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Blogging The View - a Literature Blog

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Blogging The View - a Literature Blog

Postby Multiverse » Sat Mar 26, 2011 8:18 pm

So, earlier this week I finally took action and started a blog. It´s a literary critique blog, and the concept goes as follows:

Each sunday, I´ll be posting reviews of two books. I choose one of these, and the other is voted for by my readers, who will each week be provided with five different titles to choose from.

On the sunday that is tomorrow, I´ll be writing two reviews, and as a small preview, I can reveal which title I´m going to choose for the first ever review on my site: His Dark Materials by Philip Pullman. That´s also why I´m posting it here, besides the fact that I think I share my literature taste with many internet-going Pullman readers.

EDIT: Heh, I forgot to post the link - sorry! Here it is: ;)

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