Procrastinators' Support Group
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Re: Procrastinators' Support Group
I have finished another memory based essay in German.
Pick a Star, any star!
Yrael - The eighth shiner
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Re: Procrastinators' Support Group
I'm trying to start/do/finish my damn presentation for tomorrow. It's the last thing of importance I have to do this academic year. It should be easy enough, and even reasonably quick - yet it is taking ages and just don't want to do it 

We must build the republic of heaven in our world...
Is this heaven?...No, it's Iowa
I sell discount books, so sue me
Times are tight, and starting a band is good way to kill some time until the economy picks up
Is this heaven?...No, it's Iowa
I sell discount books, so sue me
Times are tight, and starting a band is good way to kill some time until the economy picks up
Ian - The Frog Prince
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Re: Procrastinators' Support Group
So I have 3 weeks to do my dissertation and I'm still at the reading stage. I've had months to do this bit, and it's so easy, so why on earth have I left it until the last minute to do. Because I've left this so late I will then have only 1 week to create 2 assassed presentations, and then after that I'll have my exams in 2-3 weeks (for which I will have to do the actual research, not just revise). All of these coming things account for about 40% of my degree. If only procrastination was a proper excuse for a deadline extension 

Blossom - Brigade Leader
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Re: Procrastinators' Support Group
I'm supposed to be working on a long-overdue paper for my teaching class. Instead, I'm tracking down low-resolution images from old games from which to make pixel cookies next week.
Hey baby, what's your callsign?

Anoria - Solver
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Re: Procrastinators' Support Group
i've written less than a page all weekend. 

"o stars, isn't it from you that the lover's desire for the face
of his beloved arises? doesn't his secret insight
into her pure features come from the pure constellations?"
- from rainer maria rilke's third elegy
sign up and help edit+create his dark materials wiki articles for bridgetothestars!

of his beloved arises? doesn't his secret insight
into her pure features come from the pure constellations?"
- from rainer maria rilke's third elegy
sign up and help edit+create his dark materials wiki articles for bridgetothestars!

jessia - Sraffie Queen
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Re: Procrastinators' Support Group
I've known I had to do this presentation for about two months now. I've had all the necessary data for at least one. Two or three weeks ago, my presentation got postponed, from last Tuesday to this Tuesday. I breathed a huge sigh of relief, because I was swamped with work that week and was happy to have the extra time. I vowed not to leave the presentation as late as I had done when I only had one week to work on it - i.e. start it before the Thursday preceding.
Then my date got moved from Tuesday to Monday.
I started writing my outline Saturday. Sunday was full of going to extended family's house for dinner and such.
Boils down to: had a month to do it. Am doing it in a night. This is the worst I've ever been, and it's one of my more important projects too. As in I'll probably flunk the class if I don't get it pretty darn right.
It's about 5am here. Presentation's at 12:40, and between now and then I need to shower, put on professional clothes, and spend a few hours in lab working on the project that came after this one I'm presenting. I need to:
Figure out how my data relate to the calibration curve I just managed to make
Calculate the error for that
Draw conclusions
Make pretty graphs
Put those pretty graphs along with some pretty diagrams into my Powerpoint
Finish the content in the Powerpoint
Add citations
Read through it all at least once before going up in front of the class...
Whee. Time to go make some ramen to sustain me for the next, brutal five hours or so.
Then my date got moved from Tuesday to Monday.
I started writing my outline Saturday. Sunday was full of going to extended family's house for dinner and such.
Boils down to: had a month to do it. Am doing it in a night. This is the worst I've ever been, and it's one of my more important projects too. As in I'll probably flunk the class if I don't get it pretty darn right.
It's about 5am here. Presentation's at 12:40, and between now and then I need to shower, put on professional clothes, and spend a few hours in lab working on the project that came after this one I'm presenting. I need to:
Figure out how my data relate to the calibration curve I just managed to make
Calculate the error for that
Draw conclusions
Make pretty graphs
Put those pretty graphs along with some pretty diagrams into my Powerpoint
Finish the content in the Powerpoint
Add citations
Read through it all at least once before going up in front of the class...
Whee. Time to go make some ramen to sustain me for the next, brutal five hours or so.
Hey baby, what's your callsign?

