This is a Fan Fic I did a while back for HDM I focused on Will and his world here since I favored Will the most in the trilogy. Understand that I haven't even started a 2nd chapter due to multipule reasons, but if you guys like this enough then I'll problebly start it so I can get it done in the nere futur. Please leave thoughts and reviews. An on with the story!
Chapter 1: Anniversary
"Several years have passed since Will and Lyra have separated. Will Parry and Mary Malone have been living peacefully together, playing the roll of Nephew and Aunt, Mary claiming to be a relative to John Parry, Will's long lost and now dead Father. Will now is a Fencer, good enough according to his coach to perhaps someday win a gold Medal, and learning right handed, he's overcame his 7 finger Handicap and plays Acoustic Guitar. But soon, the peaceful life he and Mary have grown to love will end, for they may of discovered the wonders and beauty of other worlds, but are yet to learn what wonders…and terrors are hidden within there very own."
Will and Kirjava sat next to each other in the back seat of Mary's car. Alone, they could talk about anything with out fear of anyone hearing, since they only looked like a normal young man with is Pet. Mary had helped his Mother in, she was allowed to leave her home at the hospital with Mary and Will to see Will's fencing tournaments, and this would be the last one for a while since the season wouldn't be up again for another 6 weeks.
Will had changed greatly from the young man who saved his and many other worlds so long ago. He stood a good 6'1, with a thin yet muscular build. He let his hair grow long as well, since he was 15 he stopped cutting it, aside from the occasional trim, and it grew to where it reached the bottom of his shoulder blades. Despite his lost fingers thanks to the subtle knife, he had grown used to not needing them.
And unlike before, he had friends. Some of the guys on the Fencing team hang out with him a lot, doing the usual Teen activities, Arcade, Movies, esc. Richard, Gerald and Shawn where his 3 closest buddies, although Richard was leaving soon for a vacation and Shawn had his college to worry about, Gerald had his girlfriend to hang with so really Will was the only one left hanging in the coming weeks.
Kirjava looked out the window, despite having a normal cat expression; she wasn't in a good mood. She was growing extremely tired of having to hide and play the house cat, something she knew she didn't have a choice with, but wasn't fun non the less.
"Again, why can't Mary try and bring me in, in a bag or something with a hole for me to see?" Kirjava asked.
"You know the rules, no animals." Will responded. "As much as I'd love for you to be close to me Kirjava, we just can't risk it."
"Easy for you to say…"
"You think I like people not knowing about you and me? You know how perverted it feels when a guest at home pets you?"
"Fine….I'll stay here."
Will suddenly felt guilt with in him, this is pretty much how it had been for the last 3 years. The first few years after Will and Kirjava left Lyra and Pan, they had no issue with Will leaving her for school and everything. But time was taking its toll, and Kirjava was getting tired of remaining at home while Will went out to explore the world.
As he rubbed her on the back of the head, Will said "Tell you what, for this, I'll rent your favorite movie for us to watch later tonight."
She looked at him and said "2 movies."
With a chuckle, he said "Alright, The Neverending Story and Beatlejuice is it."
They both then laughed, Will picking her up and putting Kirjava in his lap, petting her.
Will then looked over as he saw someone calling his name, it was Richard. He then looked down at Kirjava and said "Sorry, time to go."
She then got up and moved off her lap, as she did, she looked back and said "Don't forget about tonight."
"How could I forget?" he asked.
He then opened the door and left, Kirjava dropped down to the floor and lay down, wondering how to keep her self entertained for the next 2 hours.
Mary sat next to Will's mother in an area with not much people. It wasn't the best view, but she knew it was best to not have as many people around them. It had been a half hour into the competition and Will was coming up soon to his match.
Mary Malone herself had changed over the years as well. She had died her hair into a light brown about 2 years ago and had kept it that. She looked older as well, but still very attractive.
What saved her and Will, since she lost her job and Will had nothing, was the Melufa, when they gave her one of there seed pods, she saw a chance. Mary had a friend who was also a scientist, but her friend more into the study of plants and nature. Mary told about the pod as if she found it out of no where and offered it. Thankfully for her, her friend took it to her lab and they started to use the seeds to grow the trees, and in turn Mary got a job working for them as well, help growing the trees to someday inhabit this world.
Meanwhile, Will sat with his fellow team mates, watching as the young man name Shane was up fencing. Shane wasn't the most liked member of the team, since he was pretty much a rich kid who paid his way into it. Will and Shane had a habit of locking horns constantly.
Gerald next to him looked over and said "So what do you have planed for tonight?"
Will smiled and said "Oh…Mary and I have something to do; it's an anniversary of something that happened. When we said goodbye to some friends, friends we miss…but can't see again."
"Where are these friends?"
With a chuckle, Will added "You wouldn't believe me if I told you."
They then looked out as the buzzer rang to end the match. Shane walked off the area pulling off his face guard, smiling as he was announced the winner. Will and Gerald both looked each other and shook there heads, the only reason this kid was good was because his parents paid the best of the best to tutor him and him alone.
As he walked past Gerald and Will, he looked down at his hands and said "My aching fingers…oh, my hurting 10….10 fingers."
Will narrowed his eyes as he looked over at him; it was always the same for Shane, making fun of his lost fingers. However, Will was still an extraordinary Fencer, and he knew he was better the Shane.
He then looked away as the announcer said "Next up, Will Parry and Mark Conner. Step up please."
Will reached down and picked up his sword and face guard, then got up and started to walk. As he approached the strip to fight on, he looked over at crowd and saw his Mother and Mary sitting, they both waved and he nodded in acknowledgment. He then looked over at his opponent approaching.
Getting into position, Will put his face guard on and got into stance, his opponent doing the same. Looking across, he felt the same slight nervousness he felt every time he did a fencing fight, but not enough to clog his judgment. Truthfully, after what he went through on his journey into the other worlds, a fellow fencer with a non sharp sword wouldn't be anything to fret about.
Then the buzzer rang and they took off. Will wasn't moving as fast as the other guy, but was still moving swiftly. When they where within 3 feet of each other, the swords clanged. Will backed away, going onto the defensive, swinging his sword back and forth as it collided with the other one.
His opponent then did a thrust, but Will seen it coming easily, and did parry guard, knock it away. As he did, he spun and stabbed his sword out, connecting with the body. The buzzer rang and both backed away slowly. Retaking the stance, the buzzer went off and they where on again.
This time, Will took the offensive, swinging his sword harder and moving closer to his opponent. It was clear that the young man he was facing was experienced, as he wasn't ready for an offensive attack and expected a defensive one. After a few seconds, Will saw an opening and thrust his sword past his opponents, stabbing him in the lower abdomen.
As the buzzer rang to end it again, Will slowly walked back to his position as his opponent did the same. Retaking the stances, they both waited and the buzzer was off again. This time his opponent attacked with out much of what seemed like fencing. Will had seen it before, desperation and loosing your thoughts on what you trained for.
As he swung with out much thought, Will simply waited on defense and saw his opportunity quickly. Again, he thrust his sword and connected with his opponent's body, the buzzer rang and Will relaxed, taking off his face guard. Applause came from the crowd for both fighters.
Will then showed his good sportsmanship by tucking his sword under his arm and holding it there, offering his hand. The other man then took of his face guard and tucked it under his arm, taking Wills hand and shaking it. As they parted, the announcer said "Winner: Will Parry."
As the applause continued, Will looked out into the crowd and saw Mary and his Mother standing up clapping. He smiled and nodded to them, continuing on. As he rejoined his teammates, he put down his sword and guard and greeted them as they joined him to welcome him back. Only Shane didn't acknowledge his success.
Will slowly took his mother by her hand and helped her out of the car. He then started to guide her up to the hospital doors. For the last 5 and half years, she had been staying at the Oxford Mental Health Hospital, OMHH for short. Will visited her once a week, twice sometimes if it was going good.
"You where amazing out there Will, like that hooded figure on TV." his mother said.
"Zorro mom, his name was Zorro." He replied with a smile. "And thank you."
As he opened the door, Carol, the woman in charge of the front desk was already there to greet them.
"Miss Parry, how'd your son fight today?" she asked with polite smile.
"He was amazing, like Zorro on TV."
"Amazing, maybe I should join you as well next time. Oh, will you by staying again today Will?"
Shaking his head, Will said "I wish I could but…Mary and I have some important things to take care of. I'm afraid I must go already."
Looking at her son, his mother asked "When will you back?"
"I think I can fit in next Thursday."
Will then gave his mother a kiss on the cheek and said "Goodbye, see you next week."
His mother and Carol then waved as he turned and left out the door. In just a few steps, he was at the car and opened the door, sitting in and closing it. With Mary at the drivers seat and Kirjava sitting in the back, Will took a deep sigh.
"Ready?" asked Kirjava.
"Yeah, let's do this."
It was getting dark in Oxford. The sun was going down and the sky was bright orange, meaning a nice day tomorrow. The light poles where lighting up as the streets where losing there brightness.
Will, Mary and Kirjava where walking through the park. Around his arm and hanging at his back, Will had his guitar, and in his hand was a rose. Mary and Kirjava didn't look at him at all, since they knew what went on in his mind every year they did this: why is life cruel?
They then stopped as they where in front of the destination. Before them was the very bench that 6 years ago, Will and Lyra promised each other they would come back to once every summer. It was 6 years ago today that Will closed the window, and broke the knife to forever separate him from the girl, and probably today in her world, now woman that he loved, and still loved.
Will and Mary sat down as Kirjava jumped up into Will's lap. As he gently petted her, he placed the rose at the edge of the path the bench was at, a yearly tradition as he did this every time he came, a sign that no matter what, she still was important to him. He set guitar down, leaning it against the side of the Bench.
"Has it really been 6 years Will?" asked Mary.
"I ask that question sometimes." he responded. "So long ago yet it feels like yesterday."
"I miss the Melufa, there simple ways…it was so wonderful."
Kirjava looked up at them and said "The lovely Serafina, I'll forever be grateful to her, giving me this name."
"Pantalaimon and Lyra...." Will said in a low voice. "You think Lyra's still getting into trouble and Pan's complaining."
All of them suddenly started to laugh, and Mary responded "Old habits die hard."
There was a silence, and then Will asked "You think we'll meet her in the land of the dead?"
"I doubt I will, when I die, I'm resisting like Your Father and Lee did, and joining the Melufa again." Mary responded.
"When I go to the land of the dead, I'll ask to see if she-"
Will was suddenly cut off as Kirjava did a low cat hiss. Will and Mary knew this, if Kirjava saw someone close by when they where talking of such things, she would hiss and it would warn them to stop.
Looking over, a dark figure slowly started to walk down the path towards them. He looked to be in his late 20's, early 30's, his hair was a long dark brown, as was his facial hair that was trimmed to a nice side burns that went down his jaw and around his mouth and chin. He had on a dark red trench coat and brown heavy duty pants, as well as a plain button up shirt and boots.
As he came into the light, he stopped and asked "I'm sorry, am I disturbing something?"
Mary did an innocent smile and said "Oh…no…we're here looking back on memories."
The man's face then went to a sour look and he looked away, saying "Memories…the last thing I really want right now."
"Something wrong?" asked Will.
With a slight hesitation, he responded "My daughter…she died a month ago."
Mary dropped her mouth as she replied "I'm so sorry…"
"Yeah…and the sad part is, I've lost so many, the shock wears but the pain doesn’t."
Will and Mary sat there, not knowing what to say. Kirjava wanted to say something, but knew her place in this world.
The man then did a slight chuckle and said "I've forgotten my manners…I'm Gavin den Lenore."
As Kirjava slipped off his lap and onto the bench, Will got to his feet and stood up to greet him, taking his hand and shaking it. "Will Parry, this is Mary Malone, and this is Kirjava."
Looking at Kirjava, Gavin said "That's an interesting animal you have."
Looking down at his daemon, Will replied "She and I are closer then you'd know."
"Something tells me you are."
Will looked over at Mary, as the words didn't sound right. She had the same look, there was something about this man, that gave all of them a chill up there spine. Something wasn't right, they all sensed it.
"What happened there?" asked Gavin.
Will look down at his wounded left hand and said "Oh…I got into a fight and…well, it's not wise to fight over a knife."
With a smirk, Gavin said "Being robbed?"
"In a way, the knife wasn't a normal one; it was…a unique knife that didn't belong to him."
"I've had quit a few fights myself, and a large amount of scars. I'd show them but then you'd be here till sun up."
Will found that he was smiling, despite that something felt wrong. Something about this man also felt like he could relate too, something else urged him to be more open. Mary and Kirjava though kept there distance.
Gavin was about to say something, but his cell phone rang. Picking it up out of his pocket, he turned it on and said "Gavin….alright, I'll be there."
Putting it away, he looked at the 3 and said "I am afraid that was a business calls, I must leave."
"It was nice meeting you Gavin."
"And you Will, I hope this won't be our last encounter."
Gavin then turned and started to walk away. Will watched, as Kirjava and Mary felt a sense of relief. They both looked at Will and both wondered just why would he feel so connected to this man so suddenly?
"That man scared me." said Mary.
Looking at her, Will asked "What was his daemon?"
"He didn't have one."
"Well of course, but did you-"
"No…he didn't have one…at all."
Will suddenly looked down the path, Gavin was already gone. How could it be possible that a human not have a daemon, not even on the inside?
"That wasn't all." Kirjava added. "I felt something, something I forgot and don't miss. I remember the feeling when Lyra's death came to guide us to the boat, back in the land of the dead. The feeling of being close to that was a terrifying experience for Pan and me. I felt that same experience with him, like his Death was right there next to him."
"I think it's time we go…" said Mary.
Will sat back down and said "There's one more thing I need to do before we go."
Will then reached over and pulled over the guitar case. Putting it on the ground, he undid the buckles and opened it, pulling out his guitar. Mary and Kirjava knew this as well, 3 years ago when Will learned to play, his first ever song he wrote was a slow piece that he made for Lyra, and played it every year he came to the bench.
As Will started to play, Gavin watched from a long distance in the shadows, another man standing behind him. He had trailed off the path and quickly into the shadows, his companion joining him. Alone there, they could watch carefully.
Gavin then looked back and said "Keep an eye on them, but no harsh actions, they're no threat."
"What do you think the CEB want with them?"
"They have reasons, and after meeting them I can see why."
The companion looked at Gavin, asking "Should I alert the Vocalits."
"Yes…but tell them to hold…there's still too much we don't know."
"Like what?"
Looking closely at the 3 from a long distance, Gavin explained. "That cat…its no house pet. There's an Aura around it that circles both it and this Will Parry, and it stretches no matter what the distance between the 2 of them is. Also…his missing fingers. It's no mere physical wound; there was a force behind it, some power with a meaning."
"Anything else sir?" asked the companion.
"Yes….they where talking about the land of the dead."
To Be Continued.
HDM: Secrets Revealed Chapter 1
14 posts
• Page 1 of 1
WOW! Incredible! Write more!
Androne, my super-cool tiger daemon!
And: Escalia, my Sword of Sorcery!
And: Escalia, my Sword of Sorcery!
HopeToBeWill1 - Gyptian
- Posts: 120
- Joined: Mon Jul 02, 2007 4:55 pm
- Location: In a bus, orbiting a bar of soap
*claps* Lurvely! Well done.
"It is better to be happy for a moment,
and be burned up with beauty,
than to live forever,
and be bored all the while."
-The Moth, by Don Marquis
and be burned up with beauty,
than to live forever,
and be bored all the while."
-The Moth, by Don Marquis
Annernanner - Witch
- Posts: 665
- Joined: Sun May 27, 2007 10:22 pm
- Location: The Tulgey Woods of Wonderland...
Glad to hear feedback. I've started Chapter 2 and will problebly do all this on 1 thread. However, I'm also writting something else for a different subject, so it could take a little while. Anyways, anything you guys liked specificly?
- Aurone
- Gallivespian Spy
- Posts: 299
- Joined: Wed Mar 14, 2007 1:21 am
After much delay, I finally started and finished Chapter 2. Hope you all love it.
Chapter 2: Devastation
Will and Kirjava sat down side by side in there upstairs room on his bed. Playing left handedly, he was plucking away at his guitar in his hands, while she gave thoughts and in site. Mary often joked that he should be a musician since he was always coming up with ideas for songs, but his true passion was fencing.
"So how's this?" he asked as he strummed away.
Kirjava watched his fingering while listening, then said "A little high pitched, you might want to slide your fingers up some so it's lower."
"That's the point."
"Oh, well then why don't you get an electric guitar and fallow the footsteps of the Beatles and Rolling Stones. You already have the long hair, you just need spandex"
Will only chuckled. As he continued to string away, Mary knocked on the door and shouted "Dinner's ready, come and get it while it's hot."
"We'll be down." he responded and set his guitar back into the case next to him. Quickly, he closed it and snapped the lid shut.
Both him and Kirjava got up and walked out, hurrying down the stairs. As they walked into the Kitchen, Will smiled at the sight of Pot Roast, a rare food in the house. Mary was setting glasses of water down for them both.
As they sat down, Mary said "So what's on the agenda for tomorrow?"
While cutting a piece, Will said "I'm hoping to go see my mom tomorrow."
"How's the research at the Lab going?" Kirjava asked.
"Pretty good, in a few months, American, French and Australian Scientists are interested in purchasing new seeds from the tree. Soon we might get public about growing them, which will give us a larger paycheck…"
All 3 of them chuckled at that. Mary was about say something, but stopped as a knocking came from the front door. "I'll get it." she said and got up.
She hurried through the house and opened the door to see a delivery boy with a large narrow crate in his hands with "FRAGILE" written on it.
"Hello, is this the home of Will Parry?" he asked.
"Yes, I'm his aunt."
"Ah, this is for him." and offered it to her. Despite being confused since they hadn't ordered anything recently, she took it and set it down next to her. Will walked in upon hearing his name.
Looking at him, the man said "You must be Will, I need you to sign here." and offered the paperwork. Taking it, he quickly signed his name and handed it back. The man then said "Good day." and walked away.
As Mary closed the door, Will laid it down and started to pull the wooden side up. As the nails pulled out, he lifted it up and set it aside. Inside were the usual Styrofoam pieces to help anything from breaking. Digging, through he found something hard and slender, he then pulled it out with a one large tug.
Both Mary and Kirjava's eyes opened wide at what was in Will's hands. He was holding a sheathed Rapper sword, the sheath being a crimson red and the handle a silver yet strong metal. Holding it with his 3 fingered hand, he pulled the sword out, the metal reflecting in the light brightly.
"Amazing, it's a real one." he whispered.
"You mean you can use this in real combat?" asked Mary.
Nodding, Will explained "Most swords today are made of Stainless Steel, and meant more for show, in real combat you'd be dead. This though….this is I can tell isn't just some show toy, it's a little bit heavier, and the blade's a little thicker."
"So who sent it to you?" asked Kirjava.
All of them started to look at each other in a weird silence. This was getting weird, and it gave all of them sudden chills.
Will walked casually down the street. Kirjava was at home and Mary was at the store shopping, so this visit today was alone. As he walked he kept watching the street, as he'd seen 2 police cars already sped pass in the last 10 minutes. Something was happening, whatever it was.
As he strolled, someone he kept watching everyone walk past him. On occasion, he would imagine if his world was like Lyra's world, if they all knew there daemons in physical form and they all had them by there side. At times he wished they did, because then Kirjava would be next to him at the moment, walking right along to see his mother and her daemon.
The sound of another speeding police car snapped Will back into reality. It was now that he relies that they where speeding around the corner. Whatever was happening, a shooting or robbery or accident; it had them going past the Hospital his mother stayed at. He might just see what was going on.
Then, as Will turned the corner, his heart suddenly turned to ice with fear. All of the police cars he'd seen speeding by where parked outside of the Hospital, right at the entrance. He could see the latest police man rushing in through the doors.
Quickly, he broke into a dead on run, carefully moving side to side, avoiding anyone in his path. As he got closer, he could see a small crowd outside the doors looking in. Moving to the side, he ran past them all and sprinted through the doors into the building.
Will came to a sudden stop. Huffing and puffing, he could see Carol by the desk with a concerned look on her face. He hurried to her, getting her attention.
"Will…" she said, a low tone in her voice.
