Open Auditions for Lyra to be Held
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Screen Daily is reporting that open auditions for the part of Lyra in the upcoming His Dark Materials film will be held. The producers say they are looking for a girl “who embodies Lyra's loyalty, bravery and mischievous nature” and say that she need not have any previous acting experience.

Auditions for the role will be taking place solely in England: at Cambridge, Oxford, Kendal and Exeter. The auditions will be held during the first two weeks of this April. A girl between the ages of 9 and 13 is being sought, allaying fears that Lyra's age would be raised for legal or moral reasons.

For full details on dates, locations and contact details, see the BttS auditioning page

For those going: We'd like to cover the auditions here on BttS as fully as possible, so if anyone actually going to the auditions is interested, we'd love it if they could tell us of their experiences – how they convinced their parents, what the queue was like and perhaps even taking a few photos. If you are planning to go to the auditions and are interested, then you can email us here. Your stories would be featured here after each of the auditions.


The casting calls will have open queues in the morning lasting from 10 o'clock until 12 o'clock and will end at 5 o'clock in the afternoon.

The exact locations are:

  • Cambridge's Corn Exchange (4 April)
  • Kendal's Castle Green Hotel (6 April)
  • Oxford's Examination Schools (11 April)
  • Exeter's Great Hall at the University of Exeter (13 April)
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1,661 Responses to Open Auditions for Lyra to be Held

  1. Werecatweird says:

    OK. funny. is he on btts? cos i dont see any pic!!!!!

    oh yeah. i have msn. i'll add you guys k?

    mines up top

  2. Werecatweird says:

    ok guys this might seem fine to you, but i'm really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really squemish and this really freaked me. so…
    i just thought i'd post it here! :tongue:

  3. Missy-Me says:

    OMG! that's SO gross… o.O
    but yeh indeed it feels veery weird>>!
    ive not seen the picture yet.. mm gonna watch now

  4. RachelJ says:

    So what do u all think of the site? I think everything is great but the Athlethiometer isn't really captured for me. I mean it is one of the most important things and I don't think it has the spark that Philip Pullman wrote it to have. Aside from that everything is perfect!

  5. RachelJ says:

    Oh yh and that link is gross! Anyone reading this – don't click it!

  6. Werecatweird says:

    too late for me, i posted it remember.

    i am SO SO SO bored. my whole family decided to get rid off our christmas shopping today, so we went to town.
    -an important thing to note here, is that i really dont like shopping, let alone christmas shopping when everywhere is completely packed-
    ok. now the WORST part, do you know how LONG we were out of the house!?!
    we left at 11.30 this morning and got back at 8.20 this evening (that was 5 mins ago)

    i'm very fed up.
    AND my uncle and his family are coming tomorrow so thats my whole weekend down the drain. i dont get on with any of my cousins in that family… 🙁

    oh woe is me

  7. Alewyn says:

    holy crap that IS long

    anyways, i LOVE the way that everyone looks in the film. however, DBR isn't as much as i'd hoped :wassat:
    but lee looks amazing to me

  8. Missy-Me says:

    huh what site? this one..?
    but wow emily! that IS long..!! >.<
    I went to school today and my day totally sucked,!
    however i did gave me up for the audition of the dutch movie… 🙂

  9. RachelJ says:

    Yh that is AGES! poor u!

    I'm FINALLY bac at skool … i dont love it or anything its just im glad 2 b bac! lol

    So have u done all ur xmas shoppn alewyn/missy-me? i havnt even started! :wassat:

  10. Missy-Me says:

    christmasshopping.. like in buying presents for people?
    nah we don't do that 😛

  11. Alewyn says:

    Me and my friends from school are doing secret santa, so i only have to get 1 gift for that

    but then i have all my friends from town to get gifts for, i haven't started either lol

  12. Werecatweird says:

    My tutor group are doing scret santa. i got one of my best friends! ha! and then i got her to believe that it was one of the boys who has her. it's hilarious watching her figure it out :tongue: :laughing: :tongue: :laughing:

  13. RachelJ says:

    werecatweird that sounds fun! :tongue:

    wish my tutor group did things like that …

  14. Alewyn says:

    er…i don't have a tutor group :wassat:

  15. Werecatweird says:

    you dont have a tutor group? wait. its probobly just called something different…er…um…a form maybe? or er…a class?

    any idea's ppl? i'm literally asleep at the mo. brain deactivated

  16. Alewyn says:

    OHHH yeah, a class

    tutor groups are like the people you go to school with, right?

