The Republic of Heaven

What happened to Asriel's crusade?

Discuss the concluding book of the trilogy

What happened to Asriel's crusade?

Postby Valrad » Sat Mar 05, 2011 10:00 am

I was a little disappointed that there was no mentioning of what happened after Asriel and Mrs Coulter defeated Metatron. What happened to the other angels led by the Regent? What was the outcome of the battle, and what impact did it have? Sure enough, this has been a pretty big event which influenced the three books, but the ending of it was so sudden.
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Re: What happened to Asriel's crusade?

Postby Multiverse » Sun Mar 27, 2011 8:17 am

Well, supposedly the chaos just gradually resolved as people were killed. Few survivors would be left from each side. Those who were capable of it would return to their own worlds. Perhaps a very small number of Asriel´s warriors might´ve been abandoned without the option of going home. They might either have made a small colony to survive for, say, the couple of years they could be away from their home worlds, or they might simply have given up and died with the knowledge that their cause had succeeded. Or without it, who knows? Either way, the Republic must´ve been fairly deserted afterwards.

What impact the battle had was that Metatron and The Authority died during it, and that it gave Lyra and Will the chance to get to the Mulefa world.

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