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Dæmons play dress-ups!

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Dæmons play dress-ups!

Postby kyrabelacqua » Tue May 09, 2006 12:17 pm

This is just a random little thing that I've been wondering about lately, and it would be good to see what others think.

Obviously there's no such thing as movies in Lyra's world - this is evident from her surprise when she and Will go to the cinema. But I'm assuming there is theatre, as it's mentioned when Lyra's in London.

On another note - in acting, you pretend to be someone else. A different person with a different personality. And seeing as people in Lyra's world have dæmons that represent their personality, so would the characters they are playing.

And now we come to my point. The characters actors are playing would have a different personality to themselves, and therefore a different dæmon. This is easy enough to get around in our world - we just act. But what would they do in Lyra's world to get around this trivial little problem of mine? Would they dress up their dæmons in funny costumes and pretend they're a poodle when they're really a lion?

I'd really like to know what everyone else thinks - and if you think I'm crazy, feel free to let me know. :)
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Postby Jez » Tue May 09, 2006 1:29 pm

Costumes for daemons - now that's an hilarious idea! :o I have to say I've never been that comfortable with dressing animals up though. Pets wearing clothes or daft accessories always look ridiculous to me. A costume would just encumber an animal.

So how to get around it? Well, I can think of a couple of alternatives. Perhaps actors are restricted in the parts they can play by the form of their daemons. The specification for the part might include 'bird daemon' for instance. Or maybe all theatre actors are actually children in L-world, so their daemons can change to fit their character.

Or maybe (*beginning to go off on a tangent*) the theatres in L-world don't use live actors, they might have puppets. :P Or they prefer a more fantastical style, with every actor wearing a mask, and the daemon masks showing what animal they're supposed to be.

Yeah, well I think I put too much thought into that. :oops: *creeps away*
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Postby Peter » Tue May 09, 2006 1:40 pm

I once tried to write a story about theatre in L-world, but it all turned out rather differently and in the end I never tackled the matter head-on.

But surely the NT production of HDM gives us a clue about how L-world actors would handle the daemon question.
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Postby heatheradair » Tue May 09, 2006 3:55 pm

*thinks about restricting acting to children*

weren't shakespearean women played by boys because their voices were high enough? i could see them casting children so that the daemons could change to suit the character...

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Postby Jaya » Tue May 09, 2006 4:33 pm

If you're looking for a part, just as casting directors may look for a blonde-haired Lyra, couldn't those in L-world cast those with appropriate daemons?

Although perhaps people who are actors would have similar daemons, ones that reflect their personality/acting - like animals that appear to be like other animals. Or something.
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Postby Angel to follow » Tue May 09, 2006 5:56 pm

It would be difficult if, for instance, you knew that the historical character had a dog daemon but you yourself had a rat.

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Postby Peter » Tue May 09, 2006 6:12 pm

It would be difficult if, for instance, you knew that the historical character had a dog daemon but you yourself had a rat.
Quite. It would lead to extreme type-casting, which is why I suggested back there that actors would use daemon-puppets.
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Postby kyrabelacqua » Wed May 10, 2006 2:38 am

i could see them casting children so that the daemons could change to suit the character...
I thought about that as well... but there would be all sorts of problems with that too.

Another thing - although there's the possiblity of casting actors with appropriate dæmons for the part, there's always the problem of characters with really rare dæmons. There would surely be someone in history - or a character that requires it - who has a really weird dæmon that no one else has. That would cause a lot of problems.

Or the nicest solution, if rather illogical - actors' dæmons never settle! Although I'm sure that's impossible, it would sort of make sense, because actors are always changing their personality and image, and so would the dæmon.

