The Republic of Heaven

HDM sightseeing in Oxford

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HDM sightseeing in Oxford

Postby AncientOfDays » Fri Aug 08, 2008 9:50 am

Not long ago I went on a holiday for three days to Oxford, and in that time I saw several locations from HDM! Some are from the books, others from the film. Here they are:

1) Sunderland Avenue and the infamous Hornbeam Trees. I'd glimpsed them from the car as we drove past on the way to the hotel we stayed at, and I thought to myself, "No, it can't be." Then, as me and my parents were walking to a bus stop to catch a bus into the city centre we took a wrong turn and I found myself standing by a sign saying "Sunderland Avenue" and a few yards away from the first in a long row of trees, the very same hornbeams in TSK. I was hysterical, and I think my parents nearly throttled me as it was all I talked about for a good time afterwards!

2) The Radcliffe Camera. I noticed the area of cobbled pavement beside the Camera which Lyra, Roger, Billy and several others run across in their Gobblers game at the start of the film, and also the wall where, during the opening narration, Lord Asriel and Stelmaria stand and he says "I should think so". (Yes, I'm that sad.)

3) Christ Church College. In the film scene where Lyra stands indoors waiting to board the sky ferry, and Mrs Coulter walks in and Lyra says she wants to say goodbye to Roger, you will see they are standing beside a flight of steps. I saw that area and those very steps (they are also used in the first Potter film, as the First Years walk up them to Professor McGonagall, who is waiting at the top and tapping her fingers on the balustrade). I also went across the massive quadrangle where Mrs Coulter's sky ferry is docked. (Christ Church also proved to be of great inspiration to Charles Lutwidge Dodgson aka Lewis Carroll, as he taught Maths there, and as a huge fan of the Alice books it was interesting for me to see the various things which inspired him.)

4) Streets and buildings which I recognised a lot from the TGC film, but which I never saw the name of. There are so many colleges in Oxford (39, to be exact) that after a while you loose track of them all. I think I saw the museum Lyra goes into in TSK, where she sees the trepanning skulls, but I couldn't be sure.

5) The Bodleian Library. This isn't really related to HDM, but ever since reading a certain book called Endymion Spring I have made it my lifelong aim to see Bodley's Library, and those who have read the book will definitely know why. It's a magnificent building, with the oldest part being hundreds of years old. Underneath the streets of Oxford are over 100 miles of shelving--called "the stacks"--crammed with over 7 million books, all of which can be requested from the Library. Whether a mythical book containing all the knowledge in the world is hidden down there I don't know, but I was gutted to find out the tour I went on didn't go down there. We did go to the Duke Humphrey's Library, which was used in the first two Potter films for the school library. I also saw the part of Bodley's that filled in for Hogwart's hospital wing.

I didn't get as far as the Botanic Garden :cry: but the city was still very interesting for any HDM fan.

Another place I visited was Blenheim Palace, a breath taking building used in Kenneth Brannagh's Hamlet.

There's my list! It's pretty comprehensive, but I'm sure there are things which I missed out. By the end of the holiday, my parents were probably sick of hearing about HDM.
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Re: HDM sightseeing in Oxford

Postby reflective » Sun Nov 09, 2008 8:52 pm

ooh smal list...didnt see 1, and for 2 i can beet hysterical :wink: and sundeland av is my avertar.. dont think i saw 3, 4 yeah, i suppose...and 5...i saw the old one but not the new and i couldnt do a tour as my brother was underage...i saw the Botanic Garden thoug and i loved the relaxed and blenam? yes churchills little was bigger than most places around here

edit: sorry i forgot to mantion, the second day therewe visited the botanic but i got confused and didnt see the bench on the map and the next day i went back and soent half an hour deciding which was the seat..i didnt see the arm though untill
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Re: HDM sightseeing in Oxford

Postby Blossom » Wed Nov 12, 2008 10:34 pm

The Pitt Rivers museum with all the HDM-inspiring stuff is cool, and although I don't think it has anything to do with HDM I think a trip to Oxford is meant to involve The Eagle and Child, not that it's anything special. There are probably pubs with better food.
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Re: HDM sightseeing in Oxford

Postby jessia » Thu Nov 13, 2008 5:14 am

i'm going to ditto that about the museum. am otherwise a goody-two-shoes but totally wandered off on my own against the rules on my study abroad to check out those skulls and scrutinize the balconies to make sure some sketchy smooth old man with a snake for a daemon wasn't creeping around upstairs.
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Re: HDM sightseeing in Oxford

Postby Ian » Thu Nov 13, 2008 10:45 am

I agree, the Pitt-Rivers is probably one of the better HDM sites. A wander down through Jericho to the canal basin is a good way to take in part of HDM too.
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Re: HDM sightseeing in Oxford

Postby Zero » Thu Nov 13, 2008 9:55 pm

Im currently listening to HDM again on audiobook and decided to pop through to Oxford and finish listening to the last few chapters "in situ" as it were in a few weeks. if anyone wants a photo of something particular let me know.
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Re: HDM sightseeing in Oxford

Postby shady » Tue Mar 24, 2009 10:47 am

i would like to visit Oxford,such a great town.First place to visit will be Botanic Garden :lol:
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