daemon Quiz!
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Public school kids aren't smarter, they might know slightly more stuff but there test results is a reflection of the amount of time spent on educating them and the facilities available to them. Plus they'll never know how to dodge wet tissues thrown by scallies. They lack street smarts!
Blossom - Brigade Leader
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I was thinking the same thing, Heather. The reason I found uni so much harder (other than that it was a lot harder) was that I didn't have teachers constantly standing over me, making sure I was doing my work. If I had gone to a free school, I'm pretty sure my unsupervised laziness would have got me lower grades and I would send my kids to a public school for that reason. I don't see it as any more immoral than choosing BUPA over the NHS.
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krebbe - Stultifyingly Substantiated
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Re: dæmon Quiz!
Take a look on the Official Golden Compass movie site. Under the "daemons" section, it has a "Meet your daemon" quiz. Oh, and if a daemon quiz ever is made here, include wolverine for solitary, protective and strong.
Tommorow we will sweat and toil, our hands will quiver caked with soil.
Tommorow we'll give it one last chance,
but tonight we dance, but tonight we dance!
-Rise Against, But Tonight We Dance
Tommorow we'll give it one last chance,
but tonight we dance, but tonight we dance!
-Rise Against, But Tonight We Dance
bharned1 - Zalif
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Re: dæmon Quiz!
Quiz is no longer on the site.Luckily i have managed to attend it,my dæmon appeared to be Koyote.Take a look on the Official Golden Compass movie site. Under the "dæmons" section, it has a "Meet your dæmon" quiz. Oh, and if a dæmon quiz ever is made here, include wolverine for solitary, protective and strong.
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shady - Gallivespian Spy
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