  17. RachelJ says:

    Yh a tutor group is pretty much the same as a class, only you have tutorial with your tutor group and lessons with your class(es)… if that makes any sense! Mine's the same size as a regular class, 30.

    I know that was terribly interessing 4 u all … ! :wassat:

  18. Alewyn says:

    Sorry but, um, what's the difference between a class and a tutorial?

  19. Werecatweird says:

    well a class is like your english class or something while a tutorial. wait. i have like a few lessons with my tutor group as well.

    wow. you know, i never realised how complicated explaining what a tutor was would be…

    ANWAY. we got are secret santa presents today. i got a large chocolate selection box. yum yum :tongue: anyway, my mate got hers. but she still dosen't know you its from cos ihavent told her and i got my big sis to write the label. and know she's asking everyone she see's whether they recognise the handwriting. AND I STILL PLAY ALONG.

  20. Werecatweird says:

    ok read post underneath 1st if you read from top.

    i nearly die laughing seriously.
    and even better. my sis wrote something rude on the bottom so i crossed it out with a silver christmas pen. and know she's convinced that it says the persons name underneath, so she's spent the whole of graphics (thats was right after lunch and last period of the day) trying to work out what it says!

    AND i think nearly everybody in the tutor knows it was me, but there playing along too. ha ha ha!
    the good thing is that she absoultly loves what i got her, but unfortuntely is smart enough to realise that the person who did knows her well.
    :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
    on that darker side, the head and the deputy heads are making me play a saxaphone solo in front of the hole school… 🙁
    .omg. it was bad enough having to do a solo in the 2 christmas school concerts last week, but this is in front of the WHOLE SCHOOL.
    good thing is my brother went on a school trip to paris for 4 days. so he wont be there. and my older sis has left my school and my litl sis has come yet. phew.
    actually i dont think tahts a good thing. i'd rather do it in front of my bro to be honest, that in front of the school…
    kill me now!

    HA! look at me babbling. i'm probs gonna have to split this.

  21. Alewyn says:

    omg that's so cool!!! i would LOVe to be asked to do a solo!

    also, the whole secret santa thing is hilarious

    we exchange gifts this thursday and friday 🙂

  22. Werecatweird says:



    yeah i played my sax solo right. and guess waht. i got up there and my reed BROKE. so when i played it was this horrible scratching screeching sound. :crying: :crying: :crying:

    so i stopped playing and turned round and talked to my music teacher and my headteacher (and loads of people in the audience where cheering and stuff. arseholes)and so my headteacher walks up to the mike and goes
    'emily is unfortuntely having a technical problem her reed has cracked'
    and so i had to walk all the way to the music block with my music teacher (he is an AWESOME teacher. seriously. he rules.) and i got a new reed out of my case and stuff.
    and THEN i had to go bcak to the sports hall (thats where the assembly was) and play it again.
    THANKFULLY i did it perfectly and everybody has been congratualting me all day, and giving me chocs and telling me about ppls reaction. (which were aparently amusing). and now i'm rly happy.
    but that was in front of the WHOLE school. teachers and pupils alike
    i think i really need to thank the fact that i keep a pack of reeds in my case. imagine if they weren't there or i'd run out…..

    sorry. i had to let that spill.


  23. Werecatweird says:

    oh yeah. and some prat told my friend that i was here secret santa. but i dont know who it is….GRRRRRRRRR


  24. Missy-Me says:

    ohw..:( mean!!
    But cool bout the concert!! It sounded very cool..:) What did you played? Klarinet? Hobo?
    I'm not having hols yet!!! Not fair..:(
    I have to go to school till friday..>.<
    mean huh! But emily I love u to 😛 merry Xmas

    I went with my class to an uhm, ice-skating.. it was SO much fun!!!
    although my knees hurt now..:S

    There's this real cool action here.. For uhm the mines, you know the blowing up things things..
    And now 3 dutch DJ's have locked their selves up in a house of glass, and aren't gonna eat for 6 days.. And then you can request for money..:)
    So there will be loads f money..^^
    really cool..!
    but now i have to learn french..grnf Tomorrow exam..o.O With the previous one almost everyone had a 1 or a 2 or a 3 or somewhere near by there..! >.<
    (we've rate out of 10, 1 is the lowest 10 the highest, it'd be a F at yours i think)
    I had a 6.3 haleluhjah.:S but tomorrow is there another one..:S Hopefully I won't get a faillure..:(
    well.. bye..*looks jelous at emily who's jumping happily around in the garden screaming MERRY XMASSSSS to every stranger she sees*
    lol,, it is pretty cold here.. not freezing but still!!
    unfair..!!! Rachel and alewyn have you broke up already?