"What's going on?" he asked.
She tried to speak, but it seemed she was resisting. Will knew instantly something wasn't right.
"Your mother…she….someone broke into the hospital…stabbed her-"
That was all he needed to hear. He turned and walked strait away, heading for the hall way where everyone was gathering. As he walked in, he saw a number of people, patients and nurses, gathered in the middle of the hall.
Hurrying, he started to shoulder his way through them. Some didn't recognize or know him, others knew instantly.
As he broke through the front of the group, a police officer was there and quickly walked up to him saying "Sorry, but I'm afraid you'll have to stay back."
"That's my mother in there, I want to see her."
"Do you have proof?"
One of the nurses quickly walked up and said "He's her son, he visits her weekly."
Looking between the 2, the man finally nodded and said "I'll take you to see her."
Walking in front of him, the Police man guided him to the open door down the hall. Once there, they walked into the door way, the man saying "Her son is here, figured he had the right to see her."
Will ignored him though. Before him, his mother laid on the bed, 2 large stab wounds in her stomach area. She was breathing heavily, her eyes closed as blood was everywhere on the bed.
Slowly, he walked towards her, each step being a burden. When he was by her side, he dropped to his knees, his eyes watering.
"Mom…" he said quietly.
Slowly, she opened her eyes and looked at him, a smile on her face despite being in agony. "Will…you came to see me."
"Of course Mom, my week's never great unless I've seen you once. You know that."
A Police Man walked up to him and whispered in his ear "An ambulance is on its way, it'll be here in 5 minutes."
"Can…can I have a few moments alone please?" he asked.
They all looked at each other, but knew the situation. Slowly, the left the room and stood outside the doorway. Will and his mother where now alone, and something told him that this wasn't going to last much longer, he didn't want to believe it, but his gut told him.
"Did…did I ever tell you…your look so much like your father? He was so handsome…and brave."
As he wiped away the tears, Will took her hand and said "Thanks Mom. I'm honored to be his son…as I'm honored to be yours."
"All you need….is a girl now."
Will chuckled and said "I know what its like to fall in love with a girl; I did a few years back. You should have seen her mom…she was beautiful."
"What happened?"
"Let's just say….we live in 2 completely different worlds, and because of that, we couldn't be together."
Her smile suddenly was gone as her face turned to a face of agony. Will looked down at her wounds, then back at her. Slowly, he moved towards her head.
"Listen Mom, this is important." he said, tears swelling up. Slowly he put his mouth close to her ear and started to whisper "You're going to be asked about your life, they'll want to hear your story. Tell them the truth, don't lie at any time. Be completely honest. You do that, and you'll join Dad forever."
Slowly, she looked in her sons eyes and said "I love you Will, my bea-"
Her words where suddenly cut off as she groaned in pain again. Her hand was squeezing Will's tightly as her she felt the agony of her wounds. Then, as if she fell asleep, it all ended, her screaming and pain and mental problems, where all gone.
Will slowly set her hand back onto her body, then dropped his head down next to her body. The police men only stood at the doorway, not knowing what to say. Alone next to his lost mother, Will broke down and cried.
Several hours later, in a completely different universe in Oxford, a young blond haired woman about 19 years old having trouble sleeping that night. She, for years, had been learning to read the Alethiometer. She's yet to regain the full ability to like she once could, but she's managed to read simple one word answers.
On occasion, she would use it to check up on a friend from a different universe, a boy she once loved many years ago. Tonight, it answered with something she'd never before seen. After hours of research and help, she finally saw that it said "Crushed". Whatever this meant, it would haunt her and her daemon for nights to come.
It was a bright sunny day. Hardly any clouds in the sky, nice warm summer weather. Everyone seemed happy, except for the ones at the Oxford Cemetery attending the funeral of Mrs. Parry. It had been 4 days since she was killed, and the police had no leads.
Will and Mary both stood at the front of the group, with Kirjava away to the side watching from a distance and acting like a normal stray cat, although inside she shared Will's agony. Despite his knowing the truth and having harsh feelings towards it, he felt that doing a standard funeral with a priest to give the eulogy would be better for the rest who still believed in the major faiths.
Richard, Gerald and Shawn, even though they only knew her as Will's mother took time out of there lives and came, knowing this was hard on him. Also attending were a few nurses and Hospital patients.
"And as she walks past this world, and ventures forth into the heavens, may she look down, and know the love that remains for her. May it be the stairs that guides her to God and eternal peace, and let that peace be what gives her the time to wait for us to join her. Amen."
As the priest finished the eulogy, people started to get up and slowly leave. There was a bus the Hospital ordered for them to ride to the funeral in, the patients and the nurses slowly walked to file into the bus again.
Will's 3 friends slowly walked up to him, Shawn asking "Are you going to be ok?"
Looking at them, Will nodded, saying "Thanks, all of you."
Will walked into the 3 with open arms, all of them hugging him tight. Mary watched on, seeing how close he was with his friends. She welcomed this site, being as how when they first met he hadn't had any friends in his world.
As they un-braced each other, Will turned back to the casket, his friends slowly walking away. Kirjava walked up to his side looking up at him.
"When Lyra and I first found out we had to close the windows, I knew I had a choice, Lyra or my mother. As harsh as it sounded, I would have left mom to be with her, I would have suffered the same sickness my father did, I loved her that much."
"Love is a powerful thing Will, it can do wonderful things, amazing things…but it can do horrible and terrible things." Mary explained.
As a tear slid down his cheek, he said "I now have neither of them. I've lost them both."
"Come on Will…lets go home." Kirjava said.
Slowly, the 3 of them turned and walked away. The Undertakers started to lower the casket into the grave.
As they walked away, 2 figures stood in the long distance away, wearing long coats with hoods covering there faces in the shadows. The one on the left was breathing heavily in anger, making the one on the right a little fearful.
Carefully looking at him, the one on the right asked "Do you really think-"
"Yes, a Clan has joined the Church Establishment Branch."
"But…it could be…."
The man slowly looked over at his companion and said "The CEB has been watching Will and Mary for over a month, as have we once we heard. Now his mother is killed by one of our own. It's more the clear what's going on."
"What do we do?"
"Still keep an eye on them, the Traitors will move soon. When they do, we must see to Will and Mary's safety at all cost. All we need is to know what Clan has joined them and they'll pay with hell's fury. Soon, we'll have to let the 2 of them learn the truth about us."
"Yes Sir."
In a large church close to the edge of Oxford, a man stood alone in the chapel, looking up at the cross and praying. His name was Robert, and he was leader of the Oxford section of the CEB. Often these churches could bring his soul to peace, but now he wasn't, for the operation they had been working on was in jeopardy.
As he kept his eyes pointed up, his ears heard the sounds of footsteps. He knew who it was. It was Jorn Bealuah, there newest operative and now the man who possibly cost them there whole mission.
While walking, he put a Cigarette into his mouth and lit it. Robert could tell what he was doing since he was a chain smoker and said "Have you no respect for the house of God?"
Jorn laughed and replied "Oh, because the Lord demand his up most Respect! Join him my Brothers and Sisters, and you'll be saved!"
Robert could feel his frustration rising. Turning, he saw Jorn walk up to him. He also felt a sense of fear, as he was built as a rather large and tall man, and knowing what he was didn't help either.
While taking a puff, he said "How many times do I have to tell you dimwits…we're all damned to the same miserable hell. Good or evil, man or woman, black or white, young or old. You think you'll find golden gates and sleazy easy female angels, all you'll find are ugly birds and an old coot on a boat."
"Your faith is fascinating yet utterly bogus."
"It's not faith, its fact, and we've known it for thousands of years."
Robert simply shook his head, then replied "Lets get down to business; I called you here because of your actions. You relies you have put this whole operation on the rocks?"
Jorn simply blew smoke in Robert's face, causing him to cough.
"My clan and I do things how we want. We're partners to you; we're not in your rule."
"And how does killing his mother help us at all?"
A large sickening smile grew on his face as he explained "The same reason the worlds fastest runner helps a lesser runner with motivation to train in hopes of beating him. It gives him hope he could surpass him, yet in the end all the hope that grows dies as he loses to the superior, as it's his place to lose. You can hang, poison, burn, stab, shoot or beat someone, but to kill there spirit is the greatest means of assassination."
"You are one sick bas-"
Robert's words where cut off as Jorn shot his right hand into his coat, grabbing onto the handle of one of his daggers, or as his people called it, one of his fangs.
"Finish it…you'll find out which faith is right."
Looking between his knife and his face, Robert replied "You should be scared right now."
"Of you?"
"Of the fact that we now gathered information that another Clan is also looking into Will and Mary, and they know we are too."
Jorn's smile melted away instantly. He knew what would happen if his people found out of his alliance to the CEB. Aiding the Authority wasn't a Blasphemy to his race, it was THE Blasphemy, and his Clan would be hunted to the ends of the earth because of it.
Slowly, he turned away in thought, puffing harder on his cigarette and letting go of his knife. Turning his head to look back, he asked "What do you want me to do?"
Robert smirked and said "Much better. Get Will Parry Alive. We need him Alive. Our Time Readers can't find what we need with out full physical contact."
"What is it you're looking for?"
"Get him, and we'll tell you."
After another puff of smoke, Jorn asked "What of Mary Malone?"
"Her history is just as fascinating as Will's, but she has no important use to us. She's yours to do with as you please."
After one last puff, Jorn flicked the cigarette into the baptism tray and walked back for the exit. Robert then simply turned around and continued to pray.
Will sat alone in the dark, Kirjava next to him when Mary came walking out in her night gown. It was 1:30 in the morning, but Will couldn't sleep, he hadn't been sleeping ever since the murder.
Sitting down across from them, Mary said "Will…you shouldn't be staying up like this. You need sleep."
"I'm fine."
Kirjava looked at her and said "I've been telling him the same thing."
"I prefer to handle it my way." he said to them both.
"Your way isn't exactly healthy."
"Like I care."
Mary didn't want to say it, but she felt she didn't have any choice. "Would Lyra really want you to be this way?"
His dark eyes shot up at her as he responded "Don't even go there. I don't want-"
Will was suddenly cut off as there was a knocking on the door. All of them found this bizarre as it was so late at night. Mary sighed and got up, walking quickly to the door.
Once there, she opened it to find something surprising. Nothing, there was no one there. She then felt frustration as the last thing she wanted was a Ding Dong Ditcher at this hour. At the same time though, she couldn't hardly see the street, there was a fog so thick, and she could only see a mere few feet ahead of her.
Then, as she was about to close the door, something large literally flew through the air and mist and slammed strait into her. With a hard painful thud, Mary went flying back into the house, the large form rolling along with her. Will and Kirjava jumped up instantly to see what was going on.
As he looked on, he was shocked to see Mary lying on the floor with a man quickly crawling onto her to pin her down. Before he think of reacting, someone else rushed into the house and quickly got between him and them.
"Mr. Parry, I'm afraid you are needed, and the word 'No' is not an option." he said.
Will slowly started to back up, Kirjava hiding under a table on the other side of a room. He quickly scouted for something to do, then suddenly notice the sword he got a week ago in the mail, leaning against the wall.
Quickly, Will dashed out for the sword, the attacker racing for it as well. Both of them grabbed it at the same time and started to fight for it, holding onto the sheath. As hard as Will pulled, the man's strength was incredible and was easily pulling harder.
"So little boy, think you can outsmart me on this one?" he asked.
"Well…" Will said, and then with before he could see it, his right hand shot out as a fist, slamming into the attacker's nose. The man let go, stumbling back as blood poured down his face.
Quickly he charged again, will grabbing the handle and pulling the sword out. As they where about to collide, he side stepped the attacker and let him run past. He then quickly spun and shot the sword out, stabbing between his shoulder blades.
As he pulled the sword out, his heart suddenly froze as the man fell down, dieing instantly. It had been a long many years since Will committed murder, a feeling he had long forgot, and didn't miss.
"Look out!" Mary screamed, but was too late. Before Will could turn, 2 more men grabbed onto his arms and forced his back against the wall, there strength of them both easily overpowering him. Kirjava stayed under the table, helpless and watching it all unfold.
"Well, well." said a voice.
Both Mary and Will watched from there confined positions as someone slowly walked in from the front door into the house. He was a tall and large built man with slicked back hair. His accent reminded them of something from Norway or Sweden.
"So you are Mary and Will…the newest targets of the CEB."
"CEB?" Mary asked.
"Who are you?" Will said with anger in his voice.
Slowly, he walked up over towards him. When he was right in front of him, he replied "My name is Jorn."
"Why are you doing this?"
"Cause someone wants you, and they don't take no for an answer."
"They could have asked nicely, I might have said yes."
"If it worked that way, I wouldn't get to do this. Besides, the CEB doesn’t like enemies to the Authority."
Will and Mary looked at each other in shock.
Jorn casually looked down over towards his left hand at the missing fingers. Slowly, he extended his hand towards it and placed his hand where the nubs where. Looking back, he said "Want to see a magic trick?"
"I don't like magic." he replied.
Jorn smiled, then said "Pain of past, past of blood, revive again, hell return to present."
As the final word rolled of his tongue, Will suddenly relived the agony of that one day. The pain of his 2 fingers falling from his hand, at the will of the subtle knife, it was almost as if it was just minutes ago it happened. As he screamed, Mary and Kirjava watched in horror.
"Interesting wound, they claim you got in a place I never dreamt exist, hopefully they'll tell me when I bring you in." he whispered through the screaming.
"Stop it you sick monster!" Mary screamed.
Letting go, the pain suddenly ceased, and Jorn turned slowly to see Mary. "Monster, you called me a monster? If you want one…I'll give you one my dear."
Jorn moved towards Mary, still pinned. Will watched on, helpless. "So tell me my dear…what scares you…makes you spine tingle at-"
He was cut off as Kirjava jumped out and stood between him and Mary, giving a harsh hissing sound at him. Looking down at him, Jorn arched a brow in amusement.
Crouching down, he laughed "What have we here? Garfield doesn’t guests?"
"Don't touch her." Will muttered.
"Oh a girl, kind fined any ladies in real life so you rely on another species."
As Kirjava continued to hiss, Jorn eyed her and said "Well, she is a bit distracting…I think I should put her outside."
Before anyone could say anything, Jorn's hand shot out to grab her by her neck, his fingers wrapping around it. Just as instantly, his hand pulled back as the sound and smell of burning arose, grunting in extreme pain.
"What in Jihad?" he muttered, smoke rising from his hand. The perverted feeling Will felt was overcome by the sense shock to what just happened. Kirjava, a daemon, hurt someone by merely touching him.
As he arose to his feet, everyone was watching Jorn. The palm of his hand and fingers where red and starting to peel and blister.
Suddenly, another surprise happened. The sound of footsteps suddenly arouse upstairs. Someone else was in the house.
Jorn looked at one of the men holding Will and whispered "Anyone of our men upstairs?"
"No, sir."
Moving swiftly, Jorn walked up to Will and grabbed his hair and holding his head back.
"Who else is here?"
"I don't know."
"You must know something."
Before Will could respond, the sound of footsteps started to come from the stairway. Everyone looked towards it a man in a long trench coat walking down casually. His hood covered his face, his arms where folded behind him.
Once he reached the bottom, Jorn let ago and stepped aside and said "I'm afraid you're disrupting something, so if you would excuse us..."
Instead of saying anything responding, the man's hands flung out from behind him. It was then that Jorn saw that the man himself had fang daggers like the rest of them did. Before they could react, the 2 men holding Will where stabbed into there necks by them. Both of them dropped instantly to the ground
The man on top of Mary instantly pounced up, charging the new intruder. With out event a struggle, he grabbed a hold of him by the neck and stopped him dead in his tracks, holding on tight.
Jorn reached into his coat and pulled out his 2 fang daggers, storming at him ready to stab. The man quickly reacted by lifting his hostage as a shield, the daggers tabbing onto his back. With his hostage grunting and dieing instantly, he pushed him into his attacker, the 2 of them falling onto the ground.
While all this happened, Mary quickly crawled over to Will who was picking up his sword, Kirjava at his side. When regrouped, all of them watched the rest of the events unfold.
With Jorn struggling to get up, the man quickly ran to the 2 men he killed and pulled his weapons out of them. He then turned to Will and Mary, neither of them able to see his face. Then, casually he reached his hands up and pushed his hood back, saying "It's nice to see you again Will."
Both of the mouths dropped, Will muttering "Gavin…?"
Before he could reply, all of them looked over to see Jorn get his daggers free of the body and rise to his feet. Gavin then moved in between him and the rest.
"Mary, Will, get out of here. Get on the Roof, now." he said.
Mary looked between the 2 of them and said "But who are-"
"Do it! Trust me."
Will looked at Mary and said "The ladder in the back yard."
Instantly all of them moved for the window in the room, planning to climb out and into the back yard. Gavin moved along with them, staying between them and Jorn with his fangs in hand. Jorn casually watched, walking slowly while facing Gavin.
Once they where gone, Gavin said "I knew you where all jackals…but joining forces with what we've scorned for several millennium? You shocked even me."
Jorn chuckled and replied "Just the kind of words I'd expect from Gavin and his Clan of Goodie Two-Shoes cowards."
"That's just the reply I'd expect from Jorn and Clan of Ugly."
"Oh Gavin….you and your departure for the Land of the Dead is long over do."
"I always told myself if I ventured there in battle, I wasn't going alone, so you might want to reconsider that."
With there words said, Gavin and Jorn charged each other, there fangs colliding to make a sparking sound as the closed in on each other.
To Be Continued…
Chapter 2: Devastation
Will and Kirjava sat down side by side in there upstairs room on his bed. Playing left handedly, he was plucking away at his guitar in his hands, while she gave thoughts and in site. Mary often joked that he should be a musician since he was always coming up with ideas for songs, but his true passion was fencing.
"So how's this?" he asked as he strummed away.
Kirjava watched his fingering while listening, then said "A little high pitched, you might want to slide your fingers up some so it's lower."
"That's the point."
"Oh, well then why don't you get an electric guitar and fallow the footsteps of the Beatles and Rolling Stones. You already have the long hair, you just need spandex"
Will only chuckled. As he continued to string away, Mary knocked on the door and shouted "Dinner's ready, come and get it while it's hot."
"We'll be down." he responded and set his guitar back into the case next to him. Quickly, he closed it and snapped the lid shut.
Both him and Kirjava got up and walked out, hurrying down the stairs. As they walked into the Kitchen, Will smiled at the sight of Pot Roast, a rare food in the house. Mary was setting glasses of water down for them both.
As they sat down, Mary said "So what's on the agenda for tomorrow?"
While cutting a piece, Will said "I'm hoping to go see my mom tomorrow."
"How's the research at the Lab going?" Kirjava asked.
"Pretty good, in a few months, American, French and Australian Scientists are interested in purchasing new seeds from the tree. Soon we might get public about growing them, which will give us a larger paycheck…"
All 3 of them chuckled at that. Mary was about say something, but stopped as a knocking came from the front door. "I'll get it." she said and got up.
She hurried through the house and opened the door to see a delivery boy with a large narrow crate in his hands with "FRAGILE" written on it.
"Hello, is this the home of Will Parry?" he asked.
"Yes, I'm his aunt."
"Ah, this is for him." and offered it to her. Despite being confused since they hadn't ordered anything recently, she took it and set it down next to her. Will walked in upon hearing his name.
Looking at him, the man said "You must be Will, I need you to sign here." and offered the paperwork. Taking it, he quickly signed his name and handed it back. The man then said "Good day." and walked away.
As Mary closed the door, Will laid it down and started to pull the wooden side up. As the nails pulled out, he lifted it up and set it aside. Inside were the usual Styrofoam pieces to help anything from breaking. Digging, through he found something hard and slender, he then pulled it out with a one large tug.
Both Mary and Kirjava's eyes opened wide at what was in Will's hands. He was holding a sheathed Rapper sword, the sheath being a crimson red and the handle a silver yet strong metal. Holding it with his 3 fingered hand, he pulled the sword out, the metal reflecting in the light brightly.
"Amazing, it's a real one." he whispered.
"You mean you can use this in real combat?" asked Mary.
Nodding, Will explained "Most swords today are made of Stainless Steel, and meant more for show, in real combat you'd be dead. This though….this is I can tell isn't just some show toy, it's a little bit heavier, and the blade's a little thicker."
