Playbox Lyra Cast
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Playbox Theatre Company, a youth stage group, have cast their Lyra for their production of His Dark Materials: the 15 years old Olivia Meguer will be performing the role. On a smaller scale than the National Theatre's epic production, Playbox are looking to, “rekindle the imagination [with the plays] so the show will use movement, aerial artistry, and some of the finest young actors aged 14-25 to grace the stage,” said director Stewart McGill. Read more. Thanks to Kyra again for spotting this. edit: you can also have a peek at the actor playing Will here.

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37 Responses to Playbox Lyra Cast

  1. Spectre says:

    Whoah. I misread 'Playbox' as 'Playboy' and was like 'Wha'?'

  2. Alewyn says:

    Lyra looks…dark haired…grr

  3. kyrabelacqua says:

    She is dark haired, it says so on her profile.

  4. Yama says:

    HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA!!! SPECTRE THATS FUNNY. Sorry… but yeah, that's cool she got the part! …Lucky….

  5. Wytchbabi says:

    they can dye her hair. i think she looks pretty god for the part. but the movies are MINE! ya hear me ya little upstart? MINE! hee hee just kidding. being territorial. ahem.

  6. kyrabelacqua says:

    Yes… well, I think she looks good for the part too. I doubt they'll dye her hair. In theatre, details like that aren't too important. They'll probably leave it as it is. I think that's fine. She must be a good actress, though, if she got the part. I mean, it's Lyra we're talking about!

  7. W says:

    NO! she has to be BLOND! and a good actress, true.

  8. Kari says:

    I dont think that Lyra HAS to be blond. I mean it'll give more girls a chance to audition for the part in the movie, nd besides i want to audition 2!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Lunasa says:

    No matter how many times I read "blonde" I couldn't stop picturing Lyra with dark hair. It never fit in my head she should be so fair when both her parents are so dark. It just didn't work for me somehow. But then… I'm odd. But she actually looks how I pictured Lyra, which is great.

  10. Wytchbabi says:

    she does have dark hair, it's just dark blond.

  11. Jopari says:

    Olivia is wicked!!

  12. Jasmine says:

    No she doesn't look like Lyra to me!!!

    I've heard that Emily Erith looks alot like Lyra, maybe they should give her a try!

  13. MonikaTheGreat says:

    She looks nice, but not the "Lyra" look.
    My border collie is named Lyra and my aussie is Olivia! It must be a sign…
    I would have been good for the part when I first read the book. I was 11, dirty blonde, dark blue eyed (I still am, but I have light brown hair), I was flat chested (still am :[ lol), I looked a little like Tami Stronach (The NeverEnding Story). Now I'm 14, and I'm half Slovene and half American, there goes my dream… 🙂

  14. Wished says:

    <img src="; alt="Image hosting by Photobucket">
    not lyra! Brown eyes?!? No way!!

  15. ama and the bats says:

    i can't understand why lyra looks the wat she does. her parents are described as having dark hair and dark features. it just doesn't make sence!!!!! :tongue:

  16. ChiChi says:

    i always thought Lyra as, you know, pretty, but like notlike fashion parade pretty, pretty in her own light, i suppose kinda strong and with dark blonde hair, but still obviously blonde, i think that this actress will have to be very good cos in the picture of her she looks really old, too old for lyra, at least…

  17. Wytchbabi says:

    Lyra's supposed to look unique i guess, noticable at a glance. like if you saw her in a crowd your gaze would linger in her for a few seconds. that's what i think anyway.

  18. Olivia says:

    yeah but this is theatre, you have to use your imagination. She must be a fantastic actress to have got the part so who cares if her hairs the wrong colour?!Doesn't mean she won't do justice to Lyra.

  19. kyrabelacqua says:

    Exactly my point. But anyway, who's going to see it?

  20. Wytchbabi says:

    i would. 🙂
    if i could. :angry:
    but i can't. :crying:

  21. Alewyn says:

    So, Olivia, eh? Can it be THE Olivia?

  22. kyrabelacqua says:

    So, what do we think of Will?

  23. Olivia says:

    nah i aint THE Olivia Alewyn, lol. I wish i cud go but i live too far away.

  24. ama and the bats says:

    i think will looks alright. he doesn't look, i dunno, strong or brave but it's his acting that counts really. not his looks 🙂

  25. ama and the bats says:

    oh i forgot to put this in my last comment so thats why i'm doing another 1. wot i was saying before about the way the actual lyra looks like is that it seems if lyra was cast looking different from how you guy percive her you would all be really cross. i don't think it's particulary important wot she looks long as she can act! 🙂

  26. Kari says:

    omg i totally agree with ama and the bats. I mean Lyra doesn't hafta be blond or w/ blue eyes……she just needs to fit the character personality wise…..and can really act! LoL

  27. Wytchbabi says:

    well obviously she has to be able to really act, but still a lot of readers and fans of HDM (everyone bow and salute, etc.) have been given this image of Lyra as dark-blond-haired and blue-eyed. that's just a fact. i think they'd be dissapointed if she didn't look like the given image.

    by the by, who's playing Will?

  28. kyrabelacqua says:

    You mean in the stage play?
    There's al link at the end of the article.

  29. Bill says:

    Personally i don't mind what hair colour she has, as long as she is a good actress.

  30. elissa says:

    i dont think she looks like lyra but if she does act good enough then im happy and didn't u think susan wasn't a very big part in the lion the witch and the wardrobe :wassat:

  31. Hannah (H) says:

    I thought it was a good part. Hmm, she could be Lyra, and I agree, the dark hair doesn't matter as long as she's a good actress!

  32. Missy-Me says:

    mm, No she is too old, I'd just watch the movie.. :tongue: they have chosen another director so i don't think there is been a second round for the part of Lyra yet..:wassat: Hope so..

  33. Missy-Me says:

    and i can post again…:smile: that is nice probable tomorrow not anymore but that doesn't matter..:tongue:
    I'd send a letter to the AGENT of Lucy bevan get the address off look there..:smile: Do you think I get an answer if they think I have a chance or don't they because i'm not English..? :wassat:
    probable that can't because i've got dark blond / brown hair and brown eyes..:tongue:

  34. Missy-Me says:

    OMG H the last message is of 26 April! and in february!!
    This is an veeery old forum!!

  35. Lauren says:

    Disappointed with the casting…I imagined someone more like Dakota Fanning, someone strong and very much a tomboy. Eva Green as the witch should be good although I almost think she could have played the role of Mrs Coulter? Daniel Craig totally not suitable for Asriel.

  36. goldendust says:

    i think daniel craig is very suitable for Asriel. i imagined him just like that, ‘cept with dark hair. i think the actress who could do justice to the way i imagined mrs coulter best would be catherine zeta-jones. nicole kidman is too pleasant, she does not have the imposing scary undertones i imagined. nicole kidman does, however, match the golden monkey daemon well.