Thousands at Movie Auditions
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The first of the open auditions for Lyra was held today, at Cambridge. Thousands of young hopefuls turned up and queuing started very early, with CBBC putting an estimate of some 1200 girls there. The auditions at Kendal have also taken place, this Thursday (the 6th).

From reports from those girls who contacted us, it seems as though the casting directors simply dismissed those girls that they felt did not look the part – which is disappointing as this rather ignores any acting talents they may have.

Those girls left were asked simple questions such as “what would your daemon look like?” Those further selected from the group were sent to have their photograph taken, to potentially be called back after all the auditions have taken place. Remember there are still two seperate days of auditions left: see here for all the details.

There's a good gallery of images on the CBBC website now, but to read full experiences of girls who were there, head here. This will expand as more people get back to us. If you went, please do email us with how it went – or simply comment here.

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490 Responses to Thousands at Movie Auditions

  1. Hannah (H) says:

    Heya, back! Sorry, my computer broke yesterday and I havenm't gone on this page for a while, KK, you're back, yay! Is it true that they have got down to the final 2?

  2. KK says:

    i don't know, but i'm beginning to suspect it's true. my friend got a letter saying she was out of the contest 🙁 :crying: unfair but it means that they're really narrowing it down
    H, i have been trying to talk 2 u 4 AGES on here…

  3. KK # KittyKat says:

    my computer just went blank. it said it was an unchunk malfunction.
    pffft*laughey-doo* :laughing: :laughing:
    KKx ask me any question i know the answer! (um, fortune telling not the speed of light divided by the integer 5 squared subtract negative 4) 🙂
    woohoo! long message

  4. Hannah (H) says:

    Ha! I will now wright a longer one. Hmmmmmmmmmmm, let me see, what could I write about, hmmm. I know! The auditions! So, apparently, but with no completely safe truth behind this, they are down to the very final two. I have a statement from H. 'On the Newsround website, there is no warning of the auditions, and no news of any further decisions made by the casting directors.' Hmmm. Very interesting indeed! And, a statement from KK about the highest level known of the auditions :'my friend got a letter saying she was out of the contest'. Oooh, and her friend was in the FINAL 20. So, the most they would probably have would be 10, and I say that as the m o s t . So, as a conclusion. The final 20 was called. They went, they did acting, roleplay and much more. People got letters, calls, saying they were in or out and much more. So now, there is still much more information left, but the answer that some evidence concludes, and some doesn't, opinions have been stated and Philip Pullman himself discussed the London auditions, and so, the most likely answer, I think (just me, my opinion, which shouldn't really be used in a report, but ah well!) is……..(drumrol)…that… (BANG) they are in the Final 10 or below! And as I already kinda said that, that big dramatic thing was worthless, but ah well! Have fun people, and look forward to this big movie. So, everyone have a good day, and goodnight from your reporter, H.
    🙂 😉 🙂

  5. Alewyn says:

    Oh yeah, I forgot to ask earlier, where did the final 2 rumour come from?

  6. KK # KittyKat says:

    from somebody on BttS who was saying that she was in the final 2 i think.
    :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue:llllllllllllllllllllong!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Hannah (H) says:

    Hehehe, I dont mind about the casting now, I mean, I would have loved to get further, but there was hardly any chance and I'm sure the part will go to someone who really deserves it and loves the character, and I hope they will do the character justice!

  8. KK says:

    H, i am pcyic – pschicic – sickyeye –
    can't spell it, ask me a question

    oo oo oo! PCSHIC! is that right though..

  9. Alewyn says:

    i think it's psychic…w/e

  10. KK says:

    o thank you 🙂
    so, the girl who gets the part has lighter blonde hair and hreeny-blue eyes. she is……11 and a half and… can act, but is not mind-blowing, earth-sh ooooops gotta go more soon

  11. poppy hello says:

    heya im back (lol :laughing:) so wat r we all talkin about

  12. Dannii says:

    yo yo yo wassup… :laughing: joke hello to you too!

  13. KK (KittyKat) says:

    hiya poppy remember me?
    exams soon, noooooooo… so back to the actual topic, eeeeeee! who is Lyra?! when will they finally CHOOSE???!!!?!?!?
    anyways, hello 🙂

  14. Alewyn says:

    spanish final tomorrow…AHHHHHH 🙁

  15. Hannah (H) says:

    Poor you, we've had all of our tests!

  16. KK says:

    WE haven't…

  17. Alewyn says:

    whew, it was pretty easy. now i have a trip to d.c. tomorrow (tty on saturday!) and math final next friday 🙁

  18. Missy-Me says:

    eeeeee just found this one…:smile:
    Like it already
    *is putting it in favourites*

  19. KittyKat..... says:

    this WHAT? please tell us, or we will get annoyed… 😉 :laughing: :angry: :crying:

  20. MIssy-ME says:

    this board duh :tongue:
    what else should I find???:wink:
    *when when when are they going to anounce LYRAAAAAAA??? ever?? over 4 years maybe?*

  21. KittyKat: says:

    hi there! *waves* there's big exitement here in London today, as New Line have announced Lyra, and just after the first olympic event! wow!

    what? well, you should get it.

  22. dANNI says:

    WHO IS LYRA?! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

  23. KK says:

    um. :wassat: no, there is no Lyra. it was a joke, MM said it was gonna be four years until they announced her. the olympics in London are in 2012. that was the joke. sorry for any confusion…
    argh, why is there no ooops emoticon on BttS? i will complain…

  24. Missy-Me says:

    there is at that other thing..

  25. KK says:

    …which i can't get to, thanks for that pointer but i'm still complaining! you hear me? THIS IS A COMPLAINT!!!!!
    hehe 🙂
    this was my name, but it STILL said it was too long. TWO more things 2 complyn bwt… :KK can't post as herself because password thing never works

  26. Missy-Me says:

    you can't get to that thread thing??

  27. KK says:

    which thread thing? :wassat:

  28. Missy-Me says:

    you know, the one will wanted we go to.
    That one where those people keep saying we shouldn't break the rules etc.

  29. KittyKat: says:

    well yeah, i know about that one, i can get onto it. i thought u meant btts chat. 🙂
    im gonna try and post on that place are yu comin missy_me?

  30. KittyKat: says:

    on the place i can't post at and it went weird, you HAVE to see this!!

  31. Missy-Me says:

    I see it… Weird, all signes between your lines very odd..:wassat:

  32. KittyKat: says:

    you know, Lyra has been cast since this was last posted at… :wassat:

  33. Missy-Me says:

    me = knowing
    god I'm SO BORED!!!! everybody is goooneeee is someone HERE??

  34. Missy-Me says:

    14.16 Missy-Me *waves*
    14.20 Missy-Me is bored again..:wassat: :tongue:
    does someone knows something to do?

  35. Alewyn says:


  36. KittyKat: says:

    um 🙂 😉 :wassat: :tongue: :laughing: 🙁 :angry: :crying:

  37. Sammy says:

    Hello! i am new!!!!!!!!!!!!! and hyper!!!!
    KittyKat-And my best friend!!!

  38. Missy-Me says:

    ..?? o_O
    PLEASEEEEEE please please please please please please!!! Let me get her..! Or at leats don't let time have crossed me..:sad:

  39. poppy hello says:

    🙂 😉 :wassat: :tongue: :laughing: 🙁 :angry: :crying: 🙁