"So who sent it to you?" asked Kirjava.
All of them started to look at each other in a weird silence. This was getting weird, and it gave all of them sudden chills.
Will walked casually down the street. Kirjava was at home and Mary was at the store shopping, so this visit today was alone. As he walked he kept watching the street, as he'd seen 2 police cars already sped pass in the last 10 minutes. Something was happening, whatever it was.
As he strolled, someone he kept watching everyone walk past him. On occasion, he would imagine if his world was like Lyra's world, if they all knew there daemons in physical form and they all had them by there side. At times he wished they did, because then Kirjava would be next to him at the moment, walking right along to see his mother and her daemon.
The sound of another speeding police car snapped Will back into reality. It was now that he relies that they where speeding around the corner. Whatever was happening, a shooting or robbery or accident; it had them going past the Hospital his mother stayed at. He might just see what was going on.
Then, as Will turned the corner, his heart suddenly turned to ice with fear. All of the police cars he'd seen speeding by where parked outside of the Hospital, right at the entrance. He could see the latest police man rushing in through the doors.
Quickly, he broke into a dead on run, carefully moving side to side, avoiding anyone in his path. As he got closer, he could see a small crowd outside the doors looking in. Moving to the side, he ran past them all and sprinted through the doors into the building.
Will came to a sudden stop. Huffing and puffing, he could see Carol by the desk with a concerned look on her face. He hurried to her, getting her attention.
"Will…" she said, a low tone in her voice.
"What's going on?" he asked.
She tried to speak, but it seemed she was resisting. Will knew instantly something wasn't right.
"Your mother…she….someone broke into the hospital…stabbed her-"
That was all he needed to hear. He turned and walked strait away, heading for the hall way where everyone was gathering. As he walked in, he saw a number of people, patients and nurses, gathered in the middle of the hall.
Hurrying, he started to shoulder his way through them. Some didn't recognize or know him, others knew instantly.
As he broke through the front of the group, a police officer was there and quickly walked up to him saying "Sorry, but I'm afraid you'll have to stay back."
"That's my mother in there, I want to see her."
"Do you have proof?"
One of the nurses quickly walked up and said "He's her son, he visits her weekly."
Looking between the 2, the man finally nodded and said "I'll take you to see her."
Walking in front of him, the Police man guided him to the open door down the hall. Once there, they walked into the door way, the man saying "Her son is here, figured he had the right to see her."
Will ignored him though. Before him, his mother laid on the bed, 2 large stab wounds in her stomach area. She was breathing heavily, her eyes closed as blood was everywhere on the bed.
Slowly, he walked towards her, each step being a burden. When he was by her side, he dropped to his knees, his eyes watering.
"Mom…" he said quietly.
Slowly, she opened her eyes and looked at him, a smile on her face despite being in agony. "Will…you came to see me."
"Of course Mom, my week's never great unless I've seen you once. You know that."
A Police Man walked up to him and whispered in his ear "An ambulance is on its way, it'll be here in 5 minutes."
"Can…can I have a few moments alone please?" he asked.
They all looked at each other, but knew the situation. Slowly, the left the room and stood outside the doorway. Will and his mother where now alone, and something told him that this wasn't going to last much longer, he didn't want to believe it, but his gut told him.
"Did…did I ever tell you…your look so much like your father? He was so handsome…and brave."
As he wiped away the tears, Will took her hand and said "Thanks Mom. I'm honored to be his son…as I'm honored to be yours."
"All you need….is a girl now."
Will chuckled and said "I know what its like to fall in love with a girl; I did a few years back. You should have seen her mom…she was beautiful."
"What happened?"
"Let's just say….we live in 2 completely different worlds, and because of that, we couldn't be together."
Her smile suddenly was gone as her face turned to a face of agony. Will looked down at her wounds, then back at her. Slowly, he moved towards her head.
"Listen Mom, this is important." he said, tears swelling up. Slowly he put his mouth close to her ear and started to whisper "You're going to be asked about your life, they'll want to hear your story. Tell them the truth, don't lie at any time. Be completely honest. You do that, and you'll join Dad forever."
Slowly, she looked in her sons eyes and said "I love you Will, my bea-"
Her words where suddenly cut off as she groaned in pain again. Her hand was squeezing Will's tightly as her she felt the agony of her wounds. Then, as if she fell asleep, it all ended, her screaming and pain and mental problems, where all gone.
Will slowly set her hand back onto her body, then dropped his head down next to her body. The police men only stood at the doorway, not knowing what to say. Alone next to his lost mother, Will broke down and cried.
Several hours later, in a completely different universe in Oxford, a young blond haired woman about 19 years old having trouble sleeping that night. She, for years, had been learning to read the Alethiometer. She's yet to regain the full ability to like she once could, but she's managed to read simple one word answers.
On occasion, she would use it to check up on a friend from a different universe, a boy she once loved many years ago. Tonight, it answered with something she'd never before seen. After hours of research and help, she finally saw that it said "Crushed". Whatever this meant, it would haunt her and her daemon for nights to come.
It was a bright sunny day. Hardly any clouds in the sky, nice warm summer weather. Everyone seemed happy, except for the ones at the Oxford Cemetery attending the funeral of Mrs. Parry. It had been 4 days since she was killed, and the police had no leads.
Will and Mary both stood at the front of the group, with Kirjava away to the side watching from a distance and acting like a normal stray cat, although inside she shared Will's agony. Despite his knowing the truth and having harsh feelings towards it, he felt that doing a standard funeral with a priest to give the eulogy would be better for the rest who still believed in the major faiths.
Richard, Gerald and Shawn, even though they only knew her as Will's mother took time out of there lives and came, knowing this was hard on him. Also attending were a few nurses and Hospital patients.
"And as she walks past this world, and ventures forth into the heavens, may she look down, and know the love that remains for her. May it be the stairs that guides her to God and eternal peace, and let that peace be what gives her the time to wait for us to join her. Amen."
As the priest finished the eulogy, people started to get up and slowly leave. There was a bus the Hospital ordered for them to ride to the funeral in, the patients and the nurses slowly walked to file into the bus again.
Will's 3 friends slowly walked up to him, Shawn asking "Are you going to be ok?"
Looking at them, Will nodded, saying "Thanks, all of you."
Will walked into the 3 with open arms, all of them hugging him tight. Mary watched on, seeing how close he was with his friends. She welcomed this site, being as how when they first met he hadn't had any friends in his world.
As they un-braced each other, Will turned back to the casket, his friends slowly walking away. Kirjava walked up to his side looking up at him.
"When Lyra and I first found out we had to close the windows, I knew I had a choice, Lyra or my mother. As harsh as it sounded, I would have left mom to be with her, I would have suffered the same sickness my father did, I loved her that much."
"Love is a powerful thing Will, it can do wonderful things, amazing things…but it can do horrible and terrible things." Mary explained.
As a tear slid down his cheek, he said "I now have neither of them. I've lost them both."
"Come on Will…lets go home." Kirjava said.
Slowly, the 3 of them turned and walked away. The Undertakers started to lower the casket into the grave.
As they walked away, 2 figures stood in the long distance away, wearing long coats with hoods covering there faces in the shadows. The one on the left was breathing heavily in anger, making the one on the right a little fearful.
Carefully looking at him, the one on the right asked "Do you really think-"
"Yes, a Clan has joined the Church Establishment Branch."
"But…it could be…."
The man slowly looked over at his companion and said "The CEB has been watching Will and Mary for over a month, as have we once we heard. Now his mother is killed by one of our own. It's more the clear what's going on."
"What do we do?"
"Still keep an eye on them, the Traitors will move soon. When they do, we must see to Will and Mary's safety at all cost. All we need is to know what Clan has joined them and they'll pay with hell's fury. Soon, we'll have to let the 2 of them learn the truth about us."
"Yes Sir."
In a large church close to the edge of Oxford, a man stood alone in the chapel, looking up at the cross and praying. His name was Robert, and he was leader of the Oxford section of the CEB. Often these churches could bring his soul to peace, but now he wasn't, for the operation they had been working on was in jeopardy.
As he kept his eyes pointed up, his ears heard the sounds of footsteps. He knew who it was. It was Jorn Bealuah, there newest operative and now the man who possibly cost them there whole mission.
While walking, he put a Cigarette into his mouth and lit it. Robert could tell what he was doing since he was a chain smoker and said "Have you no respect for the house of God?"
Jorn laughed and replied "Oh, because the Lord demand his up most Respect! Join him my Brothers and Sisters, and you'll be saved!"
Robert could feel his frustration rising. Turning, he saw Jorn walk up to him. He also felt a sense of fear, as he was built as a rather large and tall man, and knowing what he was didn't help either.
While taking a puff, he said "How many times do I have to tell you dimwits…we're all damned to the same miserable hell. Good or evil, man or woman, black or white, young or old. You think you'll find golden gates and sleazy easy female angels, all you'll find are ugly birds and an old coot on a boat."
"Your faith is fascinating yet utterly bogus."
"It's not faith, its fact, and we've known it for thousands of years."
Robert simply shook his head, then replied "Lets get down to business; I called you here because of your actions. You relies you have put this whole operation on the rocks?"
Jorn simply blew smoke in Robert's face, causing him to cough.
"My clan and I do things how we want. We're partners to you; we're not in your rule."
"And how does killing his mother help us at all?"
A large sickening smile grew on his face as he explained "The same reason the worlds fastest runner helps a lesser runner with motivation to train in hopes of beating him. It gives him hope he could surpass him, yet in the end all the hope that grows dies as he loses to the superior, as it's his place to lose. You can hang, poison, burn, stab, shoot or beat someone, but to kill there spirit is the greatest means of assassination."
"You are one sick bas-"
Robert's words where cut off as Jorn shot his right hand into his coat, grabbing onto the handle of one of his daggers, or as his people called it, one of his fangs.
"Finish it…you'll find out which faith is right."
Looking between his knife and his face, Robert replied "You should be scared right now."
"Of you?"
"Of the fact that we now gathered information that another Clan is also looking into Will and Mary, and they know we are too."
Jorn's smile melted away instantly. He knew what would happen if his people found out of his alliance to the CEB. Aiding the Authority wasn't a Blasphemy to his race, it was THE Blasphemy, and his Clan would be hunted to the ends of the earth because of it.
Slowly, he turned away in thought, puffing harder on his cigarette and letting go of his knife. Turning his head to look back, he asked "What do you want me to do?"
Robert smirked and said "Much better. Get Will Parry Alive. We need him Alive. Our Time Readers can't find what we need with out full physical contact."
"What is it you're looking for?"
"Get him, and we'll tell you."
After another puff of smoke, Jorn asked "What of Mary Malone?"
"Her history is just as fascinating as Will's, but she has no important use to us. She's yours to do with as you please."
After one last puff, Jorn flicked the cigarette into the baptism tray and walked back for the exit. Robert then simply turned around and continued to pray.
Will sat alone in the dark, Kirjava next to him when Mary came walking out in her night gown. It was 1:30 in the morning, but Will couldn't sleep, he hadn't been sleeping ever since the murder.
Sitting down across from them, Mary said "Will…you shouldn't be staying up like this. You need sleep."
"I'm fine."
Kirjava looked at her and said "I've been telling him the same thing."
"I prefer to handle it my way." he said to them both.
"Your way isn't exactly healthy."
"Like I care."
Mary didn't want to say it, but she felt she didn't have any choice. "Would Lyra really want you to be this way?"
His dark eyes shot up at her as he responded "Don't even go there. I don't want-"
Will was suddenly cut off as there was a knocking on the door. All of them found this bizarre as it was so late at night. Mary sighed and got up, walking quickly to the door.
Once there, she opened it to find something surprising. Nothing, there was no one there. She then felt frustration as the last thing she wanted was a Ding Dong Ditcher at this hour. At the same time though, she couldn't hardly see the street, there was a fog so thick, and she could only see a mere few feet ahead of her.
Then, as she was about to close the door, something large literally flew through the air and mist and slammed strait into her. With a hard painful thud, Mary went flying back into the house, the large form rolling along with her. Will and Kirjava jumped up instantly to see what was going on.
As he looked on, he was shocked to see Mary lying on the floor with a man quickly crawling onto her to pin her down. Before he think of reacting, someone else rushed into the house and quickly got between him and them.
"Mr. Parry, I'm afraid you are needed, and the word 'No' is not an option." he said.
Will slowly started to back up, Kirjava hiding under a table on the other side of a room. He quickly scouted for something to do, then suddenly notice the sword he got a week ago in the mail, leaning against the wall.
Quickly, Will dashed out for the sword, the attacker racing for it as well. Both of them grabbed it at the same time and started to fight for it, holding onto the sheath. As hard as Will pulled, the man's strength was incredible and was easily pulling harder.
"So little boy, think you can outsmart me on this one?" he asked.
"Well…" Will said, and then with before he could see it, his right hand shot out as a fist, slamming into the attacker's nose. The man let go, stumbling back as blood poured down his face.
Quickly he charged again, will grabbing the handle and pulling the sword out. As they where about to collide, he side stepped the attacker and let him run past. He then quickly spun and shot the sword out, stabbing between his shoulder blades.
As he pulled the sword out, his heart suddenly froze as the man fell down, dieing instantly. It had been a long many years since Will committed murder, a feeling he had long forgot, and didn't miss.
"Look out!" Mary screamed, but was too late. Before Will could turn, 2 more men grabbed onto his arms and forced his back against the wall, there strength of them both easily overpowering him. Kirjava stayed under the table, helpless and watching it all unfold.
"Well, well." said a voice.
Both Mary and Will watched from there confined positions as someone slowly walked in from the front door into the house. He was a tall and large built man with slicked back hair. His accent reminded them of something from Norway or Sweden.
"So you are Mary and Will…the newest targets of the CEB."
"CEB?" Mary asked.
"Who are you?" Will said with anger in his voice.
Slowly, he walked up over towards him. When he was right in front of him, he replied "My name is Jorn."
"Why are you doing this?"
"Cause someone wants you, and they don't take no for an answer."
"They could have asked nicely, I might have said yes."
"If it worked that way, I wouldn't get to do this. Besides, the CEB doesn’t like enemies to the Authority."
Will and Mary looked at each other in shock.
Jorn casually looked down over towards his left hand at the missing fingers. Slowly, he extended his hand towards it and placed his hand where the nubs where. Looking back, he said "Want to see a magic trick?"
"I don't like magic." he replied.
Jorn smiled, then said "Pain of past, past of blood, revive again, hell return to present."
As the final word rolled of his tongue, Will suddenly relived the agony of that one day. The pain of his 2 fingers falling from his hand, at the will of the subtle knife, it was almost as if it was just minutes ago it happened. As he screamed, Mary and Kirjava watched in horror.
"Interesting wound, they claim you got in a place I never dreamt exist, hopefully they'll tell me when I bring you in." he whispered through the screaming.
"Stop it you sick monster!" Mary screamed.
Letting go, the pain suddenly ceased, and Jorn turned slowly to see Mary. "Monster, you called me a monster? If you want one…I'll give you one my dear."
Jorn moved towards Mary, still pinned. Will watched on, helpless. "So tell me my dear…what scares you…makes you spine tingle at-"
He was cut off as Kirjava jumped out and stood between him and Mary, giving a harsh hissing sound at him. Looking down at him, Jorn arched a brow in amusement.
Crouching down, he laughed "What have we here? Garfield doesn’t guests?"
"Don't touch her." Will muttered.
"Oh a girl, kind fined any ladies in real life so you rely on another species."
As Kirjava continued to hiss, Jorn eyed her and said "Well, she is a bit distracting…I think I should put her outside."
Before anyone could say anything, Jorn's hand shot out to grab her by her neck, his fingers wrapping around it. Just as instantly, his hand pulled back as the sound and smell of burning arose, grunting in extreme pain.
"What in Jihad?" he muttered, smoke rising from his hand. The perverted feeling Will felt was overcome by the sense shock to what just happened. Kirjava, a daemon, hurt someone by merely touching him.
As he arose to his feet, everyone was watching Jorn. The palm of his hand and fingers where red and starting to peel and blister.
Suddenly, another surprise happened. The sound of footsteps suddenly arouse upstairs. Someone else was in the house.
Jorn looked at one of the men holding Will and whispered "Anyone of our men upstairs?"
"No, sir."
Moving swiftly, Jorn walked up to Will and grabbed his hair and holding his head back.
"Who else is here?"
"I don't know."
"You must know something."
Before Will could respond, the sound of footsteps started to come from the stairway. Everyone looked towards it a man in a long trench coat walking down casually. His hood covered his face, his arms where folded behind him.
Once he reached the bottom, Jorn let ago and stepped aside and said "I'm afraid you're disrupting something, so if you would excuse us..."
Instead of saying anything responding, the man's hands flung out from behind him. It was then that Jorn saw that the man himself had fang daggers like the rest of them did. Before they could react, the 2 men holding Will where stabbed into there necks by them. Both of them dropped instantly to the ground
The man on top of Mary instantly pounced up, charging the new intruder. With out event a struggle, he grabbed a hold of him by the neck and stopped him dead in his tracks, holding on tight.
Jorn reached into his coat and pulled out his 2 fang daggers, storming at him ready to stab. The man quickly reacted by lifting his hostage as a shield, the daggers tabbing onto his back. With his hostage grunting and dieing instantly, he pushed him into his attacker, the 2 of them falling onto the ground.
While all this happened, Mary quickly crawled over to Will who was picking up his sword, Kirjava at his side. When regrouped, all of them watched the rest of the events unfold.
With Jorn struggling to get up, the man quickly ran to the 2 men he killed and pulled his weapons out of them. He then turned to Will and Mary, neither of them able to see his face. Then, casually he reached his hands up and pushed his hood back, saying "It's nice to see you again Will."
Both of the mouths dropped, Will muttering "Gavin…?"
Before he could reply, all of them looked over to see Jorn get his daggers free of the body and rise to his feet. Gavin then moved in between him and the rest.
"Mary, Will, get out of here. Get on the Roof, now." he said.
Mary looked between the 2 of them and said "But who are-"
"Do it! Trust me."
Will looked at Mary and said "The ladder in the back yard."
Instantly all of them moved for the window in the room, planning to climb out and into the back yard. Gavin moved along with them, staying between them and Jorn with his fangs in hand. Jorn casually watched, walking slowly while facing Gavin.
Once they where gone, Gavin said "I knew you where all jackals…but joining forces with what we've scorned for several millennium? You shocked even me."
Jorn chuckled and replied "Just the kind of words I'd expect from Gavin and his Clan of Goodie Two-Shoes cowards."
"That's just the reply I'd expect from Jorn and Clan of Ugly."
"Oh Gavin….you and your departure for the Land of the Dead is long over do."
"I always told myself if I ventured there in battle, I wasn't going alone, so you might want to reconsider that."
With there words said, Gavin and Jorn charged each other, there fangs colliding to make a sparking sound as the closed in on each other.
To Be Continued…
- Aurone
- Gallivespian Spy
- Posts: 299
- Joined: Wed Mar 14, 2007 1:21 am
shankerman - Grazer
- Posts: 27
- Joined: Sat Jun 23, 2007 10:21 pm
- Location: Somewhere
I present Chapter 3. This one can be a long read, but this is where a lot of explanation about what's happened in past chapters comes in. Hope you all in enjoy.
Chapter 3: World in the Shadows
Will and Mary quickly climbed up the ladder for the roof, Kirjava being held in Will's arm tightly. Mary carefully held Will's sword, it being there only protection if Gavin failed. They could already hear the sound of clanging metal inside the house, as well as grunts, indicating the 2 men where fighting.
Once at the top, all 3 of them moved for the center, as there house had a pointed roof that was steep. Once in the middle, they balanced themselves as they looked in all directions for anything.
"So much for his help, now what?" Mary asked.
"I can't believe I hurt that man." Kirjava said.
Will was about to say something, but they all silenced as they heard the sound of a car coming to the front of the house. Carefully, they watched down while a SUV parked out front. A 3 men carefully got out of the car and stood in front of the walkway to the house, as if they where waiting for something.
"We have to warn Gavin…" Will whispered.
"Warn me of what?"
