Screen Daily is reporting that open auditions for the part of Lyra in the upcoming His Dark Materials film will be held. The producers say they are looking for a girl “who embodies Lyra's loyalty, bravery and mischievous nature” and say that she need not have any previous acting experience.
Auditions for the role will be taking place solely in England: at Cambridge, Oxford, Kendal and Exeter. The auditions will be held during the first two weeks of this April. A girl between the ages of 9 and 13 is being sought, allaying fears that Lyra's age would be raised for legal or moral reasons.
For those going: We'd like to cover the auditions here on BttS as fully as possible, so if anyone actually going to the auditions is interested, we'd love it if they could tell us of their experiences – how they convinced their parents, what the queue was like and perhaps even taking a few photos. If you are planning to go to the auditions and are interested, then you can email us here. Your stories would be featured here after each of the auditions.
The casting calls will have open queues in the morning lasting from 10 o'clock until 12 o'clock and will end at 5 o'clock in the afternoon.
The exact locations are:
- Cambridge's Corn Exchange (4 April)
- Kendal's Castle Green Hotel (6 April)
- Oxford's Examination Schools (11 April)
- Exeter's Great Hall at the University of Exeter (13 April)
sure i'll send you some spam with them encased.
if i go to school 2moz i'd have geography, enlgish, maths, science and then GERMAN. ich
5 mins? uh … I'm so glad it doesn't take that long now! 🙂
And sorry if I say something not very relavent … I'm only doing this because urs message doesn't come up until mine does!
And books … I'm guessing uv read HP, HDM and Narnia … how about Malorie Blackman's Noughts and Crosses? That it a brilliant book and is first of a series of 3 about racism but not in our world … although it is very similar … the black people rule the world and the white people are always shunned … trust me its a gr8 read!
Cool – do you know a lot of German? I took it for a year but now have forgotten it all! :wassat: Now I just take Francais and Italiano!
yeah, we start learning french in year 7 and then if your good enough at french you learn german in year 8. so i've only been learning it for a few months, so i wouldn't say i was particuly good! :tongue:
i know noughts and crosses are brilliant! very sad though, unfortuntely i have read them, anything else???
Erm … how about How I live Now by Meg Rosoff? It was winner of the Guardian Children's Fiction prize … and it's about a girl called Daisy and New Yorker sent to England to live with her cousins for the summer … and it is also brill! There is a war and everthing and it gets pretty deep …
ok. i hvaent read that and it sounds alright, i'll go find a blurb…
brilliant thanx! anythin else?
Erm … how about How I live Now by Meg Rosoff? It was winner of the Guardian Children's Fiction prize … and it's about a girl called Daisy and New Yorker sent to England to live with her cousins for the summer … and it is also brill! There is a war and everthing and it gets pretty deep …
And sorry if this has come up twice – its just when I refreshed the page it'd gone! :wassat:
Yep – it came up twice! :wassat:
GemX by Nicky Singer is quite cool – it's about the possible extremes of the future – genetic enginering and everything, where if your not born perfect you're nothing – I haven't finnished it yet but so far it's good!
YEY! thanx. oh. i g2g though. bye! thanx for the help!
Yep – it came up twice! :wassat:
GemX by Nicky Singer is quite cool – it's about the possible extremes of the future – genetic enginering and everything, where if your not born perfect you're nothing – I haven't finnished it yet but so far it's good!
bye! (and yes, I did once again post my message TWICE) :wassat:
🙂 😉 :wassat: :tongue: :laughing: 🙁 :angry: :crying:
I'm bored, lol
Have any of you read A Great and Terrible Beauty by Libba Bray? it's brilliant
Nope I haven't, what is it about?
