The Republic of Heaven

Philip Pullman talks to Lizo @ BBC (video)

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Philip Pullman talks to Lizo @ BBC (video)

Postby TaraLivesOn » Sat Dec 08, 2007 10:40 am

Decent little interview. 8 minute video clip. WindowsMedia RealMedia download/save
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Postby Ian » Sat Dec 08, 2007 1:50 pm

You are quite right - it is actually (as Pullman TV appearances go) very good indeed! Lizo is a cracking interviewer 'n' all. Thanks for the tip off (and the download link) - I've stuck it up on the homepage for others to benefit from :)
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Postby TaraLivesOn » Sat Dec 08, 2007 7:32 pm

Yeah it's easy to love Lizo. He's a lot of fun - a real fanboy at times which makes it even more entertaining - you can almost see him hold himself back during some interviews with stars/celebs.

Pullman said he'd love to write for Doctor Who - now there's an episode I would certainly watch!
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Postby Blossom » Sat Dec 08, 2007 8:45 pm

Lizo is my hero. :D

The way Doctor Who is right now I don't think it could get any worse no matter who they had writing for it. Pullman would certainly be an improvement.
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