All 3 of them jumped and looked around. Gavin was carefully down low on the other side of the slant. In his hands was his 2 weapons, one of them had a slant of blood across the blade edge.
"How did you get up here so fast?" asked Mary.
"You'll know soon enough." he responded.
"How soon?" Kirjava asked.
"As soon as we reach…" Gavin was about to explain, but suddenly stopped as he relies who he was responding too.
Looking between him and Kirjava, Will said "She talks…I can explain later."
The silent night was suddenly disrupted as a crashing sound came from inside the house, the sound of Jorn screaming in rage fallowed. Looking back, Gavin said "We gotta go."
"Were?" asked Will.
"You'll see."
Quickly, Gavin got to his feet and moved towards him, his fangs being sheathed in his coat. Will and Mary hesitantly got onto there feet, Kirjava jumping into Will's arms and Mary still holding the sword.
Carefully, Gavin wrapped his arms around both of them and lifted them off there feet with ease. Then, he carefully bent his legs and did what would seem like a small jump.
To the shock of everyone else, they suddenly saw that all of them now flying through the air, the roof of there house no where below other feet as they soared over the street and was gaining height.
"You can fly?" asked Mary.
"More like glide, we're gonna have to land in a few minutes for a kick boost to get back up." Gavin explained.
"Are you a Witch?" asked Will.
Chuckling, Gavin replied "You're not far off…"
Slowly, they started to descend, heading quickly for the roof tops below, barely visible through the fog. As the buildings below where speeding up, panic started to take over in them all, all but Gavin.
Mary was about to scream when Gavin's feet landed on the solid roof top below him. After a few steps, he quickly jumped up again, facing another direction. Once again, they where airborne, flying over buildings as if they where a birds.
"Where are we going?" asked Will.
"The Museum, a ride will meet us there shortly, and then we'll head to a safe location."
"How do we know we can trust you?"
"That's a task that'll be accomplished once we're not being hunted."
They then all silenced as they once again descended. As the roof top closed in, Will, Mary and Kirjava felt less fear this time. Once again, he did several steps, and then jumped up, the 4 of them gaining air quickly.
"We're almost there." Gavin said.
Looking ahead, they all saw the top of the Museum of the History of Science ahead. As the where closing in, they started to descend slowly, the guessed that Gavin had some control. There speed also was decreasing, aiming carefully for the entrance.
As the street got closer, Mary glanced back. Her eyes opened wide as she whispered "We're being fallowed."
Gavin twisted in air a bit to look, them still flying on the same direction. Sure enough, there where 3 men gliding behind him, and he knew instantly who they where. He carefully turned back to the direction they where heading.
"Jorn's men, they fallowed us." he said.
"The man that organized the attack?" asked Will.
"He didn't organize it, the Church Establishment Branch did, and he's just carrying out the orders."
Will was about to speak, but stopped when they saw they where almost on the ground. Carefully, Gavin aimed the sole of his feet downwards, landing on the sidewalk in front of the building. Once on firm ground, he carefully set Will and Mary down, Kirjava jumping out of his arms onto her own feet.
Gavin turned swiftly, watching as there pursuers landed on the ground about 10 feet from them. Quickly, his hands shot into this coat, pulling out his fangs, the 3 men doing the same. Mary carefully tossed the sword over to Will, him grabbing the handle.
The first one charged instantly, running with his weapons in stabbing position. Gavin started stepping back quickly, his weapons ready for retaliation.
When he was in arms reach, the man stabbed his right fang outwards at him, Gavin blocking easily with his left handed fang. The man then stabbed for his head, it being knocked away with ease.
Gavin then did a fast swipe below his chin, the fang slicing through his neck. Distracted though, he never saw that the other 2 where approaching him quickly, there weapons ready.
Seeing this, Will quickly ran to his side, stabbing his sword at one of the advancers. The attacker knocked the blade away with his fang easily, and then stabbed the other towards his stomach.
Will stepped sideways quickly, avoiding the blade. The man then did a swipe for his cheek, him dodging it by ducking band backing off. He continued to swipe his fangs, Will dodging them with his sword and quick movements.
As he was about to stab at him again, the attacker stopped at the sound of a painful grunting sound. Both he and Will looked back, seeing his companion falling down at Gavin's feet.
Will then saw his chance and took it. The attacker saw him move, but was too late to block it. Quickly, his sword shot past his fangs and stabbed into the left breast. As his eyes opened wide, the sword was pulled out and he fell to the ground.
Mary and Kirjava watched from a distance at all this unfold. Gavin walked over carefully to Will and the dieing man. Once there, he looked down at him and said "You’re a traitor to us all."
"That may be…but I will not die alone."
The man didn't even look; he quickly shot his hand up, the fang pointing strait for Gavin's chest. Gavin knocked the attack away like it was nothing with his fangs, the blade falling out of his hand and falling on the sidewalk next to him.
It was only then that both Gavin saw what he meant. As his right fang was knocked out of his hand, his left hand swung out, the blade flying out of his hand. Mary saw it flying strait for her, but the speed was too quick. Before she could move in any direction, the blade stabbed strait into her stomach, right below her left ribcage.
Will's eyes opened in shock at what just happened, and he could barely gasp out "Mary…"
Both he and Gavin started to sprint down the sidewalk. Mary slowly dropped down onto her knees and fell to her side, Kirjava right next to her the whole time.
Once there, Will and Gavin rolled her onto her back. Gavin looked carefully at the stab wound, then said "Cover her mouth, we don't want attention."
Before he could ask, Gavin carefully grabbed the handle of the blade. Reluctant, Will put his hand over her mouth. Carefully, the blade was pulled out, blood covering it as it was removed. Mary's scream was muffled by the hand covering it, the pain being agonizing.
"We have to get her to a hospital." Kirjava said.
"No…she won't need one."
Will looked up at him in shock, saying "What do you mean she doesn’t need one? She's dieing!"
Gavin didn't even respond. Instead, he pulled the started messing with the top of his fangs. It was then that Kirjava and Will saw that they had latches on the end of the handle. Carefully, he opened them to show a small opening sticking out. He then put his head back and put them to his mouth, crimson like liquid pouring in. To the other's surprise, they saw that it looked like blood.
After it all was gone, he closed the ends and re-sheathed the blades. He then put his hand over Mary's wound, closed his eyes and said "Wound of flesh, pain of harm, be undone, heal."
Suddenly, a steam like smoke started to rise up from Mary's wound. Will kept his hand over her mouth as she started to scream again. Kirjava watched carefully, her head close to the wound.
"Wound of flesh, pain of harm, be undone, heal."
Her screams started to be louder, more then what Will could stop with his hand covering. More steam started to rise from the wound.
"Wound of flesh, pain of harm, be undone, heal."
Then, with one last puff of steam, Mary's screaming stopped, her eyes closing and her head falling back. Will quickly checked her vitals, surprised to find she was breathing fine and her pulse rate was slowing down. Kirjava crawled onto her and looked down into the wound, then said "It's gone, the stab wound. It's gone…"
Quickly, Gavin slid his hands underneath her and lifted her up, saying "We have to move."
As they both got there feet, Will looked Gavin strait into his eyes and said "Enough mysteries. What's going on, whom…no, what are you?"
Gavin sighed and replied "Now's not the time, more of the Jorn's men or the CEB could be arriving, or the normal authorities. We have to move now."
"We're not going anywhere tell we get a strait awnser." Kirjava replied.
"You all have the same weapons, you healed her, and you can glide. Why is it you all can do this?"
Gavin looked between the 2 of them, then shook his head, saying "We have a name, Jorn and me and the men we just killed. But…it's not a nice one."
"Just tell us what you are, and we'll go with you." Will said.
Gavin took a deep breath and said "Ok…Will Parry. I'm a vampire."
It was around 12:23PM when Mary slowly opened her eyes. As always when she woke up, her vision was a bit hazy. She looked up to see a dark brown wooden ceiling, and relies that she was on a bed.
Carefully, she leaned herself up, holding up her upper body with her arms. Looking down, she saw the hole in her night gown, which made her suddenly remember everything. The attack in the middle of the night, that man named Jorn, Gavin suddenly coming to save them, the fight outside the museum and her being stabbed.
Looking over, Mary saw Will and Kirjava resting next to her in a chair, his head leaning down asleep while she napped in his lap. Next to him leaning against the wall was his sword he used to defend them.
"Will, Kirjava?" she asked.
Slowly, Kirjava's head rose up and looked over. Once she relies that Mary was awake, she her eyes widened and looked up at Will, saying "She's up and alright."
Will slowly started to open his eyes, asking "What?"
"Mary, she's awake."
He quickly rubbed his eyes, then looked over to see her sitting up on the bed. He quickly snapped out of his tiredness and said "Oh good, Gavin's spell did work."
"Spell?" she asked.
Kirjava turned back to Mary and said "Your not gonna believe this…but Gavin and Jorn are Vampires."
Mary just looked at them in disbelief. Will then continued "He drank what we think was blood after you where stabbed and used a spell ritual to heal you from the stab wound."
"How…how did he-"
"You got me, he didn't explain it all. He promised after you awoke that he would give us a clear explanation as to what's going on."
"Where are we?"
"At one of his clansmen's house…more like a mansion really." Kirjava said.
It was then that the door to the room opened. All of them looked over to see Gavin walk in slowly. Looking over, he did a small smile and said "Glad to see you're alright Miss Mary."
"Thank you." she replied. She was hesitant, but asked "Are you…really-"
"A Vampire?" asked Gavin.
Mary nodded.
Nodding, he said "Yes, I am what many horror films and books and stories preach as a Lucifer like creature of death. I however assure you that that fact is very different from fiction. I would much like to discuss this in my office chambers upstairs, there are a few other things to discuss as well."
Gavin stepped aside from the doorway, leaving it open for them to walk through. Slowly, the 3 of them got onto there feet and walked carefully to the door, Will bringing his sword with him. One by one, the 3 of them walked out of the room, into a hallway with the sound of many people to the right.
Shutting the door, Gavin said "This way please." and led them down to the hall. Once there, they walked into a giant open room. In there was a giant stairway that led to the upper floor, 2 large doors that led to the outside front, and several doors on both floors. There were also several men and woman of different ages walking around, taking care of various tasks. One thing they noticed was that all the windows where shade tinted, letting only so much light in.
As they walked for the stairway, Gavin stopped them as they passed 2 people, a thin woman and a muscular man. Stopping the 2 of them as well, he looked over and said "Will, Mary, Kirjava, I'd like to greet you to Melina and John, leaders of this area's Vocalits."
The 2 of them smiled at them and nodded. They nodded back, Will saying "Nice to meet you."
They then went there separate ways, Gavin leading them up the stairs as Melina and John continued there business. While walking, Mary whispered to Gavin "What's a Vocalit?"
"If we have any un-wanted visitors, you'll find out." he replied.
As they reached the top, Gavin turned left, but Will, Mary and Kirjava froze at the site before them. To the left of the stairs next to a door was a large wolf, with Gray and White hair and what seemed to be like a gypsy like garments on them.
Gavin glanced back to see them standing still and smirked, then looked back and said "Helanie?"
The wolf turned back to Gavin and to the surprise of his guests, smiled and said "Ah…the 3 guests of honor."
Turning back to the 3 of them, Gavin said "This is Helanie, Leader of the Were Wolfs of the British Isles."
"Were Wolfs?" asked Will.
"Another thing to be explained in a matter of moments, my office is that door she stands at." he replied.
As she stepped aside, Gavin once again guided them towards the door. As they walked, he said "There's one more person we have to meet. A family member of mine for whom wishes to remain with me and help our clan, unlike us, he's not a Vampire."
Then as Gavin opened the door, Will walked in to see something that gave him a surprise greater then all the things he had just seen. Sitting in this room, was Shane, the rich pompous little jerk who made fun of his missing fingers, who bloated about him getting better training, about how his life was the most made out of all them. The one person who he scorned most in the world was here.
As he looked over at who was walking in, Shane's eyes met with Will's instantly, and the 2 could feel the tension rise in a mere second. Rising to his feet, he quickly asked "What are you doing here?"
"Me? What about you?"
"This house belongs to a fellow clansman."
Looking between the 2, Gavin asked "You 2 know each other?"
Will looked over and responded "We're on the fencing team together."
"Oh really…so why do I sense tension in the air?"
Shane looked over at Gavin and said "Well, we don't get along; he has a habit of-"
"He often views himself as the best fencer in often looks down at us, I'm the only one who'll stand up to him about it." interrupted Will.
Gavin slowly looked at Shane with narrowed eyes, saying "Really now…"
Shane's expressions went from anger to fear. Gavin slowly started to walk to him. Once up close to him; he said in a serous tone "Have we not talked about this before Shane?"
"Just listen to me and-"
"No you listen." Gavin cut in. "I am sick and tired of hearing you neglect what I have you learn for your own life's sake. I had you trained in several fields to help survive what's coming as an ally to this clan, not for you to play king. Am I made clear?"
Shane tried to say something, anything to his defense, but just ended up saying "Yes Grandfather."
Will, Mary and Kirjava couldn't help but notice what he called Gavin. Something didn't seem right as Gavin was called a grandparent by someone who only looked 10 years younger then him.
Stepping forward, Kirjava asked "What does he mean by Grandfather?"
Shane looked down at the cat in disbelief, but before he could speak, Gavin said "Yes, she talks, sit down and keep your mouth shut."
As Gavin moved around the desk inside, Shane simply sat down at the chair he was sitting at. Mary and Will walked over and sat down in chairs in front of the desk, Kirjava jumping into his lap while Helanie pushed the door closed and sat down, watching.
After taking a deep breath, Gavin said "Now that we're all here, it's time that everything comes out onto the table, so everyone's clear on everything and we can plan our next move."
Will and Mary looked at each other, and then looked back, Will saying "You go first."
"Alright then, let us begin. You might seem a little shocked, but really you hear about us and other creatures similar to us a lot. Through out history, stories have always told of monsters and creatures and aliens and gods. In reality, a lot of these are about creatures that have remained in hiding, but a lot are more twisted truths and flat out lies.
"I am a Vampire, yes, but a lot of truths about Vampires are very different. We do drink blood, I confess, but it's not because of some evil urge by a false demon in a book of creed, blood in short is the source of our magic, with out it, I wouldn't have flown you guys to safety or healed Mary's wound. People often thing our teeth are sharp fangs to bite with, but in reality the blades we fight with are the true fangs, and they're not ordinary weapons, with magic, we make them absorb liquids through the metal, hence the blood we spill goes into the weapon and we have it for storage.
"Another common lore is that we are killed by sunlight. It does hurt our skin yes, but it's more allergic reaction and won't turn us to dust, just scar and hurt. Garlic and Holy symbols mean nothing to us. And no, we can't turn you into a Vampire; you have to be born one. We do also live long lives, as Shane had said, I am his grandfather, me being over 400 years old, but we are not eternal, we all die someday, as nothing is truly forever.
"I will say that not all Vampires are good though. With the exception of Rogues who roam the world with out a clan, we are all guided by whatever clan we are part of. Some clans are based on greed, only caring about how much they can get and keep, others are for knowledge, to gain as much as it's made and keep it, and some just love war with out any real reason, they just want a fight."
"What about the ones who attacked us last night?" Mary asked.
"Jorn and his men…superiority, they live and breathe it. The common belief of nature is the strong feed on the weak, but only because they half to. Jorn and his clan, since they formed long before his rise as clan prince, have always believed in this with addition of the sin known as Gluttony. To put it simply, they shouldn't just do it because they have to; they should do it because they want to. To be the best, the greatest, the top, to them this means you have the rights not only as king, emperor, but of gods, and there by have the right to cruelty and abuse."
"What about you?" asked Will.
"My clan and I are more guided by a dream then anything, and that dream is freedom, to be free from the shadows of the world, to stop hiding what we are to this world."
"Well why don't you now, go out into the public and tell hem truth?" asked Mary.
Gavin couldn't help but chuckle, and then said "Think about it, before I sat here and explained what we are to you, what was your common thought about Vampires, the ones you heard the stories?"
"That you where evil…" she started to say, but stopped as she relies then what he was saying."
"Exactly, throughout history, we have been labeled as demons, monsters, the thing that goes bump in the night, the boogeyman that's after your child. Granted the same thing could be said about most humans, but most tales about us are that we are all of the same evil mind, and it's so boiled down into everyone's mind that if the truth was revealed, fiction would be to hard to let go of."
Helanie then stepped forward and added "We Were Wolfs are nothing more then intelligent versions of our simpleton cousins. Yet all the stories about us are that we'll bite and turn you into a beast at night, killing at will, that we're evil in the form of an animal. We couldn't be any farther from that lie, and it isn't just Were Wolfs and Vampires, there are many creatures in this world that are hiding from the masses due to one lie or another."
"How do all these stories come up?" asked Will.
"The Authority." Helanie said with the sound of hatred in her voice.
"You might be familiar with pagan gods of old." Gavin continued. "The Native American Mythology of the Americas, Norse Mythology of Scandinavian lands in Northern Europe, Egyptian and Greek Mythology, and many more in the several regions of the world, all believing in mythical creatures and gods. These faiths where made by humans in there simpleton extent of knowledge, not fully grasping what we are, we where what they based these faiths off of.
"As to weather it was the Authorities agents or the Authority itself, we don’t know. All we know is that the Authority felt threatened by the rise of these religions, and wished for us to instead guide them to his control, we refused. There was however one disadvantage we had to the humans, our numbers, there's where far more vast. Seeing this, the Authority started the lies, making us the monsters you know today and gaining people to its cause.
"Through the Centuries upon Centuries that we've been scorned by the Authorities followers, it was never nearly as bad as it's been in the last century, with the Church Establishment Branch in full power. At first, it was just a section of some underground church that would try to win people to the faith by less extreme means, but in 1917 that changed when Jacob Sinclair became head of the branch.
"The son of a Vampire's daughter, he couldn't learn to except that his grandfather would aid his family in time of need, the clan of him being descended from not being the most loving towards any kind of relations, let alone family. After his mother's suicide when he was only 17, he vowed vengeance against not just Vampires, but all who appose the Authority, although more for his satisfaction then faith. It was only a matter of time until the CEB broke away from its original establishment and became independent. By World War II, they had operatives in many government systems, all aiding them in there sick goal: ally with us or Genocide in the name of the Authority.
"So now you know, you know what we are, why we're here, and what's after you. I must apologize to you though; the ones targeted by these crazed agents of the Authority have trouble starting a normal life again."
"They're all fools." Shane said in a low tone. "Fallowing a Tyrant leader that-"
"They are fools." Will interrupted. "They're fools because they're fallowing an Authority that's dead."
Shane, Gavin and Helanie looked at Will with a look of surprise. Gavin then asked "What do you mean?"
"The Authority died 6 years ago; it died when I was 12, with his forces being destroyed in a war."
Gavin and Shane looked at each other, then Gavin said "I think it's now time we hear your story, I have a feeling it'll be more interesting then mine."
"Well, there's one catch." Kirjava said. "The whole story of what happened doesn’t start with any of us."
"Then who does it start with?" asked Helanie.
Will took a deep breath, and then started "The whole story starts 6 years ago in a whole different world…or universe if you will, and it starts with a 12 year old defiant girl named Lyra."
To Be Continued…
Chapter 3: World in the Shadows
Will and Mary quickly climbed up the ladder for the roof, Kirjava being held in Will's arm tightly. Mary carefully held Will's sword, it being there only protection if Gavin failed. They could already hear the sound of clanging metal inside the house, as well as grunts, indicating the 2 men where fighting.
Once at the top, all 3 of them moved for the center, as there house had a pointed roof that was steep. Once in the middle, they balanced themselves as they looked in all directions for anything.
"So much for his help, now what?" Mary asked.
"I can't believe I hurt that man." Kirjava said.
Will was about to say something, but they all silenced as they heard the sound of a car coming to the front of the house. Carefully, they watched down while a SUV parked out front. A 3 men carefully got out of the car and stood in front of the walkway to the house, as if they where waiting for something.
"We have to warn Gavin…" Will whispered.
"Warn me of what?"
All 3 of them jumped and looked around. Gavin was carefully down low on the other side of the slant. In his hands was his 2 weapons, one of them had a slant of blood across the blade edge.