Oh yeah, Alewyn, I just thought after typing "about", do you think canadian's pronounce it "aboot"? Only asking because every american I have meet thinks so 😉
who'd I like better. Rupert I think, becos Daniel is naked on a horse.. I mean how cheap.>:P
and rupert is a better actor.. although emma is the best of the 3..:)
and yeh indeed! I love Evanna as Luna, but I like the mpost of the actors they choose.. only the ones which I don't like are umbridge and.. uhm.. That's it I guess 😛 I like them all way better then with HDM god that dakota kid is awful..
but a well.. i'm doing VWO you don't have that im afraid. We have (from low to the highest) VMBO P, VMBO T, HAVO, VWO and Gymnasium and TTO (that a few subjects are in english) but im dpoing VWO..:P actually the ladst 3 are the same but the second last has latin and greek with it and the last one is half english 😛
but well.. not really interesting 😛
do u have msn? Ths is mine.. *points at her blue name*
and is the time limit of..?? really!!??? haleluhjahh!
lets try..:)
ooh no idea what books ur talin about!! 🙁
wauw indeed THE time limit is GONE! wonderfull!!!
god todsy so sucked! I hate our german teacher.. I hate german..! but he's such an asshole!!! If you did not made your home-work you had to make a thing very long write why you didn't had it..oO I just wrote it down from a friend..xD
eeh I have seen how I know live btw.. Is it good? It seems soo boring to me…
but well.. is some one also writing a book btw..? I remembered that..:S
lol – you say it so casually, "Daniel is naked on a horse" … I know it is true but it just made me laugh!
How I Live Now is a great book! VERY deep … the main character's boyfriend is her COUSIN! Ew! And he is younger than her … if you do read it you have to with an open mind …
And no, I don't have msn, may be getting it shortly though …
Daniel is naked on a horse??? Who cares about acting, he's definitely hotter.
Anyways, Great and Terrible Beauty is about this 15-year-old girl who moves from India to England after her mom has an unexpected and very confusing death in Victorian times and goes to a boarding school. But it's not typical boarding school story, it's really interesting and different and has magic. It's brilliant, I love it.
…and yes, Canadians DO say "aboot"
hey guys! i'm still ill, and i feel like **** (sorry)
i had yesterday off and today and i'm supposed to be playing in a concert tonight but i had to cancel because its actually impossible realy to play the flute while being sick, or with a block nose. and guess who has both!?!
sorry bout this. but i'm bored, lonely and sick :crying: :crying: :crying:
making me kinda depressed…
and missy_me i've got msn messenger is that what you meant???
hey.. yeh that's what I meant. You poor little one..! You had to cancel your concert..:( that reallly sucks..
well I know someone who had to cancel Xtina's concert!! :O thats wurse too..
I was out of school so early today! 😀 2 teachers were ill so I could go home at 12.10 instead of 14.20 xD
but no no noo!! Alewyn Rupert is way well not hotter, but he seems nicer to me.. well thats not true either actually 😛 well I have ruperts agent address but not daniels..:P lol not that that has to do something with it..:P
oh it's so sad! Someone who I know has justy ;lost his father..!! :O it wasn't his real one though but he saw him like that! 🙁 I really dunno what to say to him..o.O
but alewyn yeh, its a play I thought,, and at the start he comes naked on a horse.. a well something like that..:P
I think it is cheap..:P although it is a very famous story or something I think it is..:P they can call it art but I don't think so… I mean the piblkic will only be daniel fans right?
but well g2g my dad's calling me 😛
Great and Terrible Beauty sounds cool .. I'll probs get it 🙂
Yh and the play Daniel is in is called Equus and he does feature nude – lots of his fan-girls will probs be there … It'd be quite funny if he got stage fright on his first night … lol, it's not as if I wood do better though! 😉
Hope u get well soon Werecatweird! I dislocated my knee again 2day!!! But it wasn't at skool and I sorted it out myself so I wasn't as bad as it could av been … hurt like hell and was totally gross! so all in all my day was eventful … :wassat:
aww werecar feel better!!!!! i had coffeehouse at my school tonight, it's like a performance thing. i played the piano. and oh, yeah, my boyfriend, who is 17, kissed me for the first time. so i would have to say that it was a VERY good night.
awwwwww, thanx guys. 🙂
lo and behold though, my whole familys gone christmas shopping, and i'm left at home ondce again lying on the sofa looking like an incredibly stupid prat.
mind you at least my cats have kept me company all week, the havent left me alone 🙂
i've got another concert tomorrow night with my orchestra but i'll probobly wont be able to go to that one either.
yey what a fabulous week. thats 3 and a half days of school, being bored and lonely. gee wupdidoo!