Oh my, I have given this too much thought...
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Postby Symon » Wed May 10, 2006 3:06 am

I have thought about this too!
Or the nicest solution, if rather illogical - actors' dæmons never settle! Although I'm sure that's impossible, it would sort of make sense, because actors are always changing their personality and image, and so would the dæmon.
And that is the solution I came to. But only the truly talented actors would have that....thus proving their talent. oh daerr i'm tireed
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Postby Undestined » Wed May 10, 2006 4:51 am

If the actors' real daemons hid behind a backdrop, a daemon puppet would be practical. It would allow for actors to change roles without having to dress their daemons up. Although, an actor's daemon would like acting too, so they might want roles.

By the way: Even if people (like actors) can change their personality, they can't change their soul, so they wouldn't be able to change their daemon in L-World.
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Postby Angel to follow » Wed May 10, 2006 10:41 am

It would be complicated but they would be used to it so....

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Postby Peter » Wed May 10, 2006 10:47 am

Or the nicest solution, if rather illogical - actors' dæmons never settle! Although I'm sure that's impossible, it would sort of make sense, because actors are always changing their personality and image, and so would the dæmon.

Oh my, I have given this too much thought...
An adult with an unsettled daemon! Now, that's a really disturbing idea... :twisted:
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Postby Ryntha » Wed May 10, 2006 1:05 pm

This has been already discussed on another forum so I'll summarise what was on there.

Basically, there could be a sort of hollow space underneath the floor. The actor would walk about on top while their daemon walks below them, while the person with the correct daemon would walk below with their daemon on top. Would prove some problems with touch, though.
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Postby Somewhat » Wed May 10, 2006 2:10 pm

Or the nicest solution, if rather illogical - actors' dæmons never settle! Although I'm sure that's impossible, it would sort of make sense, because actors are always changing their personality and image, and so would the dæmon.

Oh my, I have given this too much thought...
An adult with an unsettled daemon! Now, that's a really disturbing idea... :twisted:
Well, according to Pullman your daemon really doesn't change, whatever you do. However not ever settling might be possible. Why do daemons settle anyway? Because kids lose their innocence?
Hmm, I can just imagine saints with unsettled daemons.[/i]
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Postby furbaby » Wed May 10, 2006 2:20 pm

However not ever settling might be possible. Why do daemons settle anyway? Because kids lose their innocence?
Hmm, I can just imagine saints with unsettled daemons.[/i]
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Postby Soapy » Wed May 10, 2006 2:28 pm

However not ever settling might be possible. Why do daemons settle anyway? Because kids lose their innocence?
Hmm, I can just imagine saints with unsettled daemons.[/i]
People with Down's syndrome, or similar conditions.
I was thinking that and about to ask about it.
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Postby Peter » Wed May 10, 2006 2:44 pm

However not ever settling might be possible. Why do daemons settle anyway? Because kids lose their innocence?
Hmm, I can just imagine saints with unsettled daemons.[/i]
People with Down's syndrome, or similar conditions.
I was thinking that and about to ask about it.
I never actually said why Martin James' daemon didn't settle. It seemed more powerful that way. You could tell by the way he spoke and behaved that there was something definitely wrong with him. :twisted: He certainly thought he was a saint.
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Postby Ryntha » Fri May 12, 2006 4:09 pm

People settle when they become an adult because their personality settles =P When you're younger you're open to all sorts of influences and your personality can change very easily, or whatever.
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Postby Angel to follow » Fri May 12, 2006 4:33 pm

Yeah, its to do with knowing who you are. Saying that, I was very sure who I was from an early age...

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Postby littlefoxgurl » Fri May 12, 2006 9:24 pm

I've thought about this, actually.
What if under the stage there's a basement-like area? The actor could walk on stage and their daemon could walk right beneath their feet. And a person whose daemon is the form needed could walk under the basement area while their daemon was on top.
Course, there are issues with daemons and humans touching. But in Shakespearean times, actors hardly ever touched so I'm sure they could get by with humans and daemons not touching. Or if the daemon's a bird and must perch on the actor's should couldn't shoulder pads make it were they never actually touched? And actors have to work together so they'd grow pretty close. Close enough, I reckon, to be okay with working so close to other's daemons.

Wow, I think too much, too. ><
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