"How did you get up here so fast?" asked Mary.
"You'll know soon enough." he responded.
"How soon?" Kirjava asked.
"As soon as we reach…" Gavin was about to explain, but suddenly stopped as he relies who he was responding too.
Looking between him and Kirjava, Will said "She talks…I can explain later."
The silent night was suddenly disrupted as a crashing sound came from inside the house, the sound of Jorn screaming in rage fallowed. Looking back, Gavin said "We gotta go."
"Were?" asked Will.
"You'll see."
Quickly, Gavin got to his feet and moved towards him, his fangs being sheathed in his coat. Will and Mary hesitantly got onto there feet, Kirjava jumping into Will's arms and Mary still holding the sword.
Carefully, Gavin wrapped his arms around both of them and lifted them off there feet with ease. Then, he carefully bent his legs and did what would seem like a small jump.
To the shock of everyone else, they suddenly saw that all of them now flying through the air, the roof of there house no where below other feet as they soared over the street and was gaining height.
"You can fly?" asked Mary.
"More like glide, we're gonna have to land in a few minutes for a kick boost to get back up." Gavin explained.
"Are you a Witch?" asked Will.
Chuckling, Gavin replied "You're not far off…"
Slowly, they started to descend, heading quickly for the roof tops below, barely visible through the fog. As the buildings below where speeding up, panic started to take over in them all, all but Gavin.
Mary was about to scream when Gavin's feet landed on the solid roof top below him. After a few steps, he quickly jumped up again, facing another direction. Once again, they where airborne, flying over buildings as if they where a birds.
"Where are we going?" asked Will.
"The Museum, a ride will meet us there shortly, and then we'll head to a safe location."
"How do we know we can trust you?"
"That's a task that'll be accomplished once we're not being hunted."
They then all silenced as they once again descended. As the roof top closed in, Will, Mary and Kirjava felt less fear this time. Once again, he did several steps, and then jumped up, the 4 of them gaining air quickly.
"We're almost there." Gavin said.
Looking ahead, they all saw the top of the Museum of the History of Science ahead. As the where closing in, they started to descend slowly, the guessed that Gavin had some control. There speed also was decreasing, aiming carefully for the entrance.
As the street got closer, Mary glanced back. Her eyes opened wide as she whispered "We're being fallowed."
Gavin twisted in air a bit to look, them still flying on the same direction. Sure enough, there where 3 men gliding behind him, and he knew instantly who they where. He carefully turned back to the direction they where heading.
"Jorn's men, they fallowed us." he said.
"The man that organized the attack?" asked Will.
"He didn't organize it, the Church Establishment Branch did, and he's just carrying out the orders."
Will was about to speak, but stopped when they saw they where almost on the ground. Carefully, Gavin aimed the sole of his feet downwards, landing on the sidewalk in front of the building. Once on firm ground, he carefully set Will and Mary down, Kirjava jumping out of his arms onto her own feet.
Gavin turned swiftly, watching as there pursuers landed on the ground about 10 feet from them. Quickly, his hands shot into this coat, pulling out his fangs, the 3 men doing the same. Mary carefully tossed the sword over to Will, him grabbing the handle.
The first one charged instantly, running with his weapons in stabbing position. Gavin started stepping back quickly, his weapons ready for retaliation.
When he was in arms reach, the man stabbed his right fang outwards at him, Gavin blocking easily with his left handed fang. The man then stabbed for his head, it being knocked away with ease.
Gavin then did a fast swipe below his chin, the fang slicing through his neck. Distracted though, he never saw that the other 2 where approaching him quickly, there weapons ready.
Seeing this, Will quickly ran to his side, stabbing his sword at one of the advancers. The attacker knocked the blade away with his fang easily, and then stabbed the other towards his stomach.
Will stepped sideways quickly, avoiding the blade. The man then did a swipe for his cheek, him dodging it by ducking band backing off. He continued to swipe his fangs, Will dodging them with his sword and quick movements.
As he was about to stab at him again, the attacker stopped at the sound of a painful grunting sound. Both he and Will looked back, seeing his companion falling down at Gavin's feet.
Will then saw his chance and took it. The attacker saw him move, but was too late to block it. Quickly, his sword shot past his fangs and stabbed into the left breast. As his eyes opened wide, the sword was pulled out and he fell to the ground.
Mary and Kirjava watched from a distance at all this unfold. Gavin walked over carefully to Will and the dieing man. Once there, he looked down at him and said "You’re a traitor to us all."
"That may be…but I will not die alone."
The man didn't even look; he quickly shot his hand up, the fang pointing strait for Gavin's chest. Gavin knocked the attack away like it was nothing with his fangs, the blade falling out of his hand and falling on the sidewalk next to him.
It was only then that both Gavin saw what he meant. As his right fang was knocked out of his hand, his left hand swung out, the blade flying out of his hand. Mary saw it flying strait for her, but the speed was too quick. Before she could move in any direction, the blade stabbed strait into her stomach, right below her left ribcage.
Will's eyes opened in shock at what just happened, and he could barely gasp out "Mary…"
Both he and Gavin started to sprint down the sidewalk. Mary slowly dropped down onto her knees and fell to her side, Kirjava right next to her the whole time.
Once there, Will and Gavin rolled her onto her back. Gavin looked carefully at the stab wound, then said "Cover her mouth, we don't want attention."
Before he could ask, Gavin carefully grabbed the handle of the blade. Reluctant, Will put his hand over her mouth. Carefully, the blade was pulled out, blood covering it as it was removed. Mary's scream was muffled by the hand covering it, the pain being agonizing.
"We have to get her to a hospital." Kirjava said.
"No…she won't need one."
Will looked up at him in shock, saying "What do you mean she doesn’t need one? She's dieing!"
Gavin didn't even respond. Instead, he pulled the started messing with the top of his fangs. It was then that Kirjava and Will saw that they had latches on the end of the handle. Carefully, he opened them to show a small opening sticking out. He then put his head back and put them to his mouth, crimson like liquid pouring in. To the other's surprise, they saw that it looked like blood.
After it all was gone, he closed the ends and re-sheathed the blades. He then put his hand over Mary's wound, closed his eyes and said "Wound of flesh, pain of harm, be undone, heal."
Suddenly, a steam like smoke started to rise up from Mary's wound. Will kept his hand over her mouth as she started to scream again. Kirjava watched carefully, her head close to the wound.
"Wound of flesh, pain of harm, be undone, heal."
Her screams started to be louder, more then what Will could stop with his hand covering. More steam started to rise from the wound.
"Wound of flesh, pain of harm, be undone, heal."
Then, with one last puff of steam, Mary's screaming stopped, her eyes closing and her head falling back. Will quickly checked her vitals, surprised to find she was breathing fine and her pulse rate was slowing down. Kirjava crawled onto her and looked down into the wound, then said "It's gone, the stab wound. It's gone…"
Quickly, Gavin slid his hands underneath her and lifted her up, saying "We have to move."
As they both got there feet, Will looked Gavin strait into his eyes and said "Enough mysteries. What's going on, whom…no, what are you?"
Gavin sighed and replied "Now's not the time, more of the Jorn's men or the CEB could be arriving, or the normal authorities. We have to move now."
"We're not going anywhere tell we get a strait awnser." Kirjava replied.
"You all have the same weapons, you healed her, and you can glide. Why is it you all can do this?"
Gavin looked between the 2 of them, then shook his head, saying "We have a name, Jorn and me and the men we just killed. But…it's not a nice one."
"Just tell us what you are, and we'll go with you." Will said.
Gavin took a deep breath and said "Ok…Will Parry. I'm a vampire."
It was around 12:23PM when Mary slowly opened her eyes. As always when she woke up, her vision was a bit hazy. She looked up to see a dark brown wooden ceiling, and relies that she was on a bed.
Carefully, she leaned herself up, holding up her upper body with her arms. Looking down, she saw the hole in her night gown, which made her suddenly remember everything. The attack in the middle of the night, that man named Jorn, Gavin suddenly coming to save them, the fight outside the museum and her being stabbed.
Looking over, Mary saw Will and Kirjava resting next to her in a chair, his head leaning down asleep while she napped in his lap. Next to him leaning against the wall was his sword he used to defend them.
"Will, Kirjava?" she asked.
Slowly, Kirjava's head rose up and looked over. Once she relies that Mary was awake, she her eyes widened and looked up at Will, saying "She's up and alright."
Will slowly started to open his eyes, asking "What?"
"Mary, she's awake."
He quickly rubbed his eyes, then looked over to see her sitting up on the bed. He quickly snapped out of his tiredness and said "Oh good, Gavin's spell did work."
"Spell?" she asked.
Kirjava turned back to Mary and said "Your not gonna believe this…but Gavin and Jorn are Vampires."
Mary just looked at them in disbelief. Will then continued "He drank what we think was blood after you where stabbed and used a spell ritual to heal you from the stab wound."
"How…how did he-"
"You got me, he didn't explain it all. He promised after you awoke that he would give us a clear explanation as to what's going on."
"Where are we?"
"At one of his clansmen's house…more like a mansion really." Kirjava said.
It was then that the door to the room opened. All of them looked over to see Gavin walk in slowly. Looking over, he did a small smile and said "Glad to see you're alright Miss Mary."
"Thank you." she replied. She was hesitant, but asked "Are you…really-"
"A Vampire?" asked Gavin.
Mary nodded.
Nodding, he said "Yes, I am what many horror films and books and stories preach as a Lucifer like creature of death. I however assure you that that fact is very different from fiction. I would much like to discuss this in my office chambers upstairs, there are a few other things to discuss as well."
Gavin stepped aside from the doorway, leaving it open for them to walk through. Slowly, the 3 of them got onto there feet and walked carefully to the door, Will bringing his sword with him. One by one, the 3 of them walked out of the room, into a hallway with the sound of many people to the right.
Shutting the door, Gavin said "This way please." and led them down to the hall. Once there, they walked into a giant open room. In there was a giant stairway that led to the upper floor, 2 large doors that led to the outside front, and several doors on both floors. There were also several men and woman of different ages walking around, taking care of various tasks. One thing they noticed was that all the windows where shade tinted, letting only so much light in.
As they walked for the stairway, Gavin stopped them as they passed 2 people, a thin woman and a muscular man. Stopping the 2 of them as well, he looked over and said "Will, Mary, Kirjava, I'd like to greet you to Melina and John, leaders of this area's Vocalits."
The 2 of them smiled at them and nodded. They nodded back, Will saying "Nice to meet you."
They then went there separate ways, Gavin leading them up the stairs as Melina and John continued there business. While walking, Mary whispered to Gavin "What's a Vocalit?"
"If we have any un-wanted visitors, you'll find out." he replied.
As they reached the top, Gavin turned left, but Will, Mary and Kirjava froze at the site before them. To the left of the stairs next to a door was a large wolf, with Gray and White hair and what seemed to be like a gypsy like garments on them.
Gavin glanced back to see them standing still and smirked, then looked back and said "Helanie?"
The wolf turned back to Gavin and to the surprise of his guests, smiled and said "Ah…the 3 guests of honor."
Turning back to the 3 of them, Gavin said "This is Helanie, Leader of the Were Wolfs of the British Isles."
"Were Wolfs?" asked Will.
"Another thing to be explained in a matter of moments, my office is that door she stands at." he replied.
As she stepped aside, Gavin once again guided them towards the door. As they walked, he said "There's one more person we have to meet. A family member of mine for whom wishes to remain with me and help our clan, unlike us, he's not a Vampire."
Then as Gavin opened the door, Will walked in to see something that gave him a surprise greater then all the things he had just seen. Sitting in this room, was Shane, the rich pompous little jerk who made fun of his missing fingers, who bloated about him getting better training, about how his life was the most made out of all them. The one person who he scorned most in the world was here.
As he looked over at who was walking in, Shane's eyes met with Will's instantly, and the 2 could feel the tension rise in a mere second. Rising to his feet, he quickly asked "What are you doing here?"
"Me? What about you?"
"This house belongs to a fellow clansman."
Looking between the 2, Gavin asked "You 2 know each other?"
Will looked over and responded "We're on the fencing team together."
"Oh really…so why do I sense tension in the air?"
Shane looked over at Gavin and said "Well, we don't get along; he has a habit of-"
"He often views himself as the best fencer in often looks down at us, I'm the only one who'll stand up to him about it." interrupted Will.
Gavin slowly looked at Shane with narrowed eyes, saying "Really now…"
Shane's expressions went from anger to fear. Gavin slowly started to walk to him. Once up close to him; he said in a serous tone "Have we not talked about this before Shane?"
"Just listen to me and-"
"No you listen." Gavin cut in. "I am sick and tired of hearing you neglect what I have you learn for your own life's sake. I had you trained in several fields to help survive what's coming as an ally to this clan, not for you to play king. Am I made clear?"
Shane tried to say something, anything to his defense, but just ended up saying "Yes Grandfather."
Will, Mary and Kirjava couldn't help but notice what he called Gavin. Something didn't seem right as Gavin was called a grandparent by someone who only looked 10 years younger then him.
Stepping forward, Kirjava asked "What does he mean by Grandfather?"
Shane looked down at the cat in disbelief, but before he could speak, Gavin said "Yes, she talks, sit down and keep your mouth shut."
As Gavin moved around the desk inside, Shane simply sat down at the chair he was sitting at. Mary and Will walked over and sat down in chairs in front of the desk, Kirjava jumping into his lap while Helanie pushed the door closed and sat down, watching.
After taking a deep breath, Gavin said "Now that we're all here, it's time that everything comes out onto the table, so everyone's clear on everything and we can plan our next move."
Will and Mary looked at each other, and then looked back, Will saying "You go first."
"Alright then, let us begin. You might seem a little shocked, but really you hear about us and other creatures similar to us a lot. Through out history, stories have always told of monsters and creatures and aliens and gods. In reality, a lot of these are about creatures that have remained in hiding, but a lot are more twisted truths and flat out lies.
"I am a Vampire, yes, but a lot of truths about Vampires are very different. We do drink blood, I confess, but it's not because of some evil urge by a false demon in a book of creed, blood in short is the source of our magic, with out it, I wouldn't have flown you guys to safety or healed Mary's wound. People often thing our teeth are sharp fangs to bite with, but in reality the blades we fight with are the true fangs, and they're not ordinary weapons, with magic, we make them absorb liquids through the metal, hence the blood we spill goes into the weapon and we have it for storage.
"Another common lore is that we are killed by sunlight. It does hurt our skin yes, but it's more allergic reaction and won't turn us to dust, just scar and hurt. Garlic and Holy symbols mean nothing to us. And no, we can't turn you into a Vampire; you have to be born one. We do also live long lives, as Shane had said, I am his grandfather, me being over 400 years old, but we are not eternal, we all die someday, as nothing is truly forever.
"I will say that not all Vampires are good though. With the exception of Rogues who roam the world with out a clan, we are all guided by whatever clan we are part of. Some clans are based on greed, only caring about how much they can get and keep, others are for knowledge, to gain as much as it's made and keep it, and some just love war with out any real reason, they just want a fight."
"What about the ones who attacked us last night?" Mary asked.
"Jorn and his men…superiority, they live and breathe it. The common belief of nature is the strong feed on the weak, but only because they half to. Jorn and his clan, since they formed long before his rise as clan prince, have always believed in this with addition of the sin known as Gluttony. To put it simply, they shouldn't just do it because they have to; they should do it because they want to. To be the best, the greatest, the top, to them this means you have the rights not only as king, emperor, but of gods, and there by have the right to cruelty and abuse."
"What about you?" asked Will.
"My clan and I are more guided by a dream then anything, and that dream is freedom, to be free from the shadows of the world, to stop hiding what we are to this world."
"Well why don't you now, go out into the public and tell hem truth?" asked Mary.
Gavin couldn't help but chuckle, and then said "Think about it, before I sat here and explained what we are to you, what was your common thought about Vampires, the ones you heard the stories?"
"That you where evil…" she started to say, but stopped as she relies then what he was saying."
"Exactly, throughout history, we have been labeled as demons, monsters, the thing that goes bump in the night, the boogeyman that's after your child. Granted the same thing could be said about most humans, but most tales about us are that we are all of the same evil mind, and it's so boiled down into everyone's mind that if the truth was revealed, fiction would be to hard to let go of."
Helanie then stepped forward and added "We Were Wolfs are nothing more then intelligent versions of our simpleton cousins. Yet all the stories about us are that we'll bite and turn you into a beast at night, killing at will, that we're evil in the form of an animal. We couldn't be any farther from that lie, and it isn't just Were Wolfs and Vampires, there are many creatures in this world that are hiding from the masses due to one lie or another."
"How do all these stories come up?" asked Will.
"The Authority." Helanie said with the sound of hatred in her voice.
"You might be familiar with pagan gods of old." Gavin continued. "The Native American Mythology of the Americas, Norse Mythology of Scandinavian lands in Northern Europe, Egyptian and Greek Mythology, and many more in the several regions of the world, all believing in mythical creatures and gods. These faiths where made by humans in there simpleton extent of knowledge, not fully grasping what we are, we where what they based these faiths off of.
"As to weather it was the Authorities agents or the Authority itself, we don’t know. All we know is that the Authority felt threatened by the rise of these religions, and wished for us to instead guide them to his control, we refused. There was however one disadvantage we had to the humans, our numbers, there's where far more vast. Seeing this, the Authority started the lies, making us the monsters you know today and gaining people to its cause.
"Through the Centuries upon Centuries that we've been scorned by the Authorities followers, it was never nearly as bad as it's been in the last century, with the Church Establishment Branch in full power. At first, it was just a section of some underground church that would try to win people to the faith by less extreme means, but in 1917 that changed when Jacob Sinclair became head of the branch.
"The son of a Vampire's daughter, he couldn't learn to except that his grandfather would aid his family in time of need, the clan of him being descended from not being the most loving towards any kind of relations, let alone family. After his mother's suicide when he was only 17, he vowed vengeance against not just Vampires, but all who appose the Authority, although more for his satisfaction then faith. It was only a matter of time until the CEB broke away from its original establishment and became independent. By World War II, they had operatives in many government systems, all aiding them in there sick goal: ally with us or Genocide in the name of the Authority.
"So now you know, you know what we are, why we're here, and what's after you. I must apologize to you though; the ones targeted by these crazed agents of the Authority have trouble starting a normal life again."
"They're all fools." Shane said in a low tone. "Fallowing a Tyrant leader that-"
"They are fools." Will interrupted. "They're fools because they're fallowing an Authority that's dead."
Shane, Gavin and Helanie looked at Will with a look of surprise. Gavin then asked "What do you mean?"
"The Authority died 6 years ago; it died when I was 12, with his forces being destroyed in a war."
Gavin and Shane looked at each other, then Gavin said "I think it's now time we hear your story, I have a feeling it'll be more interesting then mine."
"Well, there's one catch." Kirjava said. "The whole story of what happened doesn’t start with any of us."
"Then who does it start with?" asked Helanie.
Will took a deep breath, and then started "The whole story starts 6 years ago in a whole different world…or universe if you will, and it starts with a 12 year old defiant girl named Lyra."
To Be Continued…
- Aurone
- Gallivespian Spy
- Posts: 299
- Joined: Wed Mar 14, 2007 1:21 am
yay this is soooo great! im really excited for the next part! this story is really suspensful i cant stop reading!
Pan_Fan - Grazer
- Posts: 45
- Joined: Sat Sep 01, 2007 1:52 am
Do to my story gaining in Popularity, I managed to pop out Chapter 4 quit quickly. Enjoy as I plan and start Chapter 5.
Chapter 4: The Hunt Begins
In a building in the middle of Oxford, the head of Oxford's CEB was sweating bullets. Before him in his office, Robert was discussing the current situation with Claudia, a progress checker who inspects the different sections around the world. She was on a large screen monitor, talking from the CEB capitol in Northern Greece.
"So let me get this strait, Jorn and his men went to obtain Will Parry, but this clan prince Gavin came and rescued them. What happened next?" she asked.
"Well…" Robert said hesitantly. "3 of Jorn's men trailed them, but we found them outside one of the Museums dead. When we got back to the house, it was cleaned up of the killed men. We think it was Gavin's clan."
"So what is your next plan of action?"
