Open Auditions for Lyra to be Held
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Screen Daily is reporting that open auditions for the part of Lyra in the upcoming His Dark Materials film will be held. The producers say they are looking for a girl “who embodies Lyra's loyalty, bravery and mischievous nature” and say that she need not have any previous acting experience.

Auditions for the role will be taking place solely in England: at Cambridge, Oxford, Kendal and Exeter. The auditions will be held during the first two weeks of this April. A girl between the ages of 9 and 13 is being sought, allaying fears that Lyra's age would be raised for legal or moral reasons.

For full details on dates, locations and contact details, see the BttS auditioning page

For those going: We'd like to cover the auditions here on BttS as fully as possible, so if anyone actually going to the auditions is interested, we'd love it if they could tell us of their experiences – how they convinced their parents, what the queue was like and perhaps even taking a few photos. If you are planning to go to the auditions and are interested, then you can email us here. Your stories would be featured here after each of the auditions.


The casting calls will have open queues in the morning lasting from 10 o'clock until 12 o'clock and will end at 5 o'clock in the afternoon.

The exact locations are:

  • Cambridge's Corn Exchange (4 April)
  • Kendal's Castle Green Hotel (6 April)
  • Oxford's Examination Schools (11 April)
  • Exeter's Great Hall at the University of Exeter (13 April)
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1,661 Responses to Open Auditions for Lyra to be Held

  1. RachelJ says:

    Yh I had IT first lesson today. Meh, not 2 bad. Ahhhhhhh did I tel u all about my first GCSE test soon … ? Can't remember … :wassat:

    Good luck with the audition (for the 1,000,000th time! ) :laughing:

  2. Alewyn says:

    what's IT?

    i'm procrastinating…it's bad lol

  3. RachelJ says:

    What are u procrastinating?

    IT stands for "information technology" aka ICT which stands for "information communication technology" … basically computers. But like a lesson sorta thing. Why, what do you call it in the US?

  4. Alewyn says:

    ohhh makes sense
    i think they call it IT at other schools, but it's just tech(nology) at my school

  5. Missy-Me says:


    well thats not really what i meant..>.< you know IT every month, women… it sucks..

  6. RachelJ says:

    Oh! :laughing: Whoops no-one i no really calls it that … mostly just "my time of the month" … and yes, I fully, 100% agree with u that it sucks!

  7. Alewyn says:

    hahahahahahaaaaa we're brilliant ppl lol

    and yes, it does indeed suck majorly, my greatest sympathies

  8. Werecatweird says:

    agree with THAT!

    (hey guys! havent been on the internet in a while)

  9. RachelJ says:

    Hiya werecatweird! Yh I noticed u havent been on recently … wubu2?

  10. Alewyn says:

    wubu2…??? what does it mean????

  11. Missy-Me says:

    what have u bin up to..
    that oes it mean..:P Like what have you been doing..:P lol
    myu bro dowloaded need for speed carbon..:D I love it..:P

  12. Werecatweird says:

    wot have i been up too, well not mcuh if you think about it but,
    -i'm doing my grades on all my instruments soon (argh!)
    -i have a dance show in february, so i keep getting extra ruddy rehearsals
    -my teachers have decided to give us all loads of tests right now for some reason.
    basically i'm aving to work my arse off in every direction, so sorry i havent been on :crying:

    the main reason though is that my sis needs the computer for her A level work. :wassat:stupid…

    :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

    so you guys been doing anything intresting?

    oh yeah and alewyn? if i said the word 'cot' to you, what would it mean?

  13. Missy-me says:

    a dance show..?? ^^ Cool!
    I subscribed for the movie at last. This is one of the last days for it..
    a well not like i will be invited

  14. Alewyn says:

    er…cot is like a little matress/bed type thing

    and missy–BE POSITIVE!!!

  15. RachelJ says:

    Yh Missy-me – think possitive!!! Lol u sound like u've been havin a lot of fun, werecatweird! What is "cot" supposed to mean to Alewyn?

