Better than HDM?
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Better than HDM?
What books do you think are better than, or as good as HDM? I know this is kinda like the top three books topic, but it's a little different, I think. List as many as you want. I'm not sure what mine are; I have to think about it for a while. 

- Isobel
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King Ogunwe - General of the Republic
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i don't think there are any, but i might be wrong. some books are better in some aspects, but the overall HDM experience is amazing (as i'm sure you know).
edit: spelling
edit: spelling
Last edited by Daniel on Thu Apr 10, 2003 10:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
*sigh* Well, at least you tried.
- Daniel
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Yeah, I'm thinking about all my favourtie books, which are all really good, but I don't know if I would say any are as good as HDM. It's hard to compare, especially with books that are very different from HDM. And what's really great about HDM, I think, is that it's an amazing story, very inventive and well written with well-developed charcters, and it also has a message that's strong without overtaking the story. It's fun to read, but it also has additional meanings.
- Isobel
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i thought that this one series was as good as HDM, it was three books called the golden compass, the subtle knife, and the amber spyglass...any of you read them?
romeo and juliet and lotr are good too

romeo and juliet and lotr are good too
Pyr - Witch
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King Ogunwe - General of the Republic
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I don't see how it's "sad" that HDM are some peoples' favourite books. I don't think anyone is saying the they are unquestionably the best books ever written. It's just a matter of opinion, and I think that everyone is entitled to their own. Everyone has different taste in books, and everyone looks for different things in books.
- Isobel
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They're not "the best books ever," I couldn't say what that would be cos I haven't ead every book, and I know there are an infinite number of amazing books that I have not yet read and many that I never will read. I don't think anyone worships HDM, and I just don't see what's wrong with having a personal favourite book, HDM or otherwise. And yes, of course you are entitled to an opinion, but that doesn't mean you have to be really judgemental about other peoples' opinions.
- Isobel
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There are quite a few books that I think are better than HDM, but not a whole lot. A few of us do think they're the best. So what? Everybody has to think SOMETHING is the best, or ties for the best... HDM certainly deserves that in my opinion. At least we're not like some HP fans who go around screaming in all capital letters that HP is the greatest invention of the human race, and that never before in the history of literature has something so great been written. Gimme a break...
- Tristan
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I agree with what Merlyn said. I admit that my tastes in literature are not the most serious or intellectual or well-respected or whatever you eant to call it, and the few books that I like as much as or more than HDM would be considered to have equal or less literary value by the sort of people who judge a book's value like that. I don't, I just go by what I enjoy reading, and HDM happen to be some of the books that I, personally, have enjoyed reading the most. That's all.
- Isobel
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Harry potter was good at first (as in, the first five minutes), but it got WAY too comertialiazed. I think HDM are good, but theryre are definitely some better books. Take Dune, for example. That book reinvented Sci-Fi. LotR. Enough said. Enders game.One of the best Sci-Fi novels. EVER. But these are just my opinoins, not yours.

<----- My daemon, Kristofina
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And so sayeth the allmighty me...........
Gryphon - Zalif
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Like I said, I know I haven't read all that many books. I haven't read Dune or Ender's Game. I'm sure they're really good, but when I choose my favourites, I can only go by which books I've read. I dunno, I don;t usually read sci-fi or fantasy very much, so I don;t really know all that many good books in these genres.
- Isobel
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Dune was a decent book, but it didn't blow me away... LotR is great fun, and defines the medieval fantasy genre (well it created it), and it can be read on a pretty deep level. Of the books you mentioned, the Ender Quartet by Orson Scott Card is one of the few books that I deem better than HDM- they truely are masterfully written, have a lot to say, are as deep as you want 'em to be, and are terribly exciting and great fun to read over and over. Another book I really loved was Watership Down, but I've always ranted about that being the best, so I won't repeat myself...
All of these books are great, and so are countless others- whatever suits your tastes, well, suits your tastes. We're all entitled to our own opinions, whether you think HDM is the best, or ranks among the best, or even if you don't think its all that great at all. To each their own... but I hardly think liking a book, or calling it the best in your opinion deserves criticism.
We may be crazy, but we're not obsessive...

All of these books are great, and so are countless others- whatever suits your tastes, well, suits your tastes. We're all entitled to our own opinions, whether you think HDM is the best, or ranks among the best, or even if you don't think its all that great at all. To each their own... but I hardly think liking a book, or calling it the best in your opinion deserves criticism.

- Tristan
- Megamouth Sraffie
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Hmm, maybe I should read some of those. It's been so long since I read LOTR that I don't really feel like I can make any kind of judgment about it. I really want to read it again, maybe this summer. Actually, i hate to admit this, but I've technically never even read it. My dad read it to me when I was little, which would explain why I don't remember it much, I guess.
I enjoyed it a lot at the time, but I know my opinions have chnaged since I was seven or eight. Around the same time, my dad also tried to get me interested in Dune, but I thought it was boring. Like I said, I know this sounds weird considering that I really like HDM, but I'm not such a huge fan of sci-fi/fantasy.

- Isobel
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