"At the moment, we're gathering some equipment and weapons, since Jorn and his men have done nothing but mess it up, we're taking it into our own hands."
Robert offered a helpful smile, but Claudia's face never changed. She then said "We're losing our patients, we need Will Parry alive."
"Yes, it will be taken care of, I promise." he said nervously. Claudia lifted the remote and turned off the signal.
Robert then had a sigh of relief and pulled out a hanky, rubbing his forehead and face to get the sweat off. He then pushed the button to the speaker for the assistant outside the office, saying "Alison is Mr. Jacob here yet?"
After letting go, the speaker replied "Yes sir, he's been here for a few minutes, I just knew you where dealing with important business so I had him wait."
"Thank you, send him in please."
Robert seated himself behind his desk, then after a few seconds, his door opened to see his guest walk in. Dale Jacob was in charge of the supply and acquire section of the CEB, weapons, equipment and vehicles where obtained by him and his section.
"Sit down please."
Dale walked over and sat in front of the desk, some papers in a folder with him. Setting them down on the desk before him, he said "I think you'll be quit pleased with what I've manage to attain."
"Good, explain."
Smiling, Dale continued "It took some major string pulling and favors, but we got a hold of some BAF Choppers, 5 to be precise, some of the best developed weapons by this countries national air defense. Along with that, we got some standard military riffles and weaponry, more then enough to challenge a Vampire Clan for Genocidal purpose."
"This is some of the best news I've-"
"Excuse me sir, you can't go in there." Alison said out loud, both Dale and Robert looked over at the door. "Excuse me, I said you can't-"
The door to the office flung open as Jorn came charging in, his face full of rage and anger. Walking around the desk, he stood in front of Robert and said "What the hell is going on, why is it I'm suddenly cut off from the Will Parry Case?"
Robert turned his chair and looked up at him, saying "Because the fact is simple, you delayed and goofed off too long and because of that, our target is now in the hands of the enemy, and now that they know about you and us, they'll do whatever it takes to keep him from us."
"Listen, I'm not doing it by any time tables or rules or anything, I do it my way, my time, my rules. Just because a bunch of Greek old church fools say they want this done this way means nothing to me. Will Parry is my target, and Gavin and I have some scores to settle."
"Why don't you just go home to your blasphemous clan of freaks and meditate on weather or not you'll see this fairytale Land of the Dead."
Jorn's hand shot out and grabbed Robert by his suit jacket hard, lifting him up out of his chair into the air and getting them eye to eye. Breathing heavily, he said "Listen you pitiful little excuse for a creature, I will say this one more time, Will Parry is my Target, and Gavin's clan fall will be brought by us, am I made clear?"
Robert glanced over; behind his desk was a large window that showed a good portion of Oxford. The sun was gleaming into it, but the shades where down with light only facing downwards. Reaching over, his hand grabbed a hold of the string and pulled it down, the blinds shooting strait up.
It was only seconds until Jorn could feel the hot burning sensation on his face and hands. Dropping Robert, he quickly backed off into the shadows next to the window. Robert got his balance and stood there watching his unwanted guest, the side of his face and hands that was touched turning red.
Looking over, Jorn said in a low tone "Don't you ever…ever expose me to sun light again."
Robert simply smirked and said "Listen, we've waited enough, we're readying an attack on Gavin and his clan, and we've had enough of your games, so go home and wait to see what happens."
"Well…happy hunting." he responded in a sarcastic tone, then turned for the door.
Robert couldn't help but smirk, whispering "You fool."
Jorn stopped where he was and looked back, saying "What…did you say?"
"You truly don't understand do you?"
After getting no response, Robert laughed and continued "The deal of us forming a partnership was that it wouldn't be complete till you aided us in gaining Will Parry, but now we're doing that on our own.
"Now granted, if we fail, you will be called upon again, but if we succeed in obtaining him, you will have failed to live up to your part of the bargain of capturing him and hence, our partnership will end. And in a world where your whole species will be finding out of your betrayal in times of Technology where you can spread a message to millions in a day, I think you don't want to have no allies."
Jorn didn't respond, he simply put his hood up and walked out of the room, Alison walking over carefully and closing it after watching it all unfold from her desk, the door being open. Robert then stat down and faced Dale who had remained silent and watched it all unfold.
"Now…" said Robert. "Were where we?"
"And so…we said goodbye to our friends one last time and I closed the window…then broke the knife and ending it for good." Will said, ending the story. Along with Mary and Kirjava, they told what happened to Lyra in her world before her father opened the window, they told about Cittagazze and the subtle knife, his father and the land of the dead, the Mulefa and how they by chance killed the authority. The only thing that was left out was Will and Lyra's true relationship at the end, Mary and Kirjava could see he wanted it not brought up, and didn't question it once.
After they where done talking, Gavin just looked at them blankly, then started laughing pointlessly. Will and Mary looked at each other then back. After gaining himself again, he said "Sorry…it's just…We looked into that window you ventured through years ago, we just weren't ready to do a true sacrifice for discovery. That could have been a black hole for all we knew."
"Our clan could have been written into that story of yours if you had." said Shane.
"Still…" said Helanie. "The Authority that made us monsters and demons through its lies….it's dead."
"So much for our precious war against it like Vampires dream of." muttered Shane.
"We'll still have our war Shane, weather it's alive or dead, the CEB won't stop." Gavin explained. "This also has me concerned, there's something about this past that has there interest, or else they wouldn't be trying to capture you guys."
"But how do they know about us?" asked Kirjava.
"Time Readers…" Gavin said in a low tone.
"Come again?" asked Mary.
"You've obviously heard of Mediums, Psychics and Mind Readers. These do exist, but unlike us, they're not a specific race like Vampires or Were Wolfs or Vocalites, they're actually humans who are the one in a million that where born with a 6th sense shall we say. Often when a legitimate one comes along, not one of them TV Psychics or Tarot Card Readers, the CEB try's to recruit them for there fight against us."
"So what's a Time Reader?" asked Will
"Lets say…from Birth to Death, a roll of string fallows you, the tip of it starts at your birth and at the time you die it's unraveled to the other tip. Every time your actual attention is focused on someone that is in your presence, your string is intertwined with there's. The reason they know is because they had a Time Reader read your life and fallow you into your journey, they know about your interaction with Lyra, Witches, Northern Bears, Angels, Mulefa, everything."
"Then they must know about what happened to what there main source of faith." Mary said.
"Which has me wondering what they're really planning, that honestly gives me more chills if you didn't kill the Authority. I wonder what will happen when Jorn finds this out, I know they wont' tell him right away."
"Oh…" Kirjava said. "There was an incident that happened back at the house, Jorn grabbed a hold of me I somehow hurt him, his hand was burnt and blistered."
Gavin arched a brow, and then Mary continued "Also…when we first met, I looked to see your daemon like I learned from Serafina…you don't have one…and neither did Jorn and his men."
Leaning forward, Gavin pout his left hand and said "Can…I test what happened?" Kirjava and Will looked at each other, they knew the perverse feeling that would come, but they also wanted to know why.
Carefully, Kirjava jumped up onto his table and stood there waiting. Gently, he put the tips of his fingers slowly onto her head. Only seconds went by when steam started rise, his hand shot back as he grit his teeth.
"Sweet Death…" he muttered as he looked at his fingers, red blood blisters forming on them. Turning his hand, he showed everyone his wound.
"One more thing," Kirjava said. "I have a feeling around you…a feeling of when Lyra's death came to her in the land of the dead; it's a feeling that frightens me still now."
"That's because we ourselves…our half dead. Why else would we know about the Land of the Dead for so long? It's been in Vampire history since as long as we've existed, we knew before your story, which is partly why we're so apposed to any form of the Authority."
"Half dead…maybe…a Vampire's death is connected to them while they live, hence born with out a daemon and is 1 piece short of the original 3 parts of every human, the Ghost, daemon and Death." Mary explained.
"Sounds logical to me." Kirjava said.
Gavin glanced over at the clock, seeing how long they've been in there talking. Looking back, he said "Well, I think you guys need some time to relax after all that's happening, maybe Shane can find something for you?"
Looking at Will out of the corner of his eye, he said "Sorry, I was planning on heading for the bathing area to relax myself."
"Well that sounds just wonderful, maybe you'd like to be so kind as to guide Will there so he can pass some time. I think they all need a bit of a breather."
Shane glanced over and said "Grandfather, please don't…" but was cut off as Gavin gave him that deep eyed look that he knew was to shut his mouth. He then copped out "Fine…"
"Good." Gavin replied, he then looked at Helanie. "Will you be so kind and guide Miss Malone to the woman's bathing area, possibly even keep her company as well?"
Smiling, Helanie said "It would me be honor."
Shane simply rolled his eyes and got up to leave for the door, Mary, Will, Kirjava and Helanie fallowing. Gavin noticed the sword still in Will's hand, then said "Oh…Will?"
As they all stopped at turned, Gavin reached below his desk and pulled out the Sheath left back at the house for his sword. Carefully, he tossed it at him, Will catching it with his left hand, Shane being amazed he could do it with only 3 fingers.
While he sheathed it, Gavin said "Keep it close…something tells me you might need it in the future again."
"Did you give me this in the mail a week ago?" asked Will.
"Yes, when we heard you where a fencer, we thought you could have a chance if Jorn did attack. That meeting at the bench between us wasn't chance either, I had it planned to see what exactly there interest in you was." Gavin explained.
"One more question." Will said. "My mother's death…they said she was attacked by a man with knives…was it Jorn?"
"Yes…that was Jorn; her death was more for his own means then that of the CEB. Might I suggest though that you not go rushing off on vendetta, his clan is one of the most vicious and feared clans in the world, let alone that he's the prince, meaning the strongest of them all, rushing with rage will only get you killed."
Will nodded, and then all of them turned to leave the room, leaving Gavin alone with his thoughts. Still surprised, he was left alone to ponder on all he had heard today. The whole scenario now changed, and with it, his plans, but was this change for better or worse is what got to him.
Mary sat with her back against the bath wall, enjoying the 91 degree water. The bath itself was more the size of a medium swimming pool, but only a few feet deep. According to Helanie, the reason for this is because so many people who're part or allied with the clan come to this and a few other houses to regroup, hence the use of a public bath per gender simplifies everything.
Next to her, lying on her belly at poolside was Helanie. Despite it being her first time having a conversation with a wolf, she had enjoyed her company. Actually having a female companion, which aside from Kirjava and Will's late mother, was a rare thing.
"So how do did you become leader?" asked Mary
"Well…mostly with help from human and human like allies, we get the best of the best and hold a tournament like situation of numerous duels. The winner becomes Queen or King of that area, which could range from a small area, if it's secluded enough or as wide as a continent if there are enough of us connected."
"So…you’re a Queen?"
Giggling, Helanie said "Yes…I'm a Queen, but unlike the title; we have no belief in royal blood. I won't just stand back and be protected, I'll stand on the front line with my fellow wolfs and fight."
"Sounds a little like Iorek and the Northern Bears."
"Yes…the bears. I would love to meet one, a fellow talking animal."
Mary was about to respond, but looked over as the door opened. A young girl, about 14 or 15 years of age walked in with a tray with what she thought was…raw meat.
Helanie looked back and said "Ah, Leslie."
"Sorry I'm late with your meal…"
"Oh now, there's no need to apologize, I'm fine."
Leslie walked over slowly and lowered the tray down. Helanie picked off the meat piece by piece carefully. While she ate, the girl looked at Mary and asked "Are you Miss. Malone?"
"Yes. Are you an ally of the clan too?"
"Of sorts…actually my father is one of the clansmen. In fact, he's the true owner of this house, but he gladly gives it up for use Prince Gavin and anyone else who needs us or we need them."
"How nice, tell your father that I said thank you."
Leslie smile and turned, but then seemed to hesitate. Slowly, she looked back and asked "Can I ask you something?"
"Sure, anything."
"Is it…is true that in the other world, Witches who lived long lives existed? I heard some of the clansmen talking and the where speaking of them."
Mary smiled and nodded, saying "Yes, I had the pleasure of meeting one myself. Serafina was her name, and she led a Witch clan of her own. They lived long lives and all there daemons where birds. They mostly lived in the North and like Vampires, some seemed good while others evil."
"I wish they lived in this world…" Leslie said in a pitiful tone.
"Between Were Wolfs and Vampires, seems our world has enough surprises."
"No…there's another reason why."
Mary arched her brows, and then Helanie looked up and said "I don't think Gavin told them."
"Told us what?"
With a deep sigh, Leslie said "I may be the daughter and sister of a Vampire…but I'm not one myself."
"Why aren’t you one like your father and bro…" she asked, then stopped when she saw what she meant. "Only a man can be a Vampire?"
Leslie nodded and continued "All women born of a Vampire will live a normal life as a normal human. The Life of a Vampire is hard one, every woman in there life will be but a passing time in there long lives, daughters and wives and lovers all die old while they live on."
"Gavin's grandson Shane is human; his mother was Gavin's daughter for who had a human lover." Helanie added.
"Ironic," Leslie said "that the famous story of Vampires like Dracula tells of men who's daughters and multiple lovers will seduce and bite you...that couldn't be further from the truth."
"So…you wish the Witches lived here so the Vampires would have a lovers and daughters who could live as long as them?" asked Mary.
"Yes…I wish."
"Even if some Witches fallowed us, they would live less as long as you."
Leslie looked down in surprise, and she continued "You see…Will's father had ventured through a window and wound up in another world, 10 years later when we went through them, we found him, but he was in a weakened and sicken state. If not for the fact that someone else killed him, he would die by that. No doubt Witches would any different."
"I know…I just wish there was someone to keep them company through the long years, it's not that easy having to endure heartbreak after heartbreak."
"I can imagine…"
Leslie looked down and noticed that Helanie had finished her tray. Chuckling, she bent down to pick up the plate and said "Sorry, I better go, I'm helping the cook with dinner soon. I hope you like turkey and soup."
Mary smiled and said "That's sounds fine."
Nodding, Leslie turned and walked away; Mary then leaned her head back and started to enjoy the bath once again.
The men's bathing area was no different in then the women's, however, the mood inside was rather different. At one side sat Will with Kirjava at the edge, and at the other was Shane. Neither of them had spoken to each other or looked at each other.
"So…how long are we going to enjoy the peaceful sound of silence?" Kirjava asked.
When neither of them answered, she simply shook her head and said "Listen you 2; I know you have your differences, but the fact is that we're together now."
Will glanced over at her and said "You weren’t there to be called the child of street filth."
"Excuse me if I prefer to be the very best at everything, everyone wants to climb to the top, and like everyone you get angry when someone cuts you off." Shane said in a low tone.
Chuckling, Will said "Oh, so you really see that I'm better at fencing then you, you finally admit that you're not the best, but from what I heard earlier today, you're not supposed to fence to be the best."
Shane gave Will a sharp look and said "You know nothing about the secrets I've had to keep about my family and who I've been aiding all this time."
Bringing his hand out of the water to pinch his chin, Will said sarcastically "Hmmm lets see, I've had to hide my daemon which is my true companion for life in a world where that doesn’t exist, I've had to hide the truth about what happened to my fingers and the subtle knife, and I've had to hide the truth about Mary and her string of events that happened 6 years ago. Your right, I don't know what its like."
Kirjava laughed and added "You know, you talk about being on top and the best…that sounds kind of like Jorn and his clan's-"
With his hand shooting out of the water and pointing strait at them, Shane screamed "Don't you ever compare me to him!"
"Don't worry…" Will said. "If he's really hunting me, he'll get a close up view of why I'm the better fencer."
Shane narrowed his eyes and said "Forget it Will. Jorn Beulah is mine to kill."
"I don't remember if you heard, but he killed my mother a week and a half ago."
"Yeah, well he killed…" Shane started to say, but stopped. Kirjava and Will suddenly looked at him in surprise. He then folded his arms and looked away, saying "Forget it."
"Finish it…" Will said.
"You started the sentence, who did Jorn kill?" asked Kirjava.
Shane was reluctant, but he did say it. Slowly, he unfolded his arms and looked over at them.
"My Sister…Alice, he killed her 2 years ago."
"Why?" asked Will.
"She was engaged to the Prince of an allied clan. Like ours, they where enemies of Jorn and his clansmen. Jorn being the power mongering demon he is decided to shake the foundations of both, by killing her and challenging the clans. Alexander, her fiancé, charged his clan into one of the main meeting places on rumor they where meeting while our clan waited around the outside for them to try and escape.
"To the Surprise of everyone, his clan had abandoned the area and left no trace, but made the presence of them staying there known to the CEB who launched an attack not long after they invaded. His entire clan was wiped out, and we rushed to the aid only to lose 1/4th the size of what our clan had. We've always been allied with the Vocalites and Were Wolfs, but the fact is we're still wounded by that attack and we're still lower in numbers, hence why we're using them for aid right now."
"So for 2 years now you've had to deal with the fact that man who killed her is still mocking you…that is pretty harsh." Will said, seeing he might have pushed things.
Kirjava looked between the 2 of them and asked "Gavin said Jorn and his clan was one of the most powerful Vampire clans today...right?"
Shane nodded and said "Yes, the reason your here tonight is because Grandfather saw and opening and used it to take him out, not try and kill him. Instead he got out and took you guys away. Jorn's clan is known for being cocky in battle, which can give some the advantage to win, but if they lose that cockiness, they are as dangerous as there reputation."
"Then the chances of either of you winning are slim to none, no matter who's the best fencer."
"You're most likely right, but that still won't stop me."
"Then…why don't you instead of fighting against each other, fight side by side against him?"
Both Will and Shane shot awkward looks at her. She then added "Think about it, you're both handy with a sword, and it doesn’t matter whose better, your combined skill would make a challenge for him, plus you could both settle your debts."
For a few seconds, neither said anything, until Shane said "You do have a point…but that might not still be enough."
Will looked back, and Shane continued "For a human to kill a Vampire in any form other then massive warfare battles is often respected upon, but for them to kill a Clan Prince is such a rare thing that its given the greatest honor. Grandfather has counted 6 people in the last 200 years that has killed a Clan Prince, it's that rare."
Before either of them could continue, one of the clansmen came walking in and said "Dinner will be in 15 minutes, we have some cloths for Mr. Parry, we just need to know your sizes."
Will looked over and said "Alright, I wear a Medium Shirt and pants and I wear a size 12 Shoe."
The man nodded and turned to leave. Will then looked over at Shane and said "Seems we better talk about this another time. But lets just be honest, I don't like you and you don't like me, but we're stuck in this…so maybe we should try to get along to make things easier."
With a deep sigh, Shane said "Fine…for Grandfather's sake."
In the dinning room, Gavin, Shane, Will, Kirjava and Mary all sat the food plates for Turkey and Soup empty before them. The meal was a good one, filling all of them just enough to make the full in a feel good way. Will and Mary had on some of the clothing they offered, a little fancy, but also durable that wouldn't get them in trouble incase of emergency.
After sipping another glass of wine, Mary asked "So why it is that the Vampires know about the Land of the Dead?"
Gavin chuckled as he leaned forward, saying "When I find out I'll tell you."
"That's interesting, you know about it but don't know you know about it…" Kirjava said.
Shrugging, he responded "The same could be said about the Sphinx in Egypt, Stone Hedge, we know about them, the only knowledge we lack is the origin and reason."
"So knowing this…what exactly is the Vampires philosophy on life knowing that about what was to come?" asked Will.
"Honestly…we pretty much had the view of live life to the fullest and for you only, since we all had the same outcome. Many humans who fallowed us in the truth often envied us, since we have more time to enjoy what life has before the inevitable life we are forced to endure the rest of eternity."
"So does the knowledge of what happened 6 years ago affect things now?"
"Now that is the true question." Gavin said, his tone showing that he didn't know the answers. "We've already contacted our allied clans, we've told them news of Jorn, brief summery of your story and that your targets of the CEB, by Noon tomorrow, every clan in the world will know that-"
His voice suddenly stopped as the sound from the outside was heard. At first, it was the single howl of a Wolf, not far from the mansion itself. Then seconds latter, more Wolf calls arose.
"What is it?" asked Mary.
"Helanie's Were Wolfs." Shane said, also in alert. "Since this house is in the woods, they're patrolling in the trees around us; the howling is an alarm warning of sorts."
