Why the existential void (and good writing) shouldn't just be for kids
Posted on by Merlyn

Hannah Strom-Martin writes: “One would assume, given the moral sewer that currently passes for television, that literary-minded adults would fare much better. Literature has always been the last refuge of complex, original ideas, right? Well, it depends on what sort of literature you're talking about. Because frankly, my dear, when it comes to pop-lit, the adults are getting the soggy end of the stick.

Truth be known, we have been given the keys to our own salvation. It comes in the form of Philip Pullman's His Dark Materials trilogy, a YA novel that lovingly recreates Paradise Lost.” Read More.

About Merlyn

Founder of BTTS
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One Response to Why the existential void (and good writing) shouldn't just be for kids

  1. Alewyn says:

    Interesting article, do you guys agree that kid's writing is better than adult's? Also, do you think HDM can be categorized for a specific age group?