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Mass Effect 2 thread of Shepard and his elevator alien love

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Re: Mass Effect 2 thread of Shepard and his elevator alien l

Postby Darragh » Sat Sep 10, 2011 12:14 am

I take it the guy on the right is the proverbial elephant at the dinner table.
Yep. "We need a guy who will appeal to the Gears of War crowd, that's where the real money is. Oh and by the way you guy's think you could dumb down the gameplay a bit more and add some kick ass QTE's. QTE's are really hot right now."*

*I have not actually seen any gameplay details beyond the E3 demo but this is the next logical step. Still I will be there day 1.
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Re: Mass Effect 2 thread of Shepard and his elevator alien l

Postby Mr Anderson » Mon Sep 12, 2011 5:37 pm

Press X to not die?

I am disappointed we are not getting to see female Salarians, Turians, Batarians and Drellians. Likely they have been sidelined for more humanoid jumpsuits and tits.
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