"Warning of what?" asked Kirjava.
Gavin was about to respond, but looked over as a clansmen came running into the room, his face a look of serious concern. "Sir…" he said, close to shouting "you'd better come to the Security room, you need to see this."
Instantly, everyone got up and hurried for the door, Gavin and Shane leading the rest. They turned and walked down the hall and turned into another. At the 3rd door down, open, they walked into a dark room with a large wall of TV monitors from the rooftop, roadways and forest trails.
Sitting down, the man quickly hit a button to show closer on a TV from the east side of the building. Gavin got close to look, then his mouth dropped in shock. On the TV screen were 5 Military Choppers where flying over the forest and heading strait for them.
"How long?" he asked instantly.
"Best estimate…22 Minutes. But there's something else."
Hitting another button, another TV screen showed 6 cars driving down the main road for the mansion. Looking down, the man added "The weight scale on the road shows that each car must have at least 6 occupants, most likely more and possibly with a ton of equipment, weapons most likely."
Slowly, Gavin looked back at Shane, who was standing next to Will and Mary, Kirjava at there feet. "Well, Grandson…I think we're going have our war."
To Be Continued…
Chapter 4: The Hunt Begins
In a building in the middle of Oxford, the head of Oxford's CEB was sweating bullets. Before him in his office, Robert was discussing the current situation with Claudia, a progress checker who inspects the different sections around the world. She was on a large screen monitor, talking from the CEB capitol in Northern Greece.
"So let me get this strait, Jorn and his men went to obtain Will Parry, but this clan prince Gavin came and rescued them. What happened next?" she asked.
"Well…" Robert said hesitantly. "3 of Jorn's men trailed them, but we found them outside one of the Museums dead. When we got back to the house, it was cleaned up of the killed men. We think it was Gavin's clan."
"So what is your next plan of action?"
"At the moment, we're gathering some equipment and weapons, since Jorn and his men have done nothing but mess it up, we're taking it into our own hands."
Robert offered a helpful smile, but Claudia's face never changed. She then said "We're losing our patients, we need Will Parry alive."
"Yes, it will be taken care of, I promise." he said nervously. Claudia lifted the remote and turned off the signal.
Robert then had a sigh of relief and pulled out a hanky, rubbing his forehead and face to get the sweat off. He then pushed the button to the speaker for the assistant outside the office, saying "Alison is Mr. Jacob here yet?"
After letting go, the speaker replied "Yes sir, he's been here for a few minutes, I just knew you where dealing with important business so I had him wait."
"Thank you, send him in please."
Robert seated himself behind his desk, then after a few seconds, his door opened to see his guest walk in. Dale Jacob was in charge of the supply and acquire section of the CEB, weapons, equipment and vehicles where obtained by him and his section.
"Sit down please."
Dale walked over and sat in front of the desk, some papers in a folder with him. Setting them down on the desk before him, he said "I think you'll be quit pleased with what I've manage to attain."
"Good, explain."
Smiling, Dale continued "It took some major string pulling and favors, but we got a hold of some BAF Choppers, 5 to be precise, some of the best developed weapons by this countries national air defense. Along with that, we got some standard military riffles and weaponry, more then enough to challenge a Vampire Clan for Genocidal purpose."
"This is some of the best news I've-"
"Excuse me sir, you can't go in there." Alison said out loud, both Dale and Robert looked over at the door. "Excuse me, I said you can't-"
The door to the office flung open as Jorn came charging in, his face full of rage and anger. Walking around the desk, he stood in front of Robert and said "What the hell is going on, why is it I'm suddenly cut off from the Will Parry Case?"
Robert turned his chair and looked up at him, saying "Because the fact is simple, you delayed and goofed off too long and because of that, our target is now in the hands of the enemy, and now that they know about you and us, they'll do whatever it takes to keep him from us."
"Listen, I'm not doing it by any time tables or rules or anything, I do it my way, my time, my rules. Just because a bunch of Greek old church fools say they want this done this way means nothing to me. Will Parry is my target, and Gavin and I have some scores to settle."
"Why don't you just go home to your blasphemous clan of freaks and meditate on weather or not you'll see this fairytale Land of the Dead."
Jorn's hand shot out and grabbed Robert by his suit jacket hard, lifting him up out of his chair into the air and getting them eye to eye. Breathing heavily, he said "Listen you pitiful little excuse for a creature, I will say this one more time, Will Parry is my Target, and Gavin's clan fall will be brought by us, am I made clear?"
Robert glanced over; behind his desk was a large window that showed a good portion of Oxford. The sun was gleaming into it, but the shades where down with light only facing downwards. Reaching over, his hand grabbed a hold of the string and pulled it down, the blinds shooting strait up.
It was only seconds until Jorn could feel the hot burning sensation on his face and hands. Dropping Robert, he quickly backed off into the shadows next to the window. Robert got his balance and stood there watching his unwanted guest, the side of his face and hands that was touched turning red.
Looking over, Jorn said in a low tone "Don't you ever…ever expose me to sun light again."
Robert simply smirked and said "Listen, we've waited enough, we're readying an attack on Gavin and his clan, and we've had enough of your games, so go home and wait to see what happens."
"Well…happy hunting." he responded in a sarcastic tone, then turned for the door.
Robert couldn't help but smirk, whispering "You fool."
Jorn stopped where he was and looked back, saying "What…did you say?"
"You truly don't understand do you?"
After getting no response, Robert laughed and continued "The deal of us forming a partnership was that it wouldn't be complete till you aided us in gaining Will Parry, but now we're doing that on our own.
"Now granted, if we fail, you will be called upon again, but if we succeed in obtaining him, you will have failed to live up to your part of the bargain of capturing him and hence, our partnership will end. And in a world where your whole species will be finding out of your betrayal in times of Technology where you can spread a message to millions in a day, I think you don't want to have no allies."
Jorn didn't respond, he simply put his hood up and walked out of the room, Alison walking over carefully and closing it after watching it all unfold from her desk, the door being open. Robert then stat down and faced Dale who had remained silent and watched it all unfold.
"Now…" said Robert. "Were where we?"
"And so…we said goodbye to our friends one last time and I closed the window…then broke the knife and ending it for good." Will said, ending the story. Along with Mary and Kirjava, they told what happened to Lyra in her world before her father opened the window, they told about Cittagazze and the subtle knife, his father and the land of the dead, the Mulefa and how they by chance killed the authority. The only thing that was left out was Will and Lyra's true relationship at the end, Mary and Kirjava could see he wanted it not brought up, and didn't question it once.
After they where done talking, Gavin just looked at them blankly, then started laughing pointlessly. Will and Mary looked at each other then back. After gaining himself again, he said "Sorry…it's just…We looked into that window you ventured through years ago, we just weren't ready to do a true sacrifice for discovery. That could have been a black hole for all we knew."
"Our clan could have been written into that story of yours if you had." said Shane.
"Still…" said Helanie. "The Authority that made us monsters and demons through its lies….it's dead."
"So much for our precious war against it like Vampires dream of." muttered Shane.
"We'll still have our war Shane, weather it's alive or dead, the CEB won't stop." Gavin explained. "This also has me concerned, there's something about this past that has there interest, or else they wouldn't be trying to capture you guys."
"But how do they know about us?" asked Kirjava.
"Time Readers…" Gavin said in a low tone.
"Come again?" asked Mary.
"You've obviously heard of Mediums, Psychics and Mind Readers. These do exist, but unlike us, they're not a specific race like Vampires or Were Wolfs or Vocalites, they're actually humans who are the one in a million that where born with a 6th sense shall we say. Often when a legitimate one comes along, not one of them TV Psychics or Tarot Card Readers, the CEB try's to recruit them for there fight against us."
"So what's a Time Reader?" asked Will
"Lets say…from Birth to Death, a roll of string fallows you, the tip of it starts at your birth and at the time you die it's unraveled to the other tip. Every time your actual attention is focused on someone that is in your presence, your string is intertwined with there's. The reason they know is because they had a Time Reader read your life and fallow you into your journey, they know about your interaction with Lyra, Witches, Northern Bears, Angels, Mulefa, everything."
"Then they must know about what happened to what there main source of faith." Mary said.
"Which has me wondering what they're really planning, that honestly gives me more chills if you didn't kill the Authority. I wonder what will happen when Jorn finds this out, I know they wont' tell him right away."
"Oh…" Kirjava said. "There was an incident that happened back at the house, Jorn grabbed a hold of me I somehow hurt him, his hand was burnt and blistered."
Gavin arched a brow, and then Mary continued "Also…when we first met, I looked to see your daemon like I learned from Serafina…you don't have one…and neither did Jorn and his men."
Leaning forward, Gavin pout his left hand and said "Can…I test what happened?" Kirjava and Will looked at each other, they knew the perverse feeling that would come, but they also wanted to know why.
Carefully, Kirjava jumped up onto his table and stood there waiting. Gently, he put the tips of his fingers slowly onto her head. Only seconds went by when steam started rise, his hand shot back as he grit his teeth.
"Sweet Death…" he muttered as he looked at his fingers, red blood blisters forming on them. Turning his hand, he showed everyone his wound.
"One more thing," Kirjava said. "I have a feeling around you…a feeling of when Lyra's death came to her in the land of the dead; it's a feeling that frightens me still now."
"That's because we ourselves…our half dead. Why else would we know about the Land of the Dead for so long? It's been in Vampire history since as long as we've existed, we knew before your story, which is partly why we're so apposed to any form of the Authority."
"Half dead…maybe…a Vampire's death is connected to them while they live, hence born with out a daemon and is 1 piece short of the original 3 parts of every human, the Ghost, daemon and Death." Mary explained.
"Sounds logical to me." Kirjava said.
Gavin glanced over at the clock, seeing how long they've been in there talking. Looking back, he said "Well, I think you guys need some time to relax after all that's happening, maybe Shane can find something for you?"
Looking at Will out of the corner of his eye, he said "Sorry, I was planning on heading for the bathing area to relax myself."
"Well that sounds just wonderful, maybe you'd like to be so kind as to guide Will there so he can pass some time. I think they all need a bit of a breather."
Shane glanced over and said "Grandfather, please don't…" but was cut off as Gavin gave him that deep eyed look that he knew was to shut his mouth. He then copped out "Fine…"
"Good." Gavin replied, he then looked at Helanie. "Will you be so kind and guide Miss Malone to the woman's bathing area, possibly even keep her company as well?"
Smiling, Helanie said "It would me be honor."
Shane simply rolled his eyes and got up to leave for the door, Mary, Will, Kirjava and Helanie fallowing. Gavin noticed the sword still in Will's hand, then said "Oh…Will?"
As they all stopped at turned, Gavin reached below his desk and pulled out the Sheath left back at the house for his sword. Carefully, he tossed it at him, Will catching it with his left hand, Shane being amazed he could do it with only 3 fingers.
While he sheathed it, Gavin said "Keep it close…something tells me you might need it in the future again."
"Did you give me this in the mail a week ago?" asked Will.
"Yes, when we heard you where a fencer, we thought you could have a chance if Jorn did attack. That meeting at the bench between us wasn't chance either, I had it planned to see what exactly there interest in you was." Gavin explained.
"One more question." Will said. "My mother's death…they said she was attacked by a man with knives…was it Jorn?"
"Yes…that was Jorn; her death was more for his own means then that of the CEB. Might I suggest though that you not go rushing off on vendetta, his clan is one of the most vicious and feared clans in the world, let alone that he's the prince, meaning the strongest of them all, rushing with rage will only get you killed."
Will nodded, and then all of them turned to leave the room, leaving Gavin alone with his thoughts. Still surprised, he was left alone to ponder on all he had heard today. The whole scenario now changed, and with it, his plans, but was this change for better or worse is what got to him.
Mary sat with her back against the bath wall, enjoying the 91 degree water. The bath itself was more the size of a medium swimming pool, but only a few feet deep. According to Helanie, the reason for this is because so many people who're part or allied with the clan come to this and a few other houses to regroup, hence the use of a public bath per gender simplifies everything.
Next to her, lying on her belly at poolside was Helanie. Despite it being her first time having a conversation with a wolf, she had enjoyed her company. Actually having a female companion, which aside from Kirjava and Will's late mother, was a rare thing.
"So how do did you become leader?" asked Mary
"Well…mostly with help from human and human like allies, we get the best of the best and hold a tournament like situation of numerous duels. The winner becomes Queen or King of that area, which could range from a small area, if it's secluded enough or as wide as a continent if there are enough of us connected."
"So…you’re a Queen?"
Giggling, Helanie said "Yes…I'm a Queen, but unlike the title; we have no belief in royal blood. I won't just stand back and be protected, I'll stand on the front line with my fellow wolfs and fight."
"Sounds a little like Iorek and the Northern Bears."
"Yes…the bears. I would love to meet one, a fellow talking animal."
Mary was about to respond, but looked over as the door opened. A young girl, about 14 or 15 years of age walked in with a tray with what she thought was…raw meat.
Helanie looked back and said "Ah, Leslie."
"Sorry I'm late with your meal…"
"Oh now, there's no need to apologize, I'm fine."
Leslie walked over slowly and lowered the tray down. Helanie picked off the meat piece by piece carefully. While she ate, the girl looked at Mary and asked "Are you Miss. Malone?"
"Yes. Are you an ally of the clan too?"
"Of sorts…actually my father is one of the clansmen. In fact, he's the true owner of this house, but he gladly gives it up for use Prince Gavin and anyone else who needs us or we need them."
"How nice, tell your father that I said thank you."
Leslie smile and turned, but then seemed to hesitate. Slowly, she looked back and asked "Can I ask you something?"
"Sure, anything."
"Is it…is true that in the other world, Witches who lived long lives existed? I heard some of the clansmen talking and the where speaking of them."
Mary smiled and nodded, saying "Yes, I had the pleasure of meeting one myself. Serafina was her name, and she led a Witch clan of her own. They lived long lives and all there daemons where birds. They mostly lived in the North and like Vampires, some seemed good while others evil."
"I wish they lived in this world…" Leslie said in a pitiful tone.
"Between Were Wolfs and Vampires, seems our world has enough surprises."
"No…there's another reason why."
Mary arched her brows, and then Helanie looked up and said "I don't think Gavin told them."
"Told us what?"
With a deep sigh, Leslie said "I may be the daughter and sister of a Vampire…but I'm not one myself."
"Why aren’t you one like your father and bro…" she asked, then stopped when she saw what she meant. "Only a man can be a Vampire?"
Leslie nodded and continued "All women born of a Vampire will live a normal life as a normal human. The Life of a Vampire is hard one, every woman in there life will be but a passing time in there long lives, daughters and wives and lovers all die old while they live on."
"Gavin's grandson Shane is human; his mother was Gavin's daughter for who had a human lover." Helanie added.
"Ironic," Leslie said "that the famous story of Vampires like Dracula tells of men who's daughters and multiple lovers will seduce and bite you...that couldn't be further from the truth."
"So…you wish the Witches lived here so the Vampires would have a lovers and daughters who could live as long as them?" asked Mary.
"Yes…I wish."
"Even if some Witches fallowed us, they would live less as long as you."
Leslie looked down in surprise, and she continued "You see…Will's father had ventured through a window and wound up in another world, 10 years later when we went through them, we found him, but he was in a weakened and sicken state. If not for the fact that someone else killed him, he would die by that. No doubt Witches would any different."
"I know…I just wish there was someone to keep them company through the long years, it's not that easy having to endure heartbreak after heartbreak."
"I can imagine…"
Leslie looked down and noticed that Helanie had finished her tray. Chuckling, she bent down to pick up the plate and said "Sorry, I better go, I'm helping the cook with dinner soon. I hope you like turkey and soup."
Mary smiled and said "That's sounds fine."
Nodding, Leslie turned and walked away; Mary then leaned her head back and started to enjoy the bath once again.
The men's bathing area was no different in then the women's, however, the mood inside was rather different. At one side sat Will with Kirjava at the edge, and at the other was Shane. Neither of them had spoken to each other or looked at each other.
"So…how long are we going to enjoy the peaceful sound of silence?" Kirjava asked.
When neither of them answered, she simply shook her head and said "Listen you 2; I know you have your differences, but the fact is that we're together now."
Will glanced over at her and said "You weren’t there to be called the child of street filth."
"Excuse me if I prefer to be the very best at everything, everyone wants to climb to the top, and like everyone you get angry when someone cuts you off." Shane said in a low tone.
Chuckling, Will said "Oh, so you really see that I'm better at fencing then you, you finally admit that you're not the best, but from what I heard earlier today, you're not supposed to fence to be the best."
Shane gave Will a sharp look and said "You know nothing about the secrets I've had to keep about my family and who I've been aiding all this time."
Bringing his hand out of the water to pinch his chin, Will said sarcastically "Hmmm lets see, I've had to hide my daemon which is my true companion for life in a world where that doesn’t exist, I've had to hide the truth about what happened to my fingers and the subtle knife, and I've had to hide the truth about Mary and her string of events that happened 6 years ago. Your right, I don't know what its like."
Kirjava laughed and added "You know, you talk about being on top and the best…that sounds kind of like Jorn and his clan's-"
With his hand shooting out of the water and pointing strait at them, Shane screamed "Don't you ever compare me to him!"
"Don't worry…" Will said. "If he's really hunting me, he'll get a close up view of why I'm the better fencer."
Shane narrowed his eyes and said "Forget it Will. Jorn Beulah is mine to kill."
"I don't remember if you heard, but he killed my mother a week and a half ago."
"Yeah, well he killed…" Shane started to say, but stopped. Kirjava and Will suddenly looked at him in surprise. He then folded his arms and looked away, saying "Forget it."
"Finish it…" Will said.
"You started the sentence, who did Jorn kill?" asked Kirjava.
Shane was reluctant, but he did say it. Slowly, he unfolded his arms and looked over at them.
"My Sister…Alice, he killed her 2 years ago."
"Why?" asked Will.
"She was engaged to the Prince of an allied clan. Like ours, they where enemies of Jorn and his clansmen. Jorn being the power mongering demon he is decided to shake the foundations of both, by killing her and challenging the clans. Alexander, her fiancé, charged his clan into one of the main meeting places on rumor they where meeting while our clan waited around the outside for them to try and escape.
"To the Surprise of everyone, his clan had abandoned the area and left no trace, but made the presence of them staying there known to the CEB who launched an attack not long after they invaded. His entire clan was wiped out, and we rushed to the aid only to lose 1/4th the size of what our clan had. We've always been allied with the Vocalites and Were Wolfs, but the fact is we're still wounded by that attack and we're still lower in numbers, hence why we're using them for aid right now."
"So for 2 years now you've had to deal with the fact that man who killed her is still mocking you…that is pretty harsh." Will said, seeing he might have pushed things.
Kirjava looked between the 2 of them and asked "Gavin said Jorn and his clan was one of the most powerful Vampire clans today...right?"
Shane nodded and said "Yes, the reason your here tonight is because Grandfather saw and opening and used it to take him out, not try and kill him. Instead he got out and took you guys away. Jorn's clan is known for being cocky in battle, which can give some the advantage to win, but if they lose that cockiness, they are as dangerous as there reputation."
"Then the chances of either of you winning are slim to none, no matter who's the best fencer."
"You're most likely right, but that still won't stop me."
"Then…why don't you instead of fighting against each other, fight side by side against him?"
Both Will and Shane shot awkward looks at her. She then added "Think about it, you're both handy with a sword, and it doesn’t matter whose better, your combined skill would make a challenge for him, plus you could both settle your debts."
For a few seconds, neither said anything, until Shane said "You do have a point…but that might not still be enough."
Will looked back, and Shane continued "For a human to kill a Vampire in any form other then massive warfare battles is often respected upon, but for them to kill a Clan Prince is such a rare thing that its given the greatest honor. Grandfather has counted 6 people in the last 200 years that has killed a Clan Prince, it's that rare."
Before either of them could continue, one of the clansmen came walking in and said "Dinner will be in 15 minutes, we have some cloths for Mr. Parry, we just need to know your sizes."
Will looked over and said "Alright, I wear a Medium Shirt and pants and I wear a size 12 Shoe."
