The Republic of Heaven

I love these books so much I started believing in them.

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Re: I love these books so much I started believing in them.

Postby Stelmaria7 » Sun Jan 04, 2009 3:51 am

most of the stuff is actually sort of true the Dust being dark mater as Mary say's it fits so nicely. and I really do beleave in daemons because i have one and its a ermine. I got my friend to read them but she doesn't remember them anymore :cry: I was obbsessed for four years and now i'm not sure but when ever I think about them I get really deppressed and have to go get them from the library. I know I should really buy them but... They make me happy when I'm depressed and I cant emagine what i would do if i hadn't found them. They have changed my view of life so much :( I even wrote a paper on them in english (actually it was the Subtle Knife) I try to figure out what peoples dæmons are. my moms a serpent my sisters is a rat and my dads is a beaver or something I remember asking him last year and he gave it a name. Its been a whole year since the movie came out now. Sad :(
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Re: I love these books so much I started believing in them.

Postby VMLM3 » Thu Jan 15, 2009 8:34 pm

Well HDM helped me start thinking about what I actually believed in, what I actually thought about religion, god, heaven, hell, salvation, etc.
For a while I did think of god as fake and the Catholic church as nothing but a puppet show of sorts.
Now I have to say that as a belief, these books are as valid as the bible, since nobody actually knows the truth about what lies... beyond our own mundane existance.
So if you think there's truth in them, I don't think anybody can actually prove you wrong. There are some things which I suggest you look into, considering they actually have science behind them, specifically parallel universes and dark matter.
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Re: I love these books so much I started believing in them.

Postby Yrael » Sat Jan 17, 2009 12:32 am

So if you think there's truth in them
"Truth is not what is right or wrong, it is what you believe, if others don't believe, then it is neither truth nor false as their lack of belief is meaningless towards your own, otherwise it is not belief, it is mindless following."

Deciding whether the book, or anything should be believed when not proven, should be believed by only those who want to. If proved wrong, which in any case of say magic or religion is impossible, then belief doesn't have to stop. But when drawing the line between Fiction (the imaginative creations of random electrical impulses within an authors brain) and non-fiction (that which is of pure substance and based entirely on fact) it is clear that there is a border line, but choosing to cross, is choice, just like belief.

(I must point out that i shall be soon studying the existence of 'Dark Matter')
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Re: I love these books so much I started believing in them.

Postby MojaveByrd » Sat Jan 17, 2009 4:09 am

(I must point out that i shall be soon studying the existence of 'Dark Matter')
Existentially, no doubt.
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Re: I love these books so much I started believing in them.

Postby shady » Tue Apr 07, 2009 7:49 pm

Well,i recently found out that dark matter really exist,i read about it here:
BUT,i find it really boring to read and understand.(NO patience on my side 8) )
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Re: I love these books so much I started believing in them.

Postby beee. » Mon May 11, 2009 3:28 pm

It kind of makes me feel like a freak or something :)
But HDM changed my life.. And I think I've made myself believe that there really are other worlds parallel to ours. And that something like Dust exists. It makes me happy to think about, and I like having something like that to hold on to. Am I just being totally crazy or does anyone else share these thoughts?

Sometimes I just feel like I need to let someone know how much I love that story! I want to sit down with someone like myself and just discuss it over and over and over again.. :o I can't explain it.. :shock: does anyone at all know what I mean..?

I'm not making any sense, but well, that's me.. :D
Im still reading, TSK, and i go to tell someone about it, and they're like.
"I have no idea what you're talking about!" I dont know anyone else who has read these books, so i try to keep it to myself. I'm even writing a fanfiction, and i want someone to read the first chapter, to see if its any good, and they dont wan tto, because they dont understand it. I'm like, "Well read the books then! You'll understand."
Sometimes, i feel like i have a dæmon. I end up talking to myself, as if im talking to it.
People just stare at me.
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Re: I love these books so much I started believing in them.

Postby Rayne » Sun Jan 31, 2010 4:14 am

I agree with you. I was so taken by this series and when it was over I was so sad! Besides the fact that Will and Lyra will never be together but just that it was over. I sometimes find myself sitting and thinking about what my daemon (sorry) would be or how corrupt the church really is. PP is an amazing writer and I love the escapism that he has granted us all.
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Re: I love these books so much I started believing in them.

Postby MCfan692 » Mon Aug 23, 2010 5:24 am

It kind of makes me feel like a freak or something :)
But HDM changed my life.. And I think I've made myself believe that there really are other worlds parallel to ours. And that something like Dust exists. It makes me happy to think about, and I like having something like that to hold on to. Am I just being totally crazy or does anyone else share these thoughts?

Sometimes I just feel like I need to let someone know how much I love that story! I want to sit down with someone like myself and just discuss it over and over and over again.. :o I can't explain it.. :shock: does anyone at all know what I mean..?

I'm not making any sense, but well, that's me.. :D

OMG yess! That is exactly how I feel! I just NEED to discuss the story with someone. I finished the books recently and I think about them soo much! I'm a freak too! I have this stuff koala bear I pretend is my daemon :D Yeah I've started thinking there could be parallel universes too
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