The Republic of Heaven

What is your *funniest* injury?

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What is your *funniest* injury?

Postby Vicinity of Obscenity » Tue Apr 25, 2006 12:30 am

I think it was Witch-girl that made the comment about a nail through the foot, and although I didn't think it was reminded me of something. So I thought I would post this question to everybody.

What is the FUNNIEST injury you have ever endured???

I suppose I'll start with mine.
When I was 11 years old I went outside with shorts, a t-shirt, and my snowboard in January. I had it in my mind to practice on my neighbor's halfpipe. I climb up to the top and drop down into my boots and prepare to go when the platform at the top gave away and i slid on my ass all the way down that side to the bottom. Would have been a harmless skid if the wood hadn't been completely rotten. And to top it off I run home crying and cut myself on barbwire going through the woods. Went to the hospital where they removed 73 pieces of wood (from shards to splinters) and gave me my tetanus shot. The ENTIRE nursing staff came in my room to see my bloody butt. It was very embarrassing at the time, but looking back I can't do anything but laugh.

I have a couple others but I think I'll wait to see what everyone else says...
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Postby heatheradair » Tue Apr 25, 2006 1:49 am

i've broken my tailbone... twice :shock:

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Postby Townie » Tue Apr 25, 2006 8:34 pm

I've bust me coccyx (copyright some Carry On film)
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Postby Vicinity of Obscenity » Tue Apr 25, 2006 9:01 pm

Another funny/stupid one. When I was little I had an overactive imagination. I had convinced myself that I was a raging bull being provoked by the matador (brick wall). I ran as fast as I could head first into the wall. When I ran crying to my mother...head bleeeeeeeeding.....she strapped a washrag on top my head and told me to go back outside she was cooking supper.
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Postby zemarl » Tue Apr 25, 2006 10:23 pm

as a young child i tended to hit my overlarge head on stuff a lot, resulting in bruises but no actual blood was lost. the sole exception was once when i was about eight, i think, having a stuffed-animal war (for the uninformed, this consists of throwing, as hard as possible, teddy bears across the room at siblings) with my sisters and cousins, and someone threw a miss piggy doll at me. needless to say twas my head that it struck, but how dreadful, for that miss piggy happened to have a plastic head - details like curly pointy hair included. i gushed blood all over the floor but no emergency action was needed other than washing it off my head and finding that it wasn't that deep a cut. since that day i've never really liked that wife of kermit's.
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Postby Will » Tue Apr 25, 2006 10:59 pm

I have a big head too. :cry:
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Postby Vicinity of Obscenity » Wed Apr 26, 2006 12:58 am

Big heads mean big brains...I definitely wish I had one of those right now! :shock: CLASSES :cry:
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Postby Stargirl » Wed Apr 26, 2006 1:34 am

I can't think of any funny injuries... hm, though I do get a lot of injuries. my legs are always black and blue from a comination of gymnastics and Pe and who knows what else. :roll:

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Postby Symon » Wed Apr 26, 2006 3:30 am

When I was twelve I sprained my foot in my sleep. alskfjdaposidfjawlkejnfga
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Postby All_That_Jazz » Wed Apr 26, 2006 4:48 am

I just about broke my finger in an electric egg beater. I shouldn't try to cook...
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Postby Vicinity of Obscenity » Wed Apr 26, 2006 5:16 am

Okay I'm that board, which is why I'm replying to my own thread so often :P . Another injury I had was due to my combination of monumental stupidity and again...overactive imagination. I was little, my parents let me watch Robocop with them. Biiiiiiiiiig mistake. First thing I did was go outside walking around pretending I was robocop. (We lived in the middle of nowhere, nothing to do) My brother had tied a rock to s tiny rope and was swinging it around being gay with it. I had it in my head I was robocop and was invincible and walked right into that rock. Again another head injury...this one a bit bloodier than the other and what do ya mother slapped a wash clothe on me yet again. :shock:
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Postby Soapy » Wed Apr 26, 2006 7:25 am

my mother slapped a wash clothe on me yet again. :shock:
Did she put some Windex on it first?
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Postby Vicinity of Obscenity » Wed Apr 26, 2006 4:20 pm

my mother slapped a wash clothe on me yet again. :shock:
Did she put some Windex on it first?
Not that I am aware of...I hope not, doesn't sound too healthy lol.
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Postby zemarl » Wed Apr 26, 2006 4:37 pm

my mother slapped a wash clothe on me yet again. :shock:
Did she put some Windex on it first?
h'rah, reference to something i recognize! :D voc: windex is a cure-all, didn't you know?
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Postby Diolmhain » Wed Apr 26, 2006 5:26 pm

Once when i was small i was on this big eco boat or something, called the rainbow warrior. Anyway, it had been a rainy day (like most of them in Ireland) and the metal steps (you know, the ones that resemble cheese graters) were wetter than a toddeler who has had a nightmare, the steps were also steep and had no handrail. Just like in spirited away i came careening down the steps on my backside and landed, face first, screaming in agony, on the deck.
Needless to say the ship doctor had to examine my rear end and i became very embaressed.
Also I had nightmares about really steep steps for three years after.
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Postby heatheradair » Wed Apr 26, 2006 5:37 pm

my mother slapped a wash clothe on me yet again. :shock:
Did she put some Windex on it first?
h'rah, reference to something i recognize! :D voc: windex is a cure-all, didn't you know?
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Postby Blackdragon » Wed Apr 26, 2006 6:17 pm

I once broke my arm by falling off a slide and then proceeded to break my head open only months later by falling into my front steps.
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Postby Vicinity of Obscenity » Wed Apr 26, 2006 6:34 pm

Okay another one I have....*obviously made the thread as a therapy for my tortured psyche* until I was 12 my dad would make me run with him in our neighborhood because he wanted me to be a runner and compete. He tied a rope around my wrist and ran...if i slowed down he would drag me along with him. How gay, I felt like his little slave. I have a scar on my wrist from that one. Rubbed me raw one too many times.
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Postby Soapy » Wed Apr 26, 2006 9:14 pm

Ok, so...I used to be a tomboy. I was best friends with a boy down my road and we used to go out on our bikes adn ride around like mad people. My bike was perfectly safe with working breaks and properly-pumped tyres but Simon, the boy up the road, had a really old bike with pretty broken breaks and flat tyres.

We used to occasionally swap bikes because although his bike was broken it was also really cool. Anyway, I was on his bike and zooming down someone's driveway and he was on hte road zooming from the left. Meanwhile, a car was coming from the right so i couldn't turn either way. And I couldn't break because his damn breaks didn't work....and I couldn't use my feet to stop myself because my mother had previously shouted at me for ruining shoes that I sort of carried on until I hit a low wall and went tumbling over the handlebars, left cheek first.

It hurt :S
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Postby brynjarbjorn » Wed Apr 26, 2006 10:26 pm

Injury story telling!

Ok... I've never really had a "funny" injury per se, but I've got one or two odd ones.

My family was out camping some years ago, and I was taking a walk on the mountain that was nearby. When I had been walking on top of it for about half an hour I came accross a odd muddy sort of area, with a fence lying face down in it. But I hadn't noticed how twisted the barbed wirings were, so when I was about to step over it I accidentally moved something in the earth that held the fence down, so it sprang up twisting in all directions as the wound up barbed wire unwound itself. There I stood absolutelly frozen I noticed that a huge splinter had pierced my middle finger, right from the top down to the middle of it. The splinter was also quite wet and muddy so when I tried to pull it out it's tip just disintegrated. So I had to have my finger cut up to remove the splinter.
I was lucky though as the barbed fence could have had sprung up while I was on it. :)
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