
The Trilogy


Here are just some of the basic pronunciations of names and places in the His Dark Materials books. These are how Philip Pullman pronounces the words/names in the audio books, so that is how we list them. Click the 'listen' link next to select words to hear them read out loud. If you have a question about the pronunciation of a word or name, please send us an e-mail here.

Alethiometer... Alee-thee-ah-meter ...listen
Æsahættr... As-hatter
Cittagazze... Chee-tah-gaht-see
Daemon... Demon
Iorek... Yorr-ick... listen
Iofur... Yoo-fur... listen
Kirjava... Keer-yahva... listen
Lyra... Lie-rah... listen
Mulefa... Mool-efa... listen
Panserbjørne... Pan-ser-bee-yor-nee
Pantalaimon... Pan-ta-LAI-mon... listen
Salmakia... Sal-mac-ee-a... listen
Serafina Pekkala... Ser-a-fee-nah pek-KA-la... listen
Tialys... Tee-arr-lis... listen
Xaphania... Zaph-ay-nee-ah
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Images from The Golden Compass movie are © New Line Cinema.