says:

    Hey, but I think you should go. Even if you get turned away, you'll always be left wondering what could have happened if you don't go. WEll, that's what I'm thinking about me going to the auditions anyway.
    Thanks, Hx

  27. Seraxi says:

    🙂 Oh, hi H! Thanx!!! I really want 2 b an actress when i'm older so every time i hear of an audition site i'm like: :laughing: :laughing: RIGHT! I WANNA GO! But still…i wanted 2 go 2 luna but i don't hav a passport 4 id. :crying: OH well!!! I think i've got 2 come off the net soon…i need broadband!!! ps. I think u should go as well!!

  28. Seraxi says:

    BEST OF LUCK 2 ALL THE FUTURE LYRS'S OUT THERE!!! Gotta go now cos my fingers r REALLY freezing but hey!ps. Thanx 4 all ur help!!!

  29. H says:

    Hey, it was a pleasure. Now all I can do is wait for the day, I don't have anything more that can help me for the audition. JUst deep breaths…hehehe.
    Thank you so much everyone, you have been a great help, Hx

  30. shan says:

    :wassat: im so nervous about da audition coz theirs so many ppl going! but loadsa ppl hav sed im alot like lyra so im keepin my fingas crossed 🙂 🙂 🙂

  31. KK says:

    good luck to every1 auditioning tomorrow! :tongue: :tongue: :tongue:
    KKx 🙂

  32. poppy says:

    Hiya, i am auditioning 2morrow and i am sooooooooooooo excited. Good luck 2 every1 going 2morrow.
    🙂 :tongue: :laughing:

  33. poppy says:

    p.s Hiya KK 🙂

  34. H says:

    Hey, again, good luck. Even though I really want the part, so many others do as well, so to all of these people, I hope you have a great time, meet new people and have a new experience.
    Thanks for listening! Hx

  35. KKx says:

    :angry: :angry:Heehee these angry faces are sweeeeeet… oh hiya :tongue:
    Good luck poppy & H ect. 🙂
    KK 🙂

  36. poppy says:

    HIya. thanx KK. I know that there r loads people auditioning but i really want 2 get in but i now it is really unlikely. 🙂 😉 :laughing:

  37. H says:

    Hey, yeah, that's what I'm thinking now. At the very beginning, I can't believe I actually had a chance at getting the part. Now it's just amazing to get to the second stage! What time are the people going tomorrow getting up?
    Thanks, Hx

  38. KittyKat=D says:

    i got up @ 6 and got there @ 8. If that helps. 😉 Who knows they might find the perfect Lyra before the end of tha auditions…hiya poppy + H +… :tongue:
    KKx 🙂
    :angry: :angry:

  39. H says:

    Hey, thanks. I'm gonna get up at about 6 so as to try and get in the queue at the beginning, even though there'll be like, hundreds of girls who have camped overnight. THe journey is estimated to be about 1 and a half hours long.
    Thanks, Hx

  40. poppy says:

    Hey. I am going 2 try and get there for 8 but if possible earlier. i want to get up at 6 but i probably wont be able 2 drag myself out of bed until 6.30.i dont have 2 travel that far because i live quite close but i do need 2 get ready and get beutifull :laughing: Hiya H and KK 🙂 😉

  41. joa says:

    Hiya u lot r really lucky u get 2 go. i am 14 but i really want 2be an actress and i love the books.xxxxxxxx :smile:xxxxxxx

  42. H says:

    Hey, I'm only gonna have like, 10 minutes to make myself look pretty, and then I'm gonna go all messed up n the queue, ah well! :laughing: Good luck Poppy! Wel, now I'm reeeeeeeeeeeally nervous, I can't believe it's tomorrow!
    Thanks, hx

  43. poppy says:

    Hey. i probably won't have much time 2 make myself look good cause i will be in my bed for ages but i hope i look reasonably good. If not i will do stuff in the q like u said. Any way good luck 4 2morrow i hope u do well and tell me 2morrow how u did so GOOD LUCK. P.S hiya H :wassat: 🙂 😉

  44. Caitlin says:

    I'm going to the Exeter Auditions on Thursday.I'm going down there on the Wednesday cuz my mum doesn't wanna drive down n back in 1 day! lol! Is anyone else going? If you are..
    C YA THERE!!

  45. Caitlin says:

    🙂 I'm really looking forward to it!! I've been 2 2 pro auditions in my life:
    1. Tracy Beaker(Series 2 or 3)
    2. The Little Prince (BBC)
    And now Northern Lights!
    I'm 12 years old n i'm from South Wales (i think i might put on an English accent so i get a good chance lol), i have brown hair n brown eyes. If anyone can tell me if i have a chance i will be gr8ful!


  46. Wytchbabi says:

    good actress!!! :laughing:

  47. alexiasilvertongue says:

    congrats to all the girls that made it to the second round 🙂 I'm sooo proud of y'all!

  48. KittyKat says:

    My friend (the blonde one) just called to tell me she went to Oxford and is at the FOURTH STAGE!!!!!!! And she'll be sent a letter if she gets further…
    the best bit is I told her about tha auditions so if she gets it i'm best friends with a celeb!!!!!!!OMG!!!!!!!
    KKxxxxxxxxxxx mwa mwa 🙂

  49. H says:

    Hey, what do you mean KK, if she went to Oxford, they could only get into the next round, like I did by getting my photo taken. So, hehe, I got through! And if anyone here has read the experiences page, I saw Lorna, she was in my group at the auditions!
    Thanks, Hx

  50. H says:

    Hey, actually, furthest you could get was screen testing in the first stage, but ah well. 🙂 . JUst correcting myself!
    Thanks, Hx