Hello all. Necroposting in this thread because I think it's on-topic enough to warrant it rather than starting a new one.
I'd like an honest answer from the gaming guys around here. Of all the time you spend playing video games in general, about what percentage is spent on sections in which you can't pause?
I'm starting to think a petition of concerned girlfriends to the game writers of the world is in order, so that way our boyfriends won't have any excuse to ignore our messages for two hours at a time while they're "in the middle of this big boss fight!"
I would just put this in the annoyed thread, since the question does come from personal experience, except I actually am curious.
Well, I don't have an answer to your question because a) I'm not much of a gamer anymore, only having spent perhaps half an hour in the whole past week playing a game, and b) I'm a PC gamer and PC games let you save anywhere.
But this made me think of a speech a guy did in my Comm class. It was brilliant...he urged the women in the class to learn how to play Halo so they could join their boyfriends and "pwn" them instead of waiting around for them to finish their game. It was hilarious, but so true.