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HDM The Game - developer chosen!!!

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HDM The Game - developer chosen!!!

Postby andrewds » Wed Nov 16, 2005 5:56 pm

I received an email from Scholastic today it states that:
Hello Andrew,

Thank you very much for your interest in Northern Lights, but we have already hired a company to create a video game.

Best Wishes,
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Postby Darragh » Wed Nov 16, 2005 6:04 pm

"It's in the game" no doubt.

Damn E.A.
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Postby Ripper » Wed Nov 16, 2005 6:16 pm

Do they still use the slogan?
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Postby Darragh » Wed Nov 16, 2005 6:33 pm

E.A sports do i think, regular e.a games is "challenge everything". Well I challenge them for being ~*iguana*~ tards.
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Postby Gabe » Thu Nov 17, 2005 7:07 am

Ha ha, so they really are making a game? :lol:
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Postby Ian » Thu Nov 17, 2005 7:16 am

Oh! I was hoping Lucas Arts would get this one. An Escape From Monkey Island style game would have had some appeal.
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Postby Gabe » Thu Nov 17, 2005 7:28 am

LucasArse sucks now. They don't have any of their adventure game people there anymore anyway. But yeah I agree an adventure game would definitely suit HDM well. Give it to Telltale I say. 8)
(That's where all of LucasRats' adventure game people went...they got pissed off and started their own company)
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Postby Admiral Valdemar » Mon Jan 16, 2006 5:55 pm

Hey, the guy saying "EA sports, it's in the game!" is David Hayter, A.K.A., Solid Snake. That's cool at least, though the rest of EA can burn in hell, only game I got off them in the last few years was C&C: Generals and really, that was Westwood rebranded. They assimilate everything now.
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Postby Revenant42 » Wed May 31, 2006 3:13 pm

E.A. always make ~*pineapples*~ formulaic film spin offs. Oh how I wish for the glorydays of Lucasarts.

HDM is not good game mateiral, though palying as a panserbjorne ripping christians to shreds would be amazing, or bieng part of the great battle int he last book, and it would have to be HUGE. I would not like to play as Lyra or Will tohugh, they're not 'game' characters.
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Postby donkey_booter » Wed May 31, 2006 3:22 pm

OH GOD! :shock:

*crosses self*

That's going to suck so much.....
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Postby KittyKat » Thu Jun 08, 2006 5:21 pm

OMG! a game of it?! wha-at? how can they recreate those magical stories with pixels...????? how????
*memo to self - buy it anyway*

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Postby mtbanger » Sun Jun 11, 2006 7:28 pm

HDM is not good game mateiral, though palying as a panserbjorne ripping christians to shreds would be amazing, or bieng part of the great battle int he last book, and it would have to be HUGE. I would not like to play as Lyra or Will tohugh, they're not 'game' characters.
I agree... theres making a play and movie, that barable(sp?) but a game.. ow this is just sad... especialy when E.A are involved... this will be worse than harry potter and the philosephers(sp again?)/sorcerers stone game, (which, for the record, i though was BAD)
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Postby Mr Anderson » Sun Jun 11, 2006 7:42 pm

£10 says its EA and another £10 says its the worst game since ET back on the Atari 2600. It is simply not game material. What are you going to do ffs, have Lyra run around after Alethiometer power ups? God save us.
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Postby Calix » Sun Jun 11, 2006 8:49 pm

£10 says its EA and another £10 says its the worst game since ET back on the Atari 2600. It is simply not game material. What are you going to do ffs, have Lyra run around after Alethiometer power ups? God save us.
[dies laughing at how ridiculous that sounds]

Well...since no one here sees how it can be made into a game (I myself can't, really)...does anyone have ANY ideas at all about how to make it game material?
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Postby KittyKat » Mon Jun 12, 2006 7:13 pm

NO idea.
i mean, are they just using the characters? 'cos they can't use the story exactly.... it would be like: OBJECTIVES- RESCUE ROGER FROM LORD ASRIEL (who they will probably change the name of anyway, including more than 50% of the original characters) and how could you, it would spoil the entire storyline throughout the game. stupid, stupid people, for taking this on...whoever it actually is

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Postby Kinders » Mon Jun 12, 2006 7:33 pm

Well, you could play Iorek fighting Iofur; Lyra finding a way out of Bolvangar and settings the daemons free; um, that's all I can think of, apart from all of the other action set-pieces that'll be added to the film... :shifty:

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Postby Mr Anderson » Mon Jun 12, 2006 10:43 pm

They'll invent some garbage where Lyra runs around, jumping over gobblers, collecting Alethiometers, and generally butchering the story until all semblance of meaning is gone. Quality is of little object when combined with strong marketing, as long as it will sell they will make it.
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Postby Gabe » Wed Jun 14, 2006 9:12 am

Well...since no one here sees how it can be made into a game (I myself can't, really)...does anyone have ANY ideas at all about how to make it game material?
I and others feel that the only game that could really capture the essence of HDM is a Lucasarts of Olden Days Graphic Adventure game. (Don't look that up; I just pulled it out of my ass) The biggest problem with that would be the exact opposite of the problem with the mindless action games everyone has in mind...for a graphic adventure game, you'd need to add tons more dialogue and back-story to flesh things out. What action there would be couldn't be played (unless you put in some hybrid gameplay elements, which could turn out a bit dodgy), so the game would have to be based around the more cerebral elements of the story, and need to add lots of non-action content. Quite a good thing I think...for dialogue and characters it can offer things not even a book can match, and likewise for the visual and aural elements of movies. It's an entirely unique medium...if one just barely alive.
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Postby Calix » Wed Jun 14, 2006 11:42 am

I do know what you're talking about. The problem is people today don't have the patience for those, as they want mindless action for entertainment. I personally love the sorts of games you're talking about, but I can understand why the majority of people might not.
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Postby Darragh » Thu Jun 15, 2006 12:37 am

Well...since no one here sees how it can be made into a game (I myself can't, really)...does anyone have ANY ideas at all about how to make it game material?
I and others feel that the only game that could really capture the essence of HDM is a Lucasarts of Olden Days Graphic Adventure game. (Don't look that up; I just pulled it out of my ass) The biggest problem with that would be the exact opposite of the problem with the mindless action games everyone has in mind...for a graphic adventure game, you'd need to add tons more dialogue and back-story to flesh things out. What action there would be couldn't be played (unless you put in some hybrid gameplay elements, which could turn out a bit dodgy), so the game would have to be based around the more cerebral elements of the story, and need to add lots of non-action content. Quite a good thing I think...for dialogue and characters it can offer things not even a book can match, and likewise for the visual and aural elements of movies. It's an entirely unique medium...if one just barely alive.
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