Postby All_That_Jazz » Sat May 01, 2004 4:28 am
I'm not depressed, just wallowing for small reasons like: I fell down in slushy snow and mud twice on the way to a friend's car, I fell up the stairs at school once today, it's snowing when it was about 80' F the other day, I missed first period and had to walk to school in snow with a heavy backpack for the second day in a row (yesterday because I woke up about 5 minutes before school starts because my alarm clock came unplugged and my carpool was waiting outside, and today because my brother couldn't find the car keys. meh.), and I feel left out because I really want to act in a show at school, not just be a techie, but I've never even been called back. Bah. And I know I'm better than some people who do act. (really, I am. Trust me.)
Walk into splintered sunlight, inch your way through dead beams to another land...
"May all your trails be crooked, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view; where something strange and more beautiful and more full of wonder than your deepest dreams waits for you."
~Edward Abbey