  16. Missy-me says:

    yeh perhaps i should but if im like: Yes and I will be invited everybody will love I'll DEFINATELY will get the part amnd then won't even be invited for the AUDITION then it feels even more terrible..:P

    but indeed,, emily you're busy..:D Its nice to be busy..:P I love being busy..:P whaha lol that sounds stupid..:P
    wot was the cot thing about btw..? o.O

  17. Werecatweird says:

    :laughing: sorry it's just were reading and studying an american book in english and it keeps waying stuff about cots, you know like 'each boy had a cot, which they slept in' or wahtever. and every time it says this, i get an image of these teenage boys, squeezing there way into baby cots, you know whith the little bars and everything.
    it's a very funny image, :laughing: i can tell you!!

  18. Werecatweird says:

    hey, if they knew you missy_me, they'd give you the part on the shot. unfortuntely they don't and only have you on little peices of peper, which is a shame really. :angry: but they should…

  19. Missy-Me says:

    thanks emily..:)
    They're 3000 people who subsribed,, for 2 parts (one for a boy one for a girl) and they're inviting 500 people.. one on 6..
    a well.. ill see there'r coming a few more soon so ive mor echances:P

  20. RachelJ says:

    Hiya guys – what date do they announce who the 500 are, well 499, seeing as we know who one of them is! 😉

  21. Alewyn says:

    yayyy i <3 optimism!!!

  22. Werecatweird says:

    🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

  23. Missy-me says:

    they won't announce that.. it's just a e-mail which says if you can come or not..
    i'm not invited..!:(
    BIUT! Theres a castingbureau here.. and you can subscribe for FREE and then you can be incited for a screentest or soemthing for a commercial or a movie whatever really cool..:D I wanna do that but how will i ask my parents..? o.O

  24. RachelJ says:

    That e-mail thingy sounds cool, do u have to ask your parents?

  25. Alewyn says:

    its 10 minutes past midnight, thursday night

    i just finished my history essay and actually kinda like it

    it snowed for the first time this ENTIRE WINTER and actually stuck

    soooooooo yeahhhhhhhhhh
    i'm feeling pretty giddy right now 🙂

  26. missy-me says:

    yeh alewyn i saw it on the news!! :O its really bad!!
    but rachel yeh it is! 😀 you don't really have to ask your parents but if you get invited you ill have to tell them anyway..

  27. RachelJ says:

    Urgh. Just got back from my m8s house – it was her fifteenth birthday party. I drank loads, had the time of my life, then threw up on her couch … urgh. I wasn't the worst, though. One of my m8s threw up like 15 times … I. Feel. So. Terrible. I don't even remeber a thing. All that I do was that I was hugging everyone I saw and offering them my drink, then it got taken away by some boy :angry: only coz I'd had too much though lol. Then I remeber short convos with anyone I saw, and then I just lay on my m8s sofa and threw up. Nice. (sarcastic) It takes such long 4 me to type atm, I actually have to think about what keys I'm pressing. Oh yeah I'm at my computer now coz I came home to go to sleep, but all the beds r taken. My mum (mom) is in hers, my sister in mine, my brother in the guestroom, and some m8s of my parents are in the living room so I have no where to go! My dad answered the door and was pretty annoyed but not angry, and just gave me some water and now I'm here. I honestly don't recommend drinking, unless u guys meh ……? I'm not sure what things r like in america, and I know Emily wouldn't coz ur only year eight, but how about you Missy-me?

    Oh yh and I'm going to Amsterdam!!! Not sure when though …

  28. RachelJ says:

    – so not such – :wassat:

  29. Missy-me says:

    noppe i don't drink.. i don't even like it..:S
    but lol.. you know what ive never been in A'dam!:P

  30. Werecatweird says:

    i cant stand achohol

  31. Alewyn says:

    i can be around it, i just dont really drink it

    like, im half italian, so of course i'll have sips of wine and whatever, but i dont really ever ever get smashed

  32. Missy-me says:

    yeh same here.. only I don't even like it..:P lol
    Whoo i found something cool! A casting bureau..xD For children..:)


    I've already told you this huh..>.< *scrolls up*
    yes i have..>.<
    a well..:P

  33. RachelJ says:

    Cool missy-me, you found another audition? You'll get one eventually! I heard even the best actors only get like 1 in 20 of all jobs they apply for … so any one now will be yours!

