The Republic of Heaven

What instrument do you play?

Questions about Anything Non-HDM

what do you play

i play one or more instrument
i dont play anything
Total votes : 82

Re: Play any instruments?

Postby trench_coat101 » Mon Jan 12, 2009 9:34 am

thus the reason why clarinet players will prevail over horn players, we have superior crossword ability
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"Im looking after it for Lord Elpous"

"(Lord Help us!) Will he be gone long?"

"Quite a while i should think, they buried him this morning"

"Oh dear what was the matter?"

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Re: Play any instruments?

Postby Philharmonic » Wed Jan 14, 2009 8:31 pm

and we have superior wit, as i demonstrated in a practice at 1845 GMT today.

and we make louder sounds.

and we didnt spawn from the (gulp) recorder


see what even MENTIONING the recorder made me do?

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Re: Play any instruments?

Postby trench_coat101 » Thu Jan 15, 2009 9:02 am

ill admit that the recorder is hideous, but remember that if you can play it then you can play any woodwind instrument. well the same goes for clarinet. at least we get cooler parts
"Who owns this house?"

"Im looking after it for Lord Elpous"

"(Lord Help us!) Will he be gone long?"

"Quite a while i should think, they buried him this morning"

"Oh dear what was the matter?"

"He'd been lying on his back for three days."

"Well that doesnt neccessarily mean a mans dead"

"Aha, this time it did. He was on the bottom of the lake"
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Re: Play any instruments?

Postby Philharmonic » Thu Jan 15, 2009 6:02 pm

yeah, sure, whatever.

if clarinets had the interesting bit, noone would hear it cos of the saxophones the percussion and the brass.

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Re: Play any instruments?

Postby L and M » Thu Jan 15, 2009 6:28 pm

Break it up, people, break it up... I actually used to play the clarinet, but not any more.
Does Guitar Hero count? If so, I play the guitar!! :)
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Re: Play any instruments?

Postby Philharmonic » Thu Jan 15, 2009 8:57 pm


no, guitar hero does NOT count.

and no, neither does WiiMusic. so dont try.

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Re: Play any instruments?

Postby trench_coat101 » Thu Jan 15, 2009 11:55 pm

in my opinion wii music was possibly the worst programme ever made
"Who owns this house?"

"Im looking after it for Lord Elpous"

"(Lord Help us!) Will he be gone long?"

"Quite a while i should think, they buried him this morning"

"Oh dear what was the matter?"

"He'd been lying on his back for three days."

"Well that doesnt neccessarily mean a mans dead"

"Aha, this time it did. He was on the bottom of the lake"
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Re: Play any instruments?

Postby L and M » Fri Jan 16, 2009 5:09 pm


no, guitar hero does NOT count.

and no, neither does WiiMusic. so dont try.
You havnt said Rock Band yet not that Iv ever played that. Or Samba De Amigo havnt played that either... Or... Whats that you say? Shut up??... ok...
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Re: Play any instruments?

Postby trench_coat101 » Sat Jan 17, 2009 2:15 am

Oh dear Lord are there more games as worthless and as far from the truth as Wii music?

Burn them all I say! They have no place on this earth!
"Who owns this house?"

"Im looking after it for Lord Elpous"

"(Lord Help us!) Will he be gone long?"

"Quite a while i should think, they buried him this morning"

"Oh dear what was the matter?"

"He'd been lying on his back for three days."

"Well that doesnt neccessarily mean a mans dead"

"Aha, this time it did. He was on the bottom of the lake"
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Re: Play any instruments?

Postby jasman71 » Fri May 15, 2009 9:39 pm

I was a drummer for many years (but got sick of the jokes, jibes, and 2 hours of setting everything up each time I wanted to play..), so then discovered synthesizers, thanks to the use of them by New Wavers in the very early 80s..Then I discovered Jean Michel Jarre...Then I started on guitarsafter someone loaned me a Mike Oldfield album and said "This guy does the lot himself"..Then started on Bass after discovering Genesis. These days I just have the 2 electric guitars, an electro acoustic, and a bass, and they suit me fine, though I do often pine for the old synth setup I once had, and the plethora of anti-social neighbour-bothering drums I also once had, that filled the entire room but left me with a fixed grin for days! I still have the drummer's twitch - can't sit still without tapping..Not easy after 25 years of it!
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Re: Play any instruments?

Postby blueangel » Thu Jul 02, 2009 3:04 pm

*takes deep breath*

Violin (grade 5)
Oboe (yes I know, now shut up) (grade 4)
Guitar - no grade

and I just got my grade 6 music theory the other week, I must say I was rather proud of myself.
Out of all the instruments I've only stuck out the Violin.
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