ANYWAY i'm sorry i'm being a miserable skunk :crying:
oh and neither daniel or rupert are fit, who are you kidding?!?!
Alewyn, you've got a 17yr old bf? Cool 😉 I've never gone out wiv someone older *sigh*
And again, hope u feel better werecatweird!
Hiya I was just wondering – does anyone know what time this website runs on? I know I certainly not Greenwich Mean Time because I was not here at 8:30! Is is on one of the American time zones? :wassat:
At this moment my time is 18:04
right now it's 10:29 pm er..22:29
it is 12.00 here and I should make my history presentation..o.O
but well.. omg! rachel, have you unlocked your knee..! o.O someone had that to a week or something before a big dance performance and her whole leg was in how do you call it, what you get around your leg when it's broken 😛
aannd WOOH! I'm SO exited!!! There is a dutch book gonna be filmed! wooH! But we've really get it nice with audition, just send in by internet stuffd and then you can get invited and blahblah.. you don't have to travel trough some open audition or something..
but well *history presentation *sigh
Godd luck with your history thingy … and my knee isn't so bad now …
Hope u do well with all that auditioning stuff! Do u fit what they are looking for?
fortunately!! *your knee
but thanks for the histyory thing..:) I hate presentations..>.<
and I don't know.. I'm too old! There are 6 things which I could get, but at least for 3 Im too old..
*it's one big audition for every part*
one audition for everything? that's awesome!
WAY awesome!!!!!!!
i get to go back to school tomorrow!
ok that came out really stupid. i didnt quite mean it like the way it reads! 🙁
The whole one audition for all thing makes so much more sense! It is so much quiker that way … I think they should do all movies like that … especially if u want to be in a movie no matter what and don't care which part u get! 🙂
Werecatweird, ur going back 2 school? I'm not that bored yet coz I've only had today off so far, and will probably come back on thurs …
yeh indeed it is..:)
But how do u mean? Becos you were ill?
I have friday off…^^
yay xD
No because of the whole knee thing … I can't walk on it for a couple of days …
Im so exited! My brace gets out tomorrow! and then I make a picture (without brace) and send my audition form in..xD
how were your days? *emily, Alewyn and rachel..*
gahh i hate tuesdays ):
seriously, i'm in the middle of SEVEN HOURS OF CLASS!!!!! so annoying.
congrats to missy and feel better rachel!
Thanks Alewyn and Missy-Me! 😉
Its cool that ur getting your braces out Missy-Me! Ive never had braces but I know people that have and apparently it feels really weird when you get them off! (good sorta weird, though!) How many years have you had them or only for a few months?
Good luck again for your audition! Let us all know how it turns out!
Nothing much happend to me today … I had to stay off and keep my leg up otherwise it'll get all swolen, so I couldn't really move around much! I know this may sound weird, but I need to get back to school coz I'm missing out on all this coursework and stuff … :wassat: (Thats for GCSEs, if u don't know!)
Home Alone! *pulls macaulay culkin face*
🙂 I am at home alone a lot but never at this time … I'm soooooo bored!
i LOVE being home alone (and that movie…)
so did anyone check out that pic of daniel craig as asriel? i think he looks awesome
NO. Is there a picture? Ha! I tend just to come to this board first before i check the rest of the website now :tongue:
nope … I couldn't see it! Y, what's it like?
oh yh and missy-me I just signed up to msn if you want to add me 😉 Do you have msn werecatweird/alewyn?
don't have it, sorry. it's not popular in the us, we have aim (america online instant messaging)
I just saw the pic! NOTHING like how I imagined! :angry:
oh well, hopefully he'll be able to act the part … 🙂
he looks almost exactly how i imagined him. here, math equation:
my asriel = daniel craig – hot + viggo mortensen
but viggos pretty hot too. whatever, i think he works completely