  34. Missy-me says:

    a well its not really an audition.. it's more like an agent..:P so you'll get more chances.. for things who'r not having an open audition and stuff..;-)

  35. Werecatweird says:

    It SNOWED last night! there was like an inch of snow in the morning! AND it's supposed to be snowing again tonight! muahahahahahahaha! :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue:

  36. Alewyn says:

    its supposed to snow A LOT tomorrow and all through friday too!!!!!

    here's to a snow day on friday! :tongue:

  37. RachelJ says:

    Urgh u guys are so annoying! :laughing: We had snow but it was soooo boring and didn't settle … hope it does 2nite … but then we'll get ice which is HORRID! :tongue:

  38. Missy-Me says:

    we don't! 🙁 Its only freezin cold here..>.< An houre ago or something there was like really little snow but it didn't last..o.O It melted immidiately after touching the ground..
    i don't really want it to snow… Becos its SO cold then and i have to cycle 20 minuts to school..o.O

    Do you guys actually cycle to school? Or with the bus? In moies you mostely see (in american movies) that people go with the bus..^^ How cool!

  39. Werecatweird says:

    i catch a bus…i've like always caught a bus since my first day at school, even thorugh primary which most ppl dont, but i sorta live in the midl of nowhereish, still get a school bus sevice though, which is rather useful.

    and it DID snow again, but this time it didnt settle! :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying:
    i've only ever had one snow day, that was amazing. *looks dreamy* but that was like 3 years ago.

    you know england sucks in that way dosent it? we get rain, more rain, lots lots more rain, and more rain, but it like NEVER snows,
    and then you get some countries which get lovely glowing weather in the summer and then snow in the winter, it's just MEAN

  40. Missy-Me says:

    i kno.. We had loads of snow last year… *2005 i meant*
    did you guys kno you can win a kihnda of meet and greet..? or something right?
    its on the home page

  41. Missy-Me says:

    ok it is not.. its just a report of someone whos been there..
    well for you not like i would've done it:P

  42. Alewyn says:

    heh…we get hot summers and snowy winters :tongue:

    seriously, only 1 snow day EVER???? that sucks! we get like 1 a year minimum

    but we haven't had one yet this year 🙁 stupid el nino

  43. Alewyn says:

    WE'RE ON PAGE 5!!!

  44. Missy-Me says:

    OMG! What if this board will be DELETED!
    becos its so old!! :O

  45. Missy-me says:

    where IS everybody!! o.O

  46. RachelJ says:

    Hiya guys I haven't been on here in five days and you're all still talking about the same thing lol! Snow! Well, yh ur right werecatweired England's weather does truly SUCK! And … um … what else? Have you read the 'Visit to the Golden compass set' thingy? I got bored after the first couple of paragraphs lol … reading is soooo much easier on paper! I've been doing my coursework which I think I probably got a B on, even though all my others are As lol. I always hope for a little * though … not much to ask! :tongue:

  47. Werecatweird says:

    no. i only read the start too.

  48. Missy-Me says:

    yup me too..
    Im already at page 47 of my book..:D Someone i kno has 135 pages but STOPPED! Bcos she has a writersblock and doesn't knows how to go further!
    omg! How depressing! Writing for so long and then unable to finish it..!
    urgh! I would seriously go crazy!
    hehe lol..:D
    I wrote a poem.. wait ill get it:
    *itas in english..:P*


    Odly as they are
    they are there, every night
    but we can't catch them
    and we can't see them

    we feel them, every night
    to be forgotten in the morning,
    we keep forgetting what they try to say to us
    every night again

    We still don't know
    the only thing we can do is wait
    wait for the night to come
    and let dreams come to us
    every single night again…

    lol! Its kinda not nice..>.< I wrote it last night woth another one (that one reaallyy sucks)
    hehe does someone else write poems? *I never actually..:P very sometimes..:)*

  49. RachelJ says:

    That's cool! And NO I do not write poetry – I'm terrible! Not too bad at creative writing though … :wassat:

    Please translate your book!

  50. Missy-Me says:

    all of it..? o.O
    hehe I'll translate a part or something and mail it to you.. kj?
    *alewyn have u msn? u haven't huh…:( Can I mail uyou anyway? although u don't have msn? …*