The Republic of Heaven

How far can daemons go?

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How far can daemons go?

Postby Cloud » Tue May 27, 2003 5:56 pm

How far can daemons go from their humans? It has to be about 10-20 metres?
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Postby Nix » Tue May 27, 2003 5:57 pm

5 feet at the most i think it said
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Postby Will » Tue May 27, 2003 7:56 pm

Apart from the old 'tie them to the plane and dæmon out the window' jobby.
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Postby Daniel » Tue May 27, 2003 8:34 pm

it was mentioned as being a few yards, and I'm thinking it wasn't more than 15 feet. It probably varies by the person, though.I'm ignoring the above post.
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Postby AySz88 » Tue May 27, 2003 9:45 pm

I was thinking two or three yards...6 or 7 feet.
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Postby Carina » Tue May 27, 2003 9:53 pm

I thought about five and twenty feet depending on the person. It seems to me that children's dæmons would be able to go farther and that settled dæmons would have to stay closer to their human, although the golden monkey dæmon of coulter was mentioned as going into another room I thnk.
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Postby jessia » Tue May 27, 2003 10:35 pm

with lyra standing on the ground, pan was able to fly up as a moth to the second story window of the guild at cittigazze, before it became painful. the way i see this tower though, is with the high ceilings, so a second story window could be anywhere from three to six metres up.
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Postby eloquent » Tue May 27, 2003 10:47 pm

Taking it as a few yards, that would be from about 9 to 15 feet. (3-5 meters if you're on metric).
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Postby BIGbookFAN » Thu Aug 17, 2006 8:19 am

yeah...i agree to the 5-6 feet thing-i mean,these daemons are your soul so i would'nt expect that it could go very all.(unless it was seperated)
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Postby Peter » Thu Aug 17, 2006 9:13 am

yeah...i agree to the 5-6 feet thing-i mean,these daemons are your soul so i would'nt expect that it could go very all.(unless it was seperated)
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Postby Claire de la Lune » Fri Aug 18, 2006 4:05 am

Under special circumstances would a daemon be able to travel further from the person? This could compare to how humans have special abilities under adrenaline.
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Postby Angel to follow » Fri Aug 18, 2006 6:37 pm

Yes that's a good point, like women who have lifted cars off of their trapped children.

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Postby Soapy » Fri Aug 18, 2006 7:06 pm

Under special circumstances would a dæmon be able to travel further from the person? This could compare to how humans have special abilities under adrenaline.
We know that they can because Lyra moves very far away from Pan in the boat. It's just incredibly painful.
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Postby Mockingbird » Sat Aug 19, 2006 8:45 pm

We know that they can because Lyra moves very far away from Pan in the boat. It's just incredibly painful.
Agreed. I believe that daemons can go as far away from their bodies as they need to. Its like levitation, which is possible for all humans, just very unique people concentrate and practice enough to be able to do it. If you can willingly seperate from your daemon, like witches do, I think you must gain some kind of heightened awareness from the experience. Lyra and Will qualify as witches because of the seperation, right?
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Postby Leif » Sun Aug 20, 2006 12:23 am

Its like levitation, which is possible for all humans, just very unique people concentrate and practice enough to be able to do it.
...Am I missing something about gravity?
If you can willingly seperate from your dæmon, like witches do, I think you must gain some kind of heightened awareness from the experience. Lyra and Will qualify as witches because of the seperation, right?
I'd say Will and Lyra have the witch-like ability to seperate from their daemons, but surely there must be more to being a witch. Like flying? Or (unlike Will) being female?
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Postby Soapy » Sun Aug 20, 2006 12:46 am

If you can willingly seperate from your dæmon, like witches do, I think you must gain some kind of heightened awareness from the experience. Lyra and Will qualify as witches because of the seperation, right?
I'd say Will and Lyra have the witch-like ability to seperate from their dæmons, but surely there must be more to being a witch. Like flying? Or (unlike Will) being female?
Serafina (has anyone noticed how it kind of sounds like 'sraf' at the beginning, just noticed as I was typing, PP doesn't say it's exactly 'sraf' but a sound like sraf, so it could easily be seraf, but anyway) says they're basically witches apart from not being able to fly, not having bird-daemons and Will being a male. Although someone, either Serafina or Ruta, say there are male witches in some worlds.
Its like levitation, which is possible for all humans, just very unique people concentrate and practice enough to be able to do it.
...Am I missing something about gravity?
Don't know about levitation, since gravity does play a large part in it. But there are people, like Derren Brown, who can control their bodies - their heartbeats, temperatures, blood flows etc - and do the most amazing things with their bodies. I guess it's like that.
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Postby Mockingbird » Sun Aug 20, 2006 12:50 am

Its like levitation, which is possible for all humans, just very unique people concentrate and practice enough to be able to do it.

...Am I missing something about gravity?

:D Newton didn't know everything. I know that there are about five Buddhist monks in the world who can levitate and apparently so can that 'Mindfreak' guy, but of course that's probably a hoax. I do believe I learned that it is scientifically possible, but I'm no Mary Malone, so don't quote me on it...
I'd say Will and Lyra have the witch-like ability to seperate from their dæmons, but surely there must be more to being a witch. Like flying? Or (unlike Will) being female?

Well, Serafina tells them they are witches; despite their inability to fly, being male (in Will's case) and not having bird daemons. By process of elimination, I guess the daemon separation is the only criteria that qualifies them for witch-dom.
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Postby Leif » Sun Aug 20, 2006 5:21 am

:D Newton didn't know everything. I know that there are about five Buddhist monks in the world who can levitate and apparently so can that 'Mindfreak' guy, but of course that's probably a hoax. I do believe I learned that it is scientifically possible, but I'm no Mary Malone, so don't quote me on it...
I seriously doubt that. Don't you think that if someone could levitate it would be a huge deal? From what I hear, defying gravity is no mean feat.
I'd say Will and Lyra have the witch-like ability to seperate from their dæmons, but surely there must be more to being a witch. Like flying? Or (unlike Will) being female?

Well, Serafina tells them they are witches; despite their inability to fly, being male (in Will's case) and not having bird dæmons. By process of elimination, I guess the dæmon separation is the only criteria that qualifies them for witch-dom.
Pah! What does she know? Maybe she was just trying to make the kids feel cool. :P
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Postby Diolmhain » Sun Aug 20, 2006 11:31 am

It was about 8 feet methinks...
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Postby Mockingbird » Sun Aug 20, 2006 7:52 pm

Pah! What does she know? Maybe she was just trying to make the kids feel cool. Razz
If you feel like that, then the story Mary Malone tells them must just be a bedtime story! :D

This is the first thing l I got from a quick search on scientific levitation. Apparently the jury is still out on human levitation:
I have not seen, but have heard, reliable reports of the occasions on which Jean-Pierre Girard has held small objects levitated above the table surface for a period of several seconds; this was also reported to be without the use of touch or fraud. We might suppose that a paranormal quasi-force field was operating, such as electromagnetic forces operate in the normal levitation of metal objects above current-carrying coils.
I guess my point was that considering the limited amount of brain capacity that we use on a everyday basis, many things must be possible under enhanced conditions. But this is pretty far off-topic...
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