The man nodded and turned to leave. Will then looked over at Shane and said "Seems we better talk about this another time. But lets just be honest, I don't like you and you don't like me, but we're stuck in this…so maybe we should try to get along to make things easier."
With a deep sigh, Shane said "Fine…for Grandfather's sake."
In the dinning room, Gavin, Shane, Will, Kirjava and Mary all sat the food plates for Turkey and Soup empty before them. The meal was a good one, filling all of them just enough to make the full in a feel good way. Will and Mary had on some of the clothing they offered, a little fancy, but also durable that wouldn't get them in trouble incase of emergency.
After sipping another glass of wine, Mary asked "So why it is that the Vampires know about the Land of the Dead?"
Gavin chuckled as he leaned forward, saying "When I find out I'll tell you."
"That's interesting, you know about it but don't know you know about it…" Kirjava said.
Shrugging, he responded "The same could be said about the Sphinx in Egypt, Stone Hedge, we know about them, the only knowledge we lack is the origin and reason."
"So knowing this…what exactly is the Vampires philosophy on life knowing that about what was to come?" asked Will.
"Honestly…we pretty much had the view of live life to the fullest and for you only, since we all had the same outcome. Many humans who fallowed us in the truth often envied us, since we have more time to enjoy what life has before the inevitable life we are forced to endure the rest of eternity."
"So does the knowledge of what happened 6 years ago affect things now?"
"Now that is the true question." Gavin said, his tone showing that he didn't know the answers. "We've already contacted our allied clans, we've told them news of Jorn, brief summery of your story and that your targets of the CEB, by Noon tomorrow, every clan in the world will know that-"
His voice suddenly stopped as the sound from the outside was heard. At first, it was the single howl of a Wolf, not far from the mansion itself. Then seconds latter, more Wolf calls arose.
"What is it?" asked Mary.
"Helanie's Were Wolfs." Shane said, also in alert. "Since this house is in the woods, they're patrolling in the trees around us; the howling is an alarm warning of sorts."
"Warning of what?" asked Kirjava.
Gavin was about to respond, but looked over as a clansmen came running into the room, his face a look of serious concern. "Sir…" he said, close to shouting "you'd better come to the Security room, you need to see this."
Instantly, everyone got up and hurried for the door, Gavin and Shane leading the rest. They turned and walked down the hall and turned into another. At the 3rd door down, open, they walked into a dark room with a large wall of TV monitors from the rooftop, roadways and forest trails.
Sitting down, the man quickly hit a button to show closer on a TV from the east side of the building. Gavin got close to look, then his mouth dropped in shock. On the TV screen were 5 Military Choppers where flying over the forest and heading strait for them.
"How long?" he asked instantly.
"Best estimate…22 Minutes. But there's something else."
Hitting another button, another TV screen showed 6 cars driving down the main road for the mansion. Looking down, the man added "The weight scale on the road shows that each car must have at least 6 occupants, most likely more and possibly with a ton of equipment, weapons most likely."
Slowly, Gavin looked back at Shane, who was standing next to Will and Mary, Kirjava at there feet. "Well, Grandson…I think we're going have our war."
To Be Continued…
- Aurone
- Gallivespian Spy
- Posts: 299
- Joined: Wed Mar 14, 2007 1:21 am
I've not really read the other parts in much detail, but I just want to let you know that you've rushed that part out much too fast - it's full of spelling errors (which I shall list some examples of in a minute) and poor phrasing, punctuation and grammar. If you're going to continue on with the story I'd seriously suggest getting a friend to proofread it thoroughly before you post more sections.
Ok, here goes:
where -> were and vice versa is a frequent error, the worst example of this would be "were where we", but I'd estimate that about 50% of the time that you've used where or were you've used the wrong one.
patients -> patience. Patients are what doctors have. Patience is what I must have far too much of, to be typing this out
strait -> straight. One is a narrow passage of water connecting two large areas of water, or a position of difficulty or distress, and the other is the type used when talking about a straight line
quit -> quite. A fairly obvious one.
weather -> whether. One is talking about the sun, rain, whatever. The other is used when you are wondering 'whether' something is right.
fallows -> follows. One is uncultivated land, the other is to 'follow' a person or similar.
who's -> whose. Who's essentially means 'who is'. Whose is what you wanted in this one (I think it was one, anyway) instance.
"listen you 2" -> "listen you two". The use of numbers unless necessary (like a phone number or something) doesn't make for particularly good writing. There's a fair few instances of this you need to look at.
There's a number of other things as well, but it's more down to the bad phrasing and grammar of certain parts (such as "when we got back to the house, it was cleaned up of the killed men"), and while I have nothing better to do than correct the errors above, I'm not going so far as to rewrite whole sentences for you, that should be up to you.
Ok, here goes:
where -> were and vice versa is a frequent error, the worst example of this would be "were where we", but I'd estimate that about 50% of the time that you've used where or were you've used the wrong one.
patients -> patience. Patients are what doctors have. Patience is what I must have far too much of, to be typing this out

strait -> straight. One is a narrow passage of water connecting two large areas of water, or a position of difficulty or distress, and the other is the type used when talking about a straight line
quit -> quite. A fairly obvious one.
weather -> whether. One is talking about the sun, rain, whatever. The other is used when you are wondering 'whether' something is right.
fallows -> follows. One is uncultivated land, the other is to 'follow' a person or similar.
who's -> whose. Who's essentially means 'who is'. Whose is what you wanted in this one (I think it was one, anyway) instance.
"listen you 2" -> "listen you two". The use of numbers unless necessary (like a phone number or something) doesn't make for particularly good writing. There's a fair few instances of this you need to look at.
There's a number of other things as well, but it's more down to the bad phrasing and grammar of certain parts (such as "when we got back to the house, it was cleaned up of the killed men"), and while I have nothing better to do than correct the errors above, I'm not going so far as to rewrite whole sentences for you, that should be up to you.
Genius is always allowed some leeway, after the hammer has been prised from its hands and the blood has been cleaned up - Thief Of Time.
There may, as the philosopher says, be no spoon, although this begs the question of why there is the idea of soup. - Thief Of Time
*Divide By Cucumber Error - Please Re-install Universe And Reboot* - Hogfather
To travel between universes would require an extremely subtle knife, or a cunning spoon - Callum



There may, as the philosopher says, be no spoon, although this begs the question of why there is the idea of soup. - Thief Of Time
*Divide By Cucumber Error - Please Re-install Universe And Reboot* - Hogfather
To travel between universes would require an extremely subtle knife, or a cunning spoon - Callum

















Cookiemonster - Sweet and Delicious
- Posts: 5412
- Joined: Wed Jan 14, 2004 3:16 pm
- Location: On a fluffy pink happy-cloud, in Exmouth
Ele's absolutely right, Aurone. You need a beta reader. Oh, and:
OK, so you've decided to write an HDM fanfic. It's going to be exciting and original, especially that amazing climax in which two opposing fleets of Zeppelins do battle over the plains of the Republic of Texas. Gosh and golly! You just can't wait to get those words down! But hang on a minute...
I recently heard the BBC producer John Tusa talking on the wireless about his new book On Creativity in which he asked a number of well-known poets, musicians, writers and composers about what makes them tick as creative artists. One thing that stuck me very forcibly was that he said that every person he spoke to preferred to emphasise the hard work and craft of what he or she did, rather than the inspiration which produced his or her ideas. Or, to put it another way:
Genius has an infinite capacity for taking pains
Writing HDM fanfic is no different from writing stories based on Lord of the Rings or the Adventures of Noddy. It’s different from writing original fiction in that you can skip a lot of the background set-up work that you would have to do if you were creating an entirely new set of characters, story and background. So "Mary Malone" will do, rather than "Mary Malone, the dark-haired physicist and lapsed nun in her mid-thirties". So far, so good. A certain amount of the writer’s burden has been lifted from your shoulders. You can concentrate on building your own original characters and story, knowing that your readers are already on the same wavelength as you are. But it’s still down to you to tell your story in a way that makes it as easy as possible for your readers to appreciate it. That means making sure that your writing style is as transparent and communicative as you can make it and also that it is free from static and snow.
Let me explain. You’re listening to the radio – the DJ is playing a tune you really like, but there’s continual crackling and buzzing on the sound. Or you’re watching The Golden Compass on TV, but the signal is poor and the picture is blurry and snowy. The tune’s great, the movie’s great, but it’s no fun. You can’t enjoy it, because the interference keeps getting in the way.
That’s how it is when a good story is marred by typos, grammatical errors and poor layout.
Layout first. I just read an HDM fic. It was about eight hundred words long. That’s about a page and a half of typed-up text on paper. And it was all in a single paragraph. It probably wasn’t a bad story, but I never got far enough into it to find out. You can avoid this mistake if you remember that screen real estate is free. No trees have to die. Leave lots of white space. Follow the well-known rules for paragraphs and speech. That’s my first point. The second one is not to muck about with fonts. It’ll look messy; and worse; your reader might not have your favourite spiffy font installed on his or her computer. The result will not be what you want! Lastly, if you’re intending to post your story on be aware that they block the majority of HTML tags, to prevent people from doing things like posting a story that consists solely of links to other sites. It’s a good idea to use your word processor’s option to save your text in HTML format and to check the result against the list of legal tags. I know for a fact that this article would not be correctly laid out if it were to be posted to in its present form.
Next, grammar. I’m not going to lay down the law on this. There are plenty of grammar and style guides out there and people who’ll be happy to teach you. And another thing – there’s a long-established rule which say that whenever one person pontificates in public on the subject of grammar, another person will spot those very same errors in the first person’s writing! All the same, here are a few of my least favourite things:
It’s and its. Please get this right! "It’s" = "it is". "Its" = "belonging to it". Yes, I know it’s inconsistent. While we’re at it; please no apostrophes in plurals. "Cars" = "more than one car". "Car’s" = "belonging to a car" or "car is".
Capitals after speech. "‘Pass me the biscuits please,’ said Will." Not "‘Pass me the biscuits please.’ Said Will." But this is correct: "‘Pass me the biscuits.’ Will was feeling hungry."
Dodgy antecedents. I’m always doing this one. Make sure that when you use a pronoun such is "him" or "her" it’s clear to whom it refers. "Lee looked at Will. Suddenly he was feeling very angry." Was it Lee or Will who was cross? If it’s not obvious whom you mean, consider reshaping your text so that it is. "Looking at Will, Lee was suddenly very angry." (Will had taken all the biscuits and Lee was starving).
Sentences strung out with commas. "Will was feeling hungry, he wanted some biscuits, he went to the kitchen and opened the cupboard, it was empty." A comma is a place to draw breath, not a means of concatenating sentences. In the example above there are at least two and maybe three sentences. Try: "Will was feeling hungry. He wanted some biscuits, so he went to the kitchen and opened the cupboard. It was empty."
That’s enough on grammar. Now for typos.
I can’t type for toffee. Like Pooh’s spelling, my typing is good, but it wobbles. The letters come out all over the place, spaces get mixed up with capitals, capital letters carry over into words. I’ll never make it as a concert pianist – my fingers don’t work right. So I do what I can, and let Word’s spell-checker spot my mistakes for me. The trouble is, spell-checkers are stupid. They can’t tell that you should have written "where" instead of "were" or "and" rather than "an". Once your spell-checker has done its stuff, you must go over your text again and check it by eye.
This leads me neatly on to the subject of proof-reading. I won’t reiterate what’s Anastacia’s already said in this column about beta readers. A good beta reader is pure gold. Sometimes, though, you can’t find one and you have to do the job for yourself. Here’s the best guiding principle I know:
Time is an excellent beta reader
It’s so tempting to put your epic up as soon as you’ve finished it. But don’t. Put it aside for a day. Look at it again. Ah… now you’ll see a few things that could be improved. Good, fix them. Now put it aside again. Go and do the things you put off doing while you were in the throes of writing your story. Pet the dog. Talk to your friends – they’ll appreciate it. If you can bear it, wait an entire week before going back to your story. I promise you that you’ll be astonished and quite possibly mortified by all the mistakes, inconsistencies, repetitions, homophones and other horrors you’ll find in it. You’ll have given yourself a chance to see the story as (almost) a new reader and now you’ll be in a much better position to change it from being merely good to great.
There’s another thing – paper is your friend. You can spend ages going through your story on the screen and you’ll find lots of things that can be improved. Great. But if you print your story out on paper and go over it with a highlighter and a pencil you’ll find lots more. It seems that every time you change your story’s format you see it anew.
One last hint: try reading your story out aloud. You may want to find a discreetly hidden place to do this J . It’s a superb test of how well your sentences flow and how good your dialogue is. If your prose stutters when you speak it, there’s something wrong. If your sentences go on so long that you lose track of what’s supposed to be going on, there’s something wrong. If your dialogue doesn’t sound like colloquial speech, there’s something wrong (unless your characters are speaking formally, of course).
To finish off with, one last rule to do with transparency and communication: KISS. Keep It Simple, Stupid. The next writer who offloads a sentence like this: "Stunned, awed and amazed by the radiant effulgence of her parents’ rapturous apotheosis, Lyra threw herself joyfully into Will’s ardent embrace." because they think it's Fine Writing will get a personal visit from Ceres Wunderkind and the Style Police. You won't enjoy it!
OK, so you've decided to write an HDM fanfic. It's going to be exciting and original, especially that amazing climax in which two opposing fleets of Zeppelins do battle over the plains of the Republic of Texas. Gosh and golly! You just can't wait to get those words down! But hang on a minute...
I recently heard the BBC producer John Tusa talking on the wireless about his new book On Creativity in which he asked a number of well-known poets, musicians, writers and composers about what makes them tick as creative artists. One thing that stuck me very forcibly was that he said that every person he spoke to preferred to emphasise the hard work and craft of what he or she did, rather than the inspiration which produced his or her ideas. Or, to put it another way:
Genius has an infinite capacity for taking pains
Writing HDM fanfic is no different from writing stories based on Lord of the Rings or the Adventures of Noddy. It’s different from writing original fiction in that you can skip a lot of the background set-up work that you would have to do if you were creating an entirely new set of characters, story and background. So "Mary Malone" will do, rather than "Mary Malone, the dark-haired physicist and lapsed nun in her mid-thirties". So far, so good. A certain amount of the writer’s burden has been lifted from your shoulders. You can concentrate on building your own original characters and story, knowing that your readers are already on the same wavelength as you are. But it’s still down to you to tell your story in a way that makes it as easy as possible for your readers to appreciate it. That means making sure that your writing style is as transparent and communicative as you can make it and also that it is free from static and snow.
Let me explain. You’re listening to the radio – the DJ is playing a tune you really like, but there’s continual crackling and buzzing on the sound. Or you’re watching The Golden Compass on TV, but the signal is poor and the picture is blurry and snowy. The tune’s great, the movie’s great, but it’s no fun. You can’t enjoy it, because the interference keeps getting in the way.
That’s how it is when a good story is marred by typos, grammatical errors and poor layout.
Layout first. I just read an HDM fic. It was about eight hundred words long. That’s about a page and a half of typed-up text on paper. And it was all in a single paragraph. It probably wasn’t a bad story, but I never got far enough into it to find out. You can avoid this mistake if you remember that screen real estate is free. No trees have to die. Leave lots of white space. Follow the well-known rules for paragraphs and speech. That’s my first point. The second one is not to muck about with fonts. It’ll look messy; and worse; your reader might not have your favourite spiffy font installed on his or her computer. The result will not be what you want! Lastly, if you’re intending to post your story on be aware that they block the majority of HTML tags, to prevent people from doing things like posting a story that consists solely of links to other sites. It’s a good idea to use your word processor’s option to save your text in HTML format and to check the result against the list of legal tags. I know for a fact that this article would not be correctly laid out if it were to be posted to in its present form.
Next, grammar. I’m not going to lay down the law on this. There are plenty of grammar and style guides out there and people who’ll be happy to teach you. And another thing – there’s a long-established rule which say that whenever one person pontificates in public on the subject of grammar, another person will spot those very same errors in the first person’s writing! All the same, here are a few of my least favourite things:
It’s and its. Please get this right! "It’s" = "it is". "Its" = "belonging to it". Yes, I know it’s inconsistent. While we’re at it; please no apostrophes in plurals. "Cars" = "more than one car". "Car’s" = "belonging to a car" or "car is".
Capitals after speech. "‘Pass me the biscuits please,’ said Will." Not "‘Pass me the biscuits please.’ Said Will." But this is correct: "‘Pass me the biscuits.’ Will was feeling hungry."
Dodgy antecedents. I’m always doing this one. Make sure that when you use a pronoun such is "him" or "her" it’s clear to whom it refers. "Lee looked at Will. Suddenly he was feeling very angry." Was it Lee or Will who was cross? If it’s not obvious whom you mean, consider reshaping your text so that it is. "Looking at Will, Lee was suddenly very angry." (Will had taken all the biscuits and Lee was starving).
Sentences strung out with commas. "Will was feeling hungry, he wanted some biscuits, he went to the kitchen and opened the cupboard, it was empty." A comma is a place to draw breath, not a means of concatenating sentences. In the example above there are at least two and maybe three sentences. Try: "Will was feeling hungry. He wanted some biscuits, so he went to the kitchen and opened the cupboard. It was empty."
That’s enough on grammar. Now for typos.
I can’t type for toffee. Like Pooh’s spelling, my typing is good, but it wobbles. The letters come out all over the place, spaces get mixed up with capitals, capital letters carry over into words. I’ll never make it as a concert pianist – my fingers don’t work right. So I do what I can, and let Word’s spell-checker spot my mistakes for me. The trouble is, spell-checkers are stupid. They can’t tell that you should have written "where" instead of "were" or "and" rather than "an". Once your spell-checker has done its stuff, you must go over your text again and check it by eye.
This leads me neatly on to the subject of proof-reading. I won’t reiterate what’s Anastacia’s already said in this column about beta readers. A good beta reader is pure gold. Sometimes, though, you can’t find one and you have to do the job for yourself. Here’s the best guiding principle I know:
Time is an excellent beta reader
It’s so tempting to put your epic up as soon as you’ve finished it. But don’t. Put it aside for a day. Look at it again. Ah… now you’ll see a few things that could be improved. Good, fix them. Now put it aside again. Go and do the things you put off doing while you were in the throes of writing your story. Pet the dog. Talk to your friends – they’ll appreciate it. If you can bear it, wait an entire week before going back to your story. I promise you that you’ll be astonished and quite possibly mortified by all the mistakes, inconsistencies, repetitions, homophones and other horrors you’ll find in it. You’ll have given yourself a chance to see the story as (almost) a new reader and now you’ll be in a much better position to change it from being merely good to great.
There’s another thing – paper is your friend. You can spend ages going through your story on the screen and you’ll find lots of things that can be improved. Great. But if you print your story out on paper and go over it with a highlighter and a pencil you’ll find lots more. It seems that every time you change your story’s format you see it anew.
One last hint: try reading your story out aloud. You may want to find a discreetly hidden place to do this J . It’s a superb test of how well your sentences flow and how good your dialogue is. If your prose stutters when you speak it, there’s something wrong. If your sentences go on so long that you lose track of what’s supposed to be going on, there’s something wrong. If your dialogue doesn’t sound like colloquial speech, there’s something wrong (unless your characters are speaking formally, of course).
To finish off with, one last rule to do with transparency and communication: KISS. Keep It Simple, Stupid. The next writer who offloads a sentence like this: "Stunned, awed and amazed by the radiant effulgence of her parents’ rapturous apotheosis, Lyra threw herself joyfully into Will’s ardent embrace." because they think it's Fine Writing will get a personal visit from Ceres Wunderkind and the Style Police. You won't enjoy it!
Peter - Not an endangered species
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shankerman - Grazer
- Posts: 27
- Joined: Sat Jun 23, 2007 10:21 pm
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Nah, it's alright shankerman. They're right, I havn't exactly had writting training anyways. Honestly, I might hold off on writting since if I get a job soon, I might just try and apply at the local College for a writting class next semester, manly since I actully have orrigenal fics that I would have more luck with, I could make a living if I could get some orrigenal fics on paper and out, this I just do for fun.
- Aurone
- Gallivespian Spy
- Posts: 299
- Joined: Wed Mar 14, 2007 1:21 am
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