Anoria - Solver
- Posts: 2470
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- AOL: telcontara177
- Location: montereys coast
Re: Procrastinators' Support Group
i spent most of the easter weekend working on my thesis and now i have less than 24h to write a final essay for another course (art history) outside of my preferred disciplines. i should've gotten this done friday, when i planned to, but instead edited my friend's essay comparing japanese and korean dramatic adaptations of a japanese manga, generally wasted time preparing for every essay topic other than the one i settled on, and overeating. the next 18 hours will be interesting. i still have to finish my anthropology review too.
"o stars, isn't it from you that the lover's desire for the face
of his beloved arises? doesn't his secret insight
into her pure features come from the pure constellations?"
- from rainer maria rilke's third elegy
sign up and help edit+create his dark materials wiki articles for bridgetothestars!

of his beloved arises? doesn't his secret insight
into her pure features come from the pure constellations?"
- from rainer maria rilke's third elegy
sign up and help edit+create his dark materials wiki articles for bridgetothestars!

jessia - Sraffie Queen
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Re: Procrastinators' Support Group
It's fast approaching 4 am and I am still ignoring my Physics textbook. My exam is in 10 hours. I'm listening to Bach to try and get my mind off of currently unimportant things (such as searching the internet to figure out how the hell Summer Glau did that stunt on the ceiling) but it's not working. It's just being beautiful music.
Alexandra - 6 x 9 = 42
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Re: Procrastinators' Support Group
Someone force me to work. I came on her to check the results of the Sraffie Awards and have now been here for 40 minutes. I'm meant to be editing my second chapter! Argh!

'There are few things in this world that couldn't be improved by adding vampires to them.' - Scott Westerfeld

More melodrama/Even more melodrama/Sexiest Female Sraffie, Best Signature, Cam Whore, 2008 Sraffie Awards
Avatar from Scandinavia and the World
Aletheia Dolorosa - Wednesday's Child
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Re: Procrastinators' Support Group
Still got lots of work left to do
this last month has been very procrastination heavy.

"To him whose elastic and vigorous thought keeps pace with the sun, the day is a perpetual morning."
-Henry David Thoreau

-Henry David Thoreau

Jaya - Je ne suis pas une sraffie.
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Re: Procrastinators' Support Group
Before today, the last time I posted was Christmas. I meant to do SOMETHING to get back on the site. And it is now the middle of May.
Oh, and it's my GCSE exam period and i've been putting off revising. today i failed my biology 2 exam. (although im not the only one).
Oh, and it's my GCSE exam period and i've been putting off revising. today i failed my biology 2 exam. (although im not the only one).

Stardate 53476.8. Captain's log. Still won't flush. I'll try again later.
Philharmonic - Angel
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Re: Procrastinators' Support Group
noooooooo at work they've blocked any kind of site that is even a little bit fun! no more addictinggames, aka best procrastinating games page evar. nooooo
There's a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious—makes you so sick at heart—that you can't take part. You can't even passively take part. And you've got to put your bodies upon the gears and upon the wheels, upon the levers, upon all the apparatus, and you've got to make it stop. And you've got to indicate to the people who run it, to the people who own it, that unless you're free, the machine will be prevented from working at all
AlexSP - Invincible Starlight
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Re: Procrastinators' Support Group
hence the several hundred posts last night?
(∀x) (∃y) ( loves(y, x) )
nanaki - ナナキ
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Re: Procrastinators' Support Group
Gaaaaah, in library - attempting to do work but finding it really hard to grasp basic concepts.
Doesn't help that the exam is tomorrow so almost all of the useful books are on loan. Bugger.
Doesn't help that the exam is tomorrow so almost all of the useful books are on loan. Bugger.
The Sraffie Formerly Known As hermit
Soapy - President Lesbian
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Re: Procrastinators' Support Group
2 exams down! Just 4 left. Tomorrow, friday, saturday and next tuesday. Just -.-
Trying to get continuous assessment grades from lecturers is like getting blood from a stone.
How and ever, once this slog's done everything's more relaxed, 7 weeks of full time project work is preferable to an assload of exams any day.
Now, where's that motivation to study gotten to...
Trying to get continuous assessment grades from lecturers is like getting blood from a stone.
How and ever, once this slog's done everything's more relaxed, 7 weeks of full time project work is preferable to an assload of exams any day.
Now, where's that motivation to study gotten to...
(∀x) (∃y) ( loves(y, x) )
nanaki - ナナキ
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Re: Procrastinators' Support Group
mes examens sont fini! [not a clue on that grammar]
(∀x) (∃y) ( loves(y, x) )
nanaki - ナナキ
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Re: Procrastinators' Support Group
Not the cleverest Puppy in the world.
Came home after my lecture this morning in order to work in the comfort of my own home. Then I played 4 hours of Dragon Age: Origins.
Came home after my lecture this morning in order to work in the comfort of my own home. Then I played 4 hours of Dragon Age: Origins.
The Sraffie Formerly Known As hermit
Soapy - President Lesbian
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