The Republic of Heaven

Did Mary Malone actually play the serpent?

Discuss the concluding book of the trilogy

Did Mary Malone actually play the serpent?

Postby muddmania » Sat Nov 06, 2004 3:56 pm

When reading TAS i thought that Mary Malone was going to tempt Lyra in some way (the computer told her she was to play the serpent), but i never actualy figured out when she did. Was it when she told Lyra of her first love?
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Postby eloquent » Sat Nov 06, 2004 4:30 pm

Yup, pretty much.
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Postby Kahlan » Sat Nov 06, 2004 4:55 pm

when she told lyra about her first love she tempted lyra to want to have a love to.. :D mary triggered some feelings lyra never thought she had..
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Postby muddmania » Sat Nov 06, 2004 5:55 pm

Ah ha. Sorry got a bit confused, but how can that be bad? and did Lyra make the right choice?
Still confused :?
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Postby Max » Sat Nov 06, 2004 7:33 pm

It opened up a new realm of consciousness - she describes it as a house - in the same way that eating the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge did for Adam and Eve, as they became aware of morality and independent thought etcetera.

That new consciousness was one of love so profound that they were completely enshrined in incandescent sraf when Mary saw them through the Amber Spyglass.
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Postby Tomsy » Sat Nov 06, 2004 8:28 pm

Ah ha. Sorry got a bit confused, but how can that be bad?

The church think that humans should have no free will of their own. They should not have 'original sin' (Dust), and therefore not be humanly conscious. Since Lyra's action preserved/created Dust, the church saw it as bad.
and did Lyra make the right choice?

It depends what you think the right choice is.
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Postby muddmania » Sat Nov 06, 2004 9:59 pm

i get it now! Man i feel dum :)
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Postby i<3will » Sat Nov 20, 2004 1:53 am

yes, you're right about the first kiss thing. This story "tempted" Lyra to see if Will was her true love, and that is how they ended up in that big mess. :(
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Postby Botanic 2004 » Sat Nov 20, 2004 10:13 am

i get it now! Man i feel dum :)
'dumb' (sorry eniamrahc for taking your role, temporarily.)
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Postby Naomi Silvertongue » Sun Nov 21, 2004 2:44 am

Ouch man, how did you spell that without the d on the end?

Way to go, Bots! You beat Rosie, though now she may beat you.

Quick, run and hide. We'll let you know when its safe to come back. :lol:
Colonel William Tavington: You know, it's dirty business doing one's duty... but just occasionally it's a real pleasure.

Benjamin Martin: He cannot be held as a spy.
Colonel William Tavington: Oh, we're not going to hold him. We're going to hang him.

Colonel William Tavington: Thank you very much. Shut the doors!
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Postby eloquent » Sun Nov 21, 2004 3:24 am

Ouch man, how did you spell that without the d on the end?
It's a b ;).
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Postby Naomi Silvertongue » Sun Nov 21, 2004 3:31 am

Ah man now I feel stupid. *hides in shame and Khisanth lowers tail between his leg*

Though, you guys new what I meant. My upmost apologies to you muddmania.
Colonel William Tavington: You know, it's dirty business doing one's duty... but just occasionally it's a real pleasure.

Benjamin Martin: He cannot be held as a spy.
Colonel William Tavington: Oh, we're not going to hold him. We're going to hang him.

Colonel William Tavington: Thank you very much. Shut the doors!
Hardwick: But you said... we'd be forgiven!
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Postby eloquent » Sun Nov 21, 2004 3:33 am

It's just ironic when the corrector becomes the correctee.
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Postby Naomi Silvertongue » Sun Nov 21, 2004 3:35 am

I love you!!

You 'ought to write a book, Eloquent.
Colonel William Tavington: You know, it's dirty business doing one's duty... but just occasionally it's a real pleasure.

Benjamin Martin: He cannot be held as a spy.
Colonel William Tavington: Oh, we're not going to hold him. We're going to hang him.

Colonel William Tavington: Thank you very much. Shut the doors!
Hardwick: But you said... we'd be forgiven!
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Colonel William Tavington: Pretty impressive for farmers with pitchforks.
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Postby eloquent » Sun Nov 21, 2004 3:37 am

Well perhaps when I've got all my coursework out of the way :smiley:.
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Postby Naomi Silvertongue » Sun Nov 21, 2004 3:40 am

But of course.
Work before fun time.
But then you must settle down on some remote beach.
Colonel William Tavington: You know, it's dirty business doing one's duty... but just occasionally it's a real pleasure.

Benjamin Martin: He cannot be held as a spy.
Colonel William Tavington: Oh, we're not going to hold him. We're going to hang him.

Colonel William Tavington: Thank you very much. Shut the doors!
Hardwick: But you said... we'd be forgiven!
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Colonel William Tavington: Pretty impressive for farmers with pitchforks.
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Postby Violet^Evans » Mon Nov 22, 2004 10:39 pm

Ciao! I'm new and when I saw this topic I couldn't help but register...sorry for my bad spelling&co...English is not my first language, I'm Italian...

I think that Mary Malone actually played the snake, absolutely, and the choose of Lyra is just the same as Eva's: RIGHT!
I mean, why shouldn't she took the apple? Temptation is 100% human...and Lyra just made the right choice.

Temptation is not only's the reason why all that is's a bit complicated, but I think it's like that. It's just part of us...
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Postby Naomi Silvertongue » Tue Nov 23, 2004 12:20 am

Free Will!!
Colonel William Tavington: You know, it's dirty business doing one's duty... but just occasionally it's a real pleasure.

Benjamin Martin: He cannot be held as a spy.
Colonel William Tavington: Oh, we're not going to hold him. We're going to hang him.

Colonel William Tavington: Thank you very much. Shut the doors!
Hardwick: But you said... we'd be forgiven!
Colonel William Tavington: And indeed you may! But that's between you and God.

Colonel William Tavington: Pretty impressive for farmers with pitchforks.
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Postby Enitharmon » Tue Nov 23, 2004 12:26 am

Ciao! I'm new and when I saw this topic I couldn't help but register...sorry for my bad spelling&co...English is not my first language, I'm Italian...
Buona sera signorina! Piacere di conscerla. Ma perché, se tu sei italiana, ti chiami Violet Evans? Il tuo nome è inglese, si?
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Postby Naomi Silvertongue » Tue Nov 23, 2004 12:31 am

Whoa!!! I take french and not that language!!
Colonel William Tavington: You know, it's dirty business doing one's duty... but just occasionally it's a real pleasure.

Benjamin Martin: He cannot be held as a spy.
Colonel William Tavington: Oh, we're not going to hold him. We're going to hang him.

Colonel William Tavington: Thank you very much. Shut the doors!
Hardwick: But you said... we'd be forgiven!
Colonel William Tavington: And indeed you may! But that's between you and God.

Colonel William Tavington: Pretty impressive for farmers with pitchforks.
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