The Republic of Heaven

M: Do you still believe in Sequels?

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M: Do you still believe in Sequels?

Postby TheRealNeo » Sun Aug 10, 2008 3:18 pm

Every day when there is no new news I lose more and more the hope for sequels.

What do you think?
Still hope?
How long will you wait and hope?
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Re: Do you still believe in Sequels?

Postby L and M » Sun Aug 10, 2008 8:54 pm

This may sound slightly stupid, but I will have hope until they (WB) have announced that they are 100% not going to make the sequels. There have been to many "No, we havn't made enough money"s and "There is more hope now, for sequels"s.
Although I have a slight feeling that if they dont make the sequels, they may never announce that they are not going to make them. :shock: :roll:
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Re: Do you still believe in Sequels?

Postby TheRealNeo » Sun Aug 10, 2008 9:12 pm

I think at least Pullman would mention it when they won't plan it anymore.;)
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Re: Do you still believe in Sequels?

Postby L and M » Mon Aug 11, 2008 8:04 am

Yeah, Pullman has already said he has had no information about sequels so, yeah, I think he might mention it if they where not going to do the sequels.
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Re: Do you still believe in Sequels?

Postby Northen_Lights » Mon Aug 11, 2008 8:51 am

I reckon the sequels have a good chance of going ahead.
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Re: Do you still believe in Sequels?

Postby TheRealNeo » Mon Aug 11, 2008 11:37 am

Yeah, Pullman has already said he has had no information about sequels so, yeah, I think he might mention it if they where not going to do the sequels.
So you missed his new interview quote?
“They are getting a script together and they have plans to get things going - in time all things are possible and I feel quite positive about it.”
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Re: Do you still believe in Sequels?

Postby L and M » Mon Aug 11, 2008 1:22 pm

Ah, I think I must have missed that. Thanks!
Now Im really confident the sequels will get made. :)
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Re: Do you still believe in Sequels?

Postby Northen_Lights » Mon Aug 18, 2008 8:35 pm

Mmm. I'm just waiting for some pessimistic *~pineapple~* to come along and try to dash everyone's hopes of sequels.

Hold on... what exactly is a pessimistic pineapple?
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Re: Do you still believe in Sequels?

Postby Somewhat » Sat Aug 30, 2008 2:30 pm

Mmm. I'm just waiting for some pessimistic *~pineapple~* to come along and try to dash everyone's hopes of sequels.

Hold on... what exactly is a pessimistic pineapple?
Possibly one which is half-empty.
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Re: Do you still believe in Sequels?

Postby Northen_Lights » Sun Aug 31, 2008 4:50 pm

Good point!

EDIT: Ooh, apparently I'm a Gyptian now, after 100 posts.
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Re: Do you still believe in Sequels?

Postby TheRealNeo » Mon Sep 01, 2008 12:04 pm

Mmm. I'm just waiting for some pessimistic *~pineapple~* to come along and try to dash everyone's hopes of sequels.

Hold on... what exactly is a pessimistic pineapple?
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Re: Do you still believe in Sequels?

Postby Mockingbird » Mon Sep 01, 2008 4:59 pm

I still believe in fairies...sequels not so much. :wink:

Perhaps if we all clapped really hard?
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Re: Do you still believe in Sequels?

Postby TheRealNeo » Sat Oct 11, 2008 2:33 pm



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Re: Do you still believe in Sequels?

Postby Philharmonic » Sat Oct 11, 2008 8:58 pm

i suppose the next thread shall be the Peter Pan thread? :)

and i still believe in a sequel-although i have to admit, if that idiot hadn't sold off all the foreign profits and stuff in advance, i would be a lot more faithful.

cos seriously, take Transformers, a film about 20ft robots beating each other up, made 300 million dollars, and theres a sequel in production (MWAHAHAHAHAAAA! CAN'T WAIT! :mrgreen: june 26 without too many delays), wheras TGC made a similar sum, but a certain idiot (see last paragraph). Iron Man, trilogy planned in advance, number 2 scheduled for '10 (hopefully in May). They are very clever directors-they dont consider selling any foreign profits in advance >:(

something telling me that idiot (who i think we all know who it is) did not take into account the religious nature of the USA and the blasphemous nature of the film (fortunately i don't believe in god [btw, if peter pan is true, when you say that does that mean a god somewhere vapourizes?] so i dont care about blasphemy and stuff like that) when he sold off the foreign stuff.

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Re: Do you still believe in Sequels?

Postby Somewhat » Sun Oct 12, 2008 4:02 am

i suppose the next thread shall be the Peter Pan thread? :)

and i still believe in a sequel-although i have to admit, if that idiot hadn't sold off all the foreign profits and stuff in advance, i would be a lot more faithful.

cos seriously, take Transformers, a film about 20ft robots beating each other up, made 300 million dollars, and theres a sequel in production (MWAHAHAHAHAAAA! CAN'T WAIT! :mrgreen: june 26 without too many delays), wheras TGC made a similar sum, but a certain idiot (see last paragraph). Iron Man, trilogy planned in advance, number 2 scheduled for '10 (hopefully in May). They are very clever directors-they dont consider selling any foreign profits in advance >:(

something telling me that idiot (who i think we all know who it is) did not take into account the religious nature of the USA and the blasphemous nature of the film (fortunately i don't believe in god [btw, if peter pan is true, when you say that does that mean a god somewhere vapourizes?] so i dont care about blasphemy and stuff like that) when he sold off the foreign stuff.
If you're trying to subtly say Chris Weitz presold the rights, er, no he didn't. Chris Weitz was the director and writer. He wrote the script and then told a bunch of people how to act it out. ;) It's New Line's marketing and production departments you might want to be angry at. And the rights weren't presold just because, it was to fund the high budget of the film. They needed the money to actually make it in the first place.
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Re: Do you still believe in Sequels?

Postby TheRealNeo » Sun Oct 12, 2008 9:58 am

Exactly. And New Line always does this with its movies, it wasn't a special decision with the golden compass.
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Re: Do you still believe in Sequels?

Postby Philharmonic » Mon Oct 13, 2008 6:35 pm

thanks for the advice

DAMN YOU NEW LINE! DAMN YOU TO HELL! ARRRGGGGGHHHHH :evil: :evil: :evil: !!!!!!!!!

whew, that makes me feel so much better

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Re: Do you still believe in Sequels?

Postby Dragon of Heaven » Thu Oct 16, 2008 11:00 pm

Well the golden compass like Eragon just breezed in and out of the cinema with nowhere near as much media attention as it should've had. And this is a movie that had twice the budget as the first lord of the BS !

The only way i'm going to be happy with the next movie being made would be if they waited a good few years and made all 3 exactly like lord of the rings was. All 3 movies shot back to back with the trilogy name in the title and no screwing around with the story to keep moaning religious groups happy.
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Re: Do you still believe in Sequels?

Postby tato » Fri Oct 17, 2008 12:02 am

if the sequel dont came out righ now, i think it wont be a sequel for MANY YEARS, more than 20, for sure. they could do here the same thing they did - hollywood - with hulk, but i dont know, its easy make a movie like hulk. with his dark materials there will be always trouble and problems. its good people, wait years, im going to study cinema, direct small movies first, and then i will make a GOOD adaptation, i promise!;D
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Re: Do you still believe in Sequels?

Postby Philharmonic » Fri Oct 17, 2008 7:43 am

ok, good luck.

i'll wait for chris weitz to get around to it

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