  25. Missy-Me says:

    oops, i meant a 1 would be a F in england. i think..
    we can exchange to germany this year..>.< no way that im gonna do that!!
    blehbleh i hate gemanies.. and germany too..:P
    I've asked for an exchange to england but im afraid it won't will come there..:( unfaiirrr

  26. Alewyn says:

    no grrrr i'm in school RIGHT AT THIS MOMENT and will be until friday at 12:30 🙁

    no fair, emily's out before us AND she had a super concert thing that she rocked at. yes, you can rock on the sax, DEAL WITH IT

    yeah…i'm kinda out of it today. it's just an off day…whatever lol

    omg guess what??? LESS THAN A WEEK TILL XMAS!!!!!

  27. RachelJ says:

    I break up 2moro!!! Yay! Although it woodnt really make a difference if did have 2day off … all I did was watch a film wiv Eddie Murphy in english (4got the name), the Dragons Den in business, and High School musical actually in french wiv english subtitles … fun!

    Emily that is so cool wiv the whole sax thing! It sounds like it went brill! Lol that secret santa thing seems fun!

    Missy-me what happened wiv that whole dutch book audition thing? Have I missed something or hasn't it happened yet … ?

    Yay I got an A* in my mathstest! :laughing:

  28. Werecatweird says:

    HA HA HA SUCKERS!!!!!!!!!!!!

    i'm at home. RIGHT NOW and your all at school!


    sorry. couldnt resist :tongue:

    ok wel friday are 2nd to last day this is what we did:
    -ICT- well duh, we just played on the computers
    -Dance-We watched old video's of us doin are assessments (i know this dosent make sense, but it's amusing trust me) and then played duck duck goose with miss, taht was a laugh, we were all in are socks.
    -French- We watched mosters inc in french! (with english subtitles) the teachers all have the same idea's
    -PE-Instead of doing boring aerobics or whatever, all th groups got together and played dodgeball in the sports hall.
    -Science-We watched cars! (the dvd)

    and on monday!
    -RE-we watched indiana jones raiders of the lost ark!
    -PSE-We watched loads of simpson episodes
    -Wood Tech- We made christmassy clocks
    -Graphics-We made christmas boxes!

    then yesterday
    -we had a huge assembly till about 9.30 to 11.00 (which i was in (ARGH))
    -then we were supposed to go to a disco. but i rly dont like disco's so our tutor said he's put on a dvd and we could stay in tutorial instead. so i watched over the hedge!
    -and THEN we went home at 12.45!!!

    omg i'm being so mean. 🙁 sorry…

  29. Werecatweird says:

    couldnt fit this on the end! whats with all the big posts i've been doing recently? 😉 (wink dosent fir here, but i've never actually done 1 b4. so..!)

    YAY! well done rachel! she got an A*!!
    *does a litl dance around playroom*
    AND YEY! rachel breaks up tomorrow! we can sit here poasting about how nice thee hols are! just to annoy.

    i really need to break out of this evil spirit…

  30. RachelJ says:

    Thanks werecatweird! Dances with her coz of HOLS! YAY!!!!!!!!! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

  31. RachelJ says:

    Yh I had an assembly 2day 2 … urgh these sorta geeky boys performed and called themselves "His Dark Materials" … cringy or what??? 🙁

    But there was anova band that was alrite… and speeches from teachers that lasted absolutely AGES! urgh … but no its nearly xmas!!!!!! :laughing:

  32. Alewyn says:

    oh god…is high school musical a phenomenon over there too??

    gahhh i had a history test today and i think i did really really nadly on it 🙁


  33. Werecatweird says:

    HA! everything that becomes a hit in america sneaks its way into britain with a title something like 'america's biggest hit' etc…la la la
    here. i'll find you a link. or something… ok i looked on the newsround website( yeah i go on there, i've felt a sort of gratitude to it, since it told me about the lyra auditions)
    right. i typed in high school musical and here's the sheet back.

    thats 106 search results.
    mind you. looking at them, one of them appears to be a vote on what are school toilets are like so…:laughing:

    ok i think this was round about when it appeared.

  34. Werecatweird says:

    ok. i'd like to point to THE IMDEPENDENT(thats one of the main newspapers)'s pg.3 (note here that pg.1 and 2 are occupied by the main story.

    actually i was gonna write quotes and stuff. but i'll just shove you on the website. REMEMBER this was on PAGE 3!!! the only thing that beat it in the news was that bears have stopped hibernating in spain.

  35. Missy-Me says:

    Im out at 13.00 tomorrow..o.O even later then alewyn!!! how unfair!!
    hmz.. we did today:
    maths just class *i hate that teacher..>.< she even gave us homeowork!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    history – a fuckin terrible hard exam.. which i've really made very bad..>.<
    dutch – nothing.. nothing nice no class but we talked becos the teacher was away and then he said a few boring things but we've another lesson tomorrow so..
    english – we watched the movie dodgeball..:P
    germanies – we watched the worst movie ever, uhm soul plane or something

    so actually by dasy pretty sucked
    *looks jelous at rachel and emily who'r jumping around together and eating ice cream while watching stupid movies*

    urrggH!! how cruel is this world..*snif
    *dramaticly music*

    butttttt rachel no theres no news yet.. you could subscribe for the audition till tomorrow and then ill here between 3 and 9 january if i can come to one of the auditions.. (13+14 january)
    so.. it will take a while
    i don't really think ill get invited but i'll see,,

    bleh.. how cruel:
    tomorrow, with the last lesson of science we've a little exam and with french, *the teacher is our tutor damn!* we've another test!!
    at the LAST DAY!!
    its like reeaaaally cruel..o.O

  36. Missy-Me says:

    hehe oops.. ok i meant:
    I'll hear between 3 and 9 january if i can come to one of the auditions..:P
    well i, really gonna study now.. how unfaiiirrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  37. RachelJ says:

    any1 who like harry potter will luv this…. "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallow" is the name of the seventh book! soz just had 2 say that…..

  38. RachelJ says:

    anyway… what did all u guys do 2day? I went 2 my m8s house and we all exchanged presents 🙂

  39. MIssy-Me says:

    ooh i like HP!!
    nice name!! What'd it be in dutch…
    well i haven't studied for my 2 exams for tomorrow..>.< so well cross your fingers for me..:P

  40. Alewyn says:

    gahhh we had this dance tonight and it turns out this kid who sits next to me in spanish likes me and urrrghghhhghgghghghggg its gonna be SO awkward tomorrow 🙁

    anyways, i still hate you guys for being out of school and oh yes, deathly hallows? is deathly even a word or am i just being dumb?

  41. Missy-Me says:

    yeh its a word then i guess..:P
    but IM HAVING HOLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    WHOO!! *jumps around *finally* and uh.. jumps around!!! :D*
    meryy Xmas all of you..:D and a happy new year..:P
    btw.. do english people really eat shortbread with new years eve,,?
    it's GROSS!!! we had it with english and ieehh!
    We have,, uh oliebollen which means like oilbolls. It are just like real fat bolls which tast lovely.. yum
    hehe it sounds gross huh..o.O
    and we have those things with apple in in.. applebolls..:D
    well im gonna lunch..^^
    xx loveeyyou!! *HOLLIDAYS! WHOO!*

  42. Werecatweird says:

    Our we really supposed to eat shortbread on new years eve???
    i dont think there are any trditions for new years eve, unless their family ones of course…
    oh well. correct me if i'm wrong

  43. Werecatweird says:


  44. Werecatweird says:

    adding AGAIN on a different note.



    i love that laugh.

    anyhow, what day do you guys go back to school?

    adding! (not on a new post! wahay!) ITS 3 DAYS TILL XMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  45. RachelJ says:

    I'm back on the wednesday … urgh 3rd I think ……….. wow 2007!!!!!! That's so strange!

    Yh, I didnt know english people eat shortbread on new years eve … mayb its an old tradition … still luv it though! :laughing:

  46. Alewyn says:

    WOOOOO BREAK!!!!!!!!

    and i'm wathcing dr. who…it's awesome :tongue:

    and guess what? it's RAINING outside not SNOWING 🙁 :crying: 🙁 :crying:

  47. RachelJ says:

    You get dr. who in america? hmm … I didnt know that … and Yay! We're all not at school! :laughing: And mwahhaha its not raining here! REALLY foggy yesterday though … Emily is it foggy where u are? (just askn coz englands grounded a lot of planes so its pretty bad) :wassat:

  48. Alewyn says:

    yeah, they play dr. who on the sci-fi channel-they aired i think the entire season yesterday, i watched the last 2 epidodes

    but urrgghhhh my friend called me during the last 15 minutes of the finale and i missed it…do any of you watch the show???

    also, does anyone know when sally lockhart is airing?

  49. Werecatweird says:

    foggy? r u kidding?

    we went through 3 days where you couldn't see a metre away from where you were standing!

  50. Werecatweird says:

    well, waht series was it, what happened at the beginning. i can tell, but i need the series.

    The ruby in the smoke makes it 1st appearance here on